DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2024.18.01.13
Cómo citar:
Boiko, A., Shevtsova, N., Yashanov, S., Tymoshchuk, O., & Parzhnytskyi, V. (2024). The impact of the integration of artificial
intelligence on changes in the education process of Ukraine: prospects and challenges. Revista Eduweb, 18(1), 180-189.
The impact of the integration of artificial intelligence on
changes in the education process of Ukraine: prospects
and challenges
El impacto de la integración de la inteligencia artificial en los cambios
en el proceso educativo de Ucrania: perspectivas y desafíos
Anna Boiko
Institute of Problems on Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Nataliia Shevtsova
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine.
Serhii Yashanov
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Kyiv Ukraine.
Oleksandr Tymoshchuk
Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.
Viktor Parzhnytskyi
Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization”, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 02/12/23
Aceptado: 27/01/24
The purpose of the article is to analyse the status of artificial intelligence in the development of Ukrainian
education in the context of socio-cultural instability. The positioning of innovative elements of modern education
depends on the level of use of their potential by participants in the educational process. The research
methodology is focused on the analysis of scientific discourse and the use of synergistic approaches to assess
the scale and intensity of artificial intelligence in the Ukrainian educational space. The results of the study indicate
a reorientation of the status of artificial intelligence from an exclusive element of educational activity to the level
of an auxiliary component of the educational process. The demand for and feasibility of using artificial intelligence
in Ukrainian education are key concepts that require a thorough scientific study. Thus, artificial intelligence has
acquired the potential to transform the Ukrainian educational space.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, educational innovations, technologization, Ukrainian education, digitalization.
El objetivo del artículo es analizar el estado de la inteligencia artificial en el desarrollo de la educación ucraniana
Anna Boiko, Nataliia Shevtsova, Serhii Yashanov, Oleksandr Tymoshchuk, Viktor Parzhnytskyi
The impact of the integration of artificial intelligence on changes in the education
process of Ukraine: prospects and challenges. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
en el contexto de la inestabilidad sociocultural. El posicionamiento de los elementos innovadores de la educación
moderna depende del nivel de uso de su potencial por parte de los participantes en el proceso educativo. La
metodología de investigación se centra en el análisis del discurso científico y el uso de enfoques sinérgicos para
evaluar la escala y la intensidad de la inteligencia artificial en el espacio educativo ucraniano. Los resultados del
estudio indican una reorientación del estatus de la inteligencia artificial desde un elemento exclusivo de la
actividad educativa al nivel de un componente auxiliar del proceso educativo. La demanda y la viabilidad del uso
de la inteligencia artificial en la educación ucraniana son conceptos clave que requieren un estudio científico
exhaustivo. Así, la inteligencia artificial ha adquirido el potencial de transformar el espacio educativo ucraniano.
Palabras clave: inteligencia artificial, innovaciones educativas, tecnificación, educación ucraniana,
1. Introduction
Education in Ukraine is currently undergoing a double transformation. Firstly, the educational system is
changing its internal foundations both in terms of function and purpose. Secondly, education is being
strongly influenced by external factors (pandemic, war, economic turmoil). Under such conditions, the
education sector needs progress drivers that can demonstrate high efficiency in a short time and ensure
the sustainable development of the education system in difficult times. Usually, such a factor was human
potential, when the efforts (quantitative or qualitative) of the participants in the educational process helped
to balance the development of education. However, the current realities in Ukraine, associated with the
massive migration outflow of teachers and students, highlight the need for other mechanisms. This
potential is undoubtedly possessed by innovative information and digital technologies that can provide
organisational, pedagogical, educational, methodological, scientific, and cognitive clusters of educational
activity. Artificial intelligence is one of the tools of an innovative format that will ensure educational
development in the difficult conditions of Ukrainian realities.
Digitalisation, having demonstrated its effectiveness in other areas of social and domestic activity, is
gradually being integrated into the educational space (Nehrey et al., 2020). At the international level,
scenarios for human-artificial intelligence interaction in the educational environment are currently being
developed (Zinchenko et al., 2021). These strategies are based on the paradigm of sustainable educational
development. The Ukrainian experience is unique, as it allows us to analyse the activity of artificial
intelligence in education in times of instability and crisis.
The educational system in Ukraine is evolving in a dynamic socio-cultural environment. The COVID-19
pandemic, full-scale hostilities on the territory of Ukraine - these events have led to dramatic
transformations in the design of education. First of all, the format of the educational process has changed,
moving from traditional academic dimensions to the online space. Under such conditions, the need to use
information and digital technologies to create an alternative learning environment has become more urgent.
At the same time, innovative design using such elements as artificial intelligence also shapes the new
content of education. That is, artificial intelligence, designed to improve the educational process, transforms
it, which is a cause for concern among the scientific community. For Ukrainian education, which has suffered
the devastating impact of socio-cultural force majeure factors, artificial intelligence can be a lifeline (in the
context of learning organisation and design). However, artificial intelligence may cause a larger (semantic)
destruction of the purpose of education.
The spread of artificial intelligence in educational activities has become an urgent issue in the modern
scientific and pedagogical discourse. The use of artificial intelligence in the Ukrainian education system has
not yet become widespread, but the first attempts to adapt innovative digital technologies to educational
activities have been made, and their results require a thorough analysis, given the socio-cultural realities
in which they were carried out. Artificial intelligence is intended to become a driving force for Ukraine's
socio-economic recovery.
The purpose of the research is to
analyse the potential of artificial intelligence in the context of sustainable
educational development and in the context of the instability of the educational system. The objectives of
the article are to identify scenarios for the introduction of artificial intelligence in Ukrainian education in the
short and long term.
2. Literature review
The scientific and educational discourse on the innovativeness of the educational process is developing
rapidly, adding more and more new elements of educational activity. The artificial element has become one
of the key factors in the use of technological and digital arsenal in the educational system. The intensity of
the introduction of artificial intelligence in educational activities has raised many discussions about the
feasibility of using such a resource (Zinchenko et al., 2021). Scientists are raising the issue of both the
organisational and technological nature of the functioning of artificial intelligence in education (Mintii et al.,
2021) and the humanitarian and ideological aspects of its use (Yakovleva et al., 2021). In general, artificial
intelligence is gradually gaining ground in national educational systems, forming a unique innovative design
of the learning environment (Krasheninnik et al., 2022).
The current study's literature review focuses on analyzing the works of Ukrainian scientists and educators
who work directly with artificial intelligence tools in the educational process. This is how we form a vision
of the practical results of applying innovative technologies in education. Among the key issues being studied
in the segment of artificial intelligence in Ukrainian education are the following:
training of pedagogical specialists (digital literacy) in the context of the development of digitalisation
of education (Byrko et al., 2022);
the role of artificial intelligence in enhancing the cognitive activity of students (Kharkivska et al., 2022);
interdisciplinary principles of artificial intelligence in education and science (Tsekhmister, Chalyi &
Chalyy, 2009);
the communicative potential of artificial intelligence in the interaction of participants in the educational
process (Kulichenko & Polyezhayev, 2020);
standardisation and quality of education under the control of artificial intelligence parameters
(Tsekhmister, Konovalova & Tsekhmister, 2022);
creative aspects of using innovative technologies (Dobrolyubska et al., 2024);
artificial intelligence as a factor in the formation of professional competences (Tsekhmister et al., 2022).
“The use of e-technologies in education is no longer an innovation, but becomes a vital necessity for the
functioning of the educational system and the activities of educational institutions” (Sych, Khrykov &
Ptakhina, 2021). Such positioning of artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies in Ukrainian
education is fully consistent with the socio-cultural challenges faced by participants in the educational
process. The use of artificial intelligence tools in the scientific and educational spheres will facilitate the
introduction of innovations and inventions that will accelerate the modernisation of the national economy
(Dovgyi et al., 2020).
The use of such a topical phenomenon as artificial intelligence has practical application specifics and is
positioned in the global educational dimension (Kornytska et al., 2023) and in the national context of
educational development (Nehrey et al., 2020).
The dichotomy in the use of artificial intelligence in the education system is relevant in the context of the
balance of academicism (Bobrytska et al., 2020) and creative innovation (Kyrychenko, 2020). Hanaba,
Anna Boiko, Nataliia Shevtsova, Serhii Yashanov, Oleksandr Tymoshchuk, Viktor Parzhnytskyi
The impact of the integration of artificial intelligence on changes in the education
process of Ukraine: prospects and challenges. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Mysechko & Bloshchynskyi (2020) propose a synergistic approach to addressing the proportionality of
tradition and innovation by directing the potential of artificial intelligence to interact with classical teaching
and learning elements.
3. Methodology
The study of innovative elements in an educational system under the influence of force majeure involves
the use of different methodological approaches. The current study focuses on the synergistic approach,
which aims to unify the existing results of the introduction of artificial intelligence in scientific works and
identify the features of the functioning of artificial intelligence in the educational process.
The article offers a qualitative review study with an analysis of scientific literature on the problem of the
status of artificial intelligence in Ukrainian education. The scientometric databases of Google Scholar,
Springer, Taylor & Francis, and ResearchGate were used to search for scientific research. The keywords
that were relevant in the selection of scientific sources were: artificial intelligence, Ukrainian education,
innovative development. In developed countries, the active introduction of artificial intelligence resources
in education has been taking place over the past few years, while in Ukraine this process has been
actualised even later. Therefore, the literature analysis is based on studies of recent years, some of which
only identified the prospects for implementation and potential applicability in Ukrainian education, but did
not describe the results of use.
The combination of general scientific (analysis, systematisation), scientific and pedagogical (pedagogical
observation, pedagogical generalisation), and philosophical and scientific methods (synergistic approaches)
helps to achieve the goals of scientific research. The use of synergistic methodological principles has made
it possible to reconcile the positions of traditional education with innovative contexts, one of which is
artificial intelligence. The methodological focus on interaction rather than confrontation provides a holistic
characterisation of the phenomenon of artificial intelligence in education and its prospects in this area.
The basis of the methodological study was a comparative analysis, which characterises the features of the
content and format of educational design that uses artificial intelligence. The methodological basis of the
research was an analysis of the literature that examines the conditions for integrating artificial intelligence
into the Ukrainian education system and the first results of the introduction of artificial intelligence in
Ukrainian education.
Special scientific and pedagogical methods are based on the results of pedagogical activity that captures
trends in educational development caused by the use of artificial intelligence. Pedagogical observation and
generalisation make it possible to analyse such elements of artificial intelligence in education as the scale
of use, the intensity of involvement, effectiveness, etc.
4. Results and discussion
Under any circumstances, education responds to global civilisational features of development (Kornytska
et al., 2023). The processes that are characteristic of modern society require tools for working with
information, technology, and digital elements. Artificial intelligence skilfully combines all innovative
characteristics. For Ukraine, in its current civilisational position, it is of existential importance to become a
country that is able to attract advanced innovative resources in all spheres of public life. Education is one
of the key markers of a community's readiness for transformation and engagement in the sustainable
development paradigm. Therefore, the use of artificial intelligence is inevitable in educational activities. The
sooner the emphasis is placed on the positive and negative aspects of artificial intelligence in education,
the sooner the integration of Ukrainian education and public life in general into the highly developed
Western model of civilisational progress will take place.
Artificial intelligence has become a hot topic in the educational environment, as its potential is gradually
filling the educational activity of all its participants (teachers, students, administration, stakeholders). When
the problem is concentrated in the context of Ukrainian education, which has been subjected to negative
external influences, artificial intelligence is of great interest to researchers in terms of the level of
vulnerability of the educational environment. On the one hand, researchers are aware that innovative
elements such as artificial intelligence are vital for the functioning of the educational system in Ukraine as
a whole. On the other hand, even in sustainable social organisations that are guided by the principles of
sustainable development, artificial intelligence poses obvious threats. When the use of such an ambiguous
element as artificial intelligence is applied in the unstable Ukrainian educational environment, the threats
increase significantly. Given the vulnerability of the educational system, artificial intelligence, whose
potential and impact (especially negative) are not studied and understood, can become a threat not only
in the human dimension (deterioration of the quality of the educational process for its participants) but also
in the existential dimension (loss of the purpose and value of the educational system).
Therefore, the Ukrainian educational space has become an interesting platform for researching scenarios
for the introduction of artificial intelligence in the educational system. It is proposed to consider the use of
artificial intelligence in key elements of educational activity in the context of sustainable development
(educational systems in developed countries) and in the context of the crisis impact of external factors
(Ukrainian educational space) (see Table 1).
Table 1.
Comparative analysis of the use of artificial intelligence in the educational paradigm of sustainable
development and in the crisis educational system
Education cluster
Education system
sustainable development
highly developed countries
The Ukrainian educational
system in constant change
Learning environment
Artificial intelligence performs a
heuristic function, providing a
strategy for progress and
Artificial intelligence is focused on
ensuring the stabilisation function of
education, accompanying learning
activities in difficult force majeure
Methodological arsenal
The methodological arsenal of
artificial intelligence is focused on
an innovative educational
ecosystem based on technology and
digital space
The methodological principles are
designed to ensure the functioning
of a practical innovative learning
Pedagogical excellence
Artificial intelligence and
pedagogical skills form a synergy to
create effective strategies for
educational development
Artificial intelligence is used in a
pragmatic context to meet the
current needs of the teacher in
supporting the digitalisation of the
educational process
The activity of the student
Artificial intelligence as a
manifestation of the educational
ecosystem determines the overall
strategy of the educational and
cognitive activity of the student
Artificial intelligence becomes a
source and translator of information
or conclusions on specific
educational issues
Source: authors' own development
Artificial intelligence is significantly changing the design of learning. The introduction of adaptive learning
principles is a direct consequence of the use of innovative technologies that use computer algorithms and
tools in a bulk process. It is noted that such an educational landscape is used differently for different
scientific models (Krasheninnik et al., 2022). While the use of computer algorithms is appropriate and
Anna Boiko, Nataliia Shevtsova, Serhii Yashanov, Oleksandr Tymoshchuk, Viktor Parzhnytskyi
The impact of the integration of artificial intelligence on changes in the education
process of Ukraine: prospects and challenges. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
effective for technical or natural sciences, this methodology is no longer in demand in the humanities or
creative sciences cluster.
Given the need to organise the educational process in Ukraine in an online and distance learning format
(Mintii et al., 2021), there is a growing need for tools that will help speed up the processing, analysis, and
dissemination of educational information (Kvitka et al., 2020).
One of the main achievements of artificial intelligence in education is to increase the level of personalisation
of education and opportunities for the development of an individual learning process (Yuskovych-Zhukovska
et al., 2022). In this aspect, artificial intelligence resources act as a kind of intermediary between the
teacher and the student to create a favourable individualised learning environment. The traditional format
of education does not allow for individualised learning due to a lack of time and opportunities, systematising
and unifying education standards for all. Artificial intelligence provides opportunities for autonomy in the
educational process, in which the role of the teacher is transformed into a coordinating activity.
Total digitalisation and the use of information technology tools such as artificial intelligence require an
appropriate level of digital literacy among participants in the educational process (Kraus et al., 2021).
Digitalisation in education is gradually turning from a popular trend into a familiar format of learning activity.
Information and digital competence is becoming a requirement for pedagogical professionals to achieve
better learning outcomes (Chernenko, 2021). Such realities require advanced training of teachers in the
possibility of professional activity in the digital space. For the Ukrainian educational environment, such
professional development is relevant, as it is implemented through self-organisation and does not require
significant organisational, logistical, and financial efforts. The process of using artificial intelligence does
not cause resistance or lack of skills to use this resource on the part of students. The functionality of
artificial intelligence allows for the rapid use of such tools as machine learning, deep learning, cloud
technologies, Data Science, Big Data, and neural networks (Valko et al., 2022).
The active use of information and technology potential carries certain risks for creative dimensions based
on concepts such as “talent”, “creativity”, etc. There are threats of artificial intelligence absorbing these
elements of human potential. At the same time, the creation and updating of educational content and the
use of technological learning methods are fully consistent with the principles of creative forms of
educational activity (Berbets et al., 2021). A solution to this contradiction is proposed by Bobrytska, Reva,
Protska, & Chkhalo (2020), who define artificial intelligence as a tool that will help students achieve
academic achievement.
Artificial intelligence in the educational paradigm is also used in the organisational and administrative
cluster. In particular, in the financial and business sectors (Osetskyi et al., 2021). Artificial intelligence in
education is making a real revolution in the organisational and administrative segment. Artificial intelligence
is becoming the basis for intelligent management in education (Karpenko et al., 2019). For Ukrainian
education during martial law and post-war reconstruction, this aspect will be especially relevant, as
migration processes will lead to the loss of intellectual resources. There will be a question of alternatives
and replacement of problematic areas of the educational sector. The speed of the recovery of Ukrainian
society will depend on how prompt and complete this replacement is. Therefore, a separate niche will be
created for artificial intelligence with clearly defined organisational and administrative issues in education.
Learning Management System using artificial intelligence plays a special role in the integration of
educational trends of today. Innovative technologies take into account the expectations of students
regardless of the country (Smyrnova-Trybulska et al., 2022). That is, if there is an effective educational
experience in a particular country, pupils or students from another country can use this experience in their
learning and acquisition of knowledge and skills with the help of artificial intelligence. A specific feature of
artificial intelligence is the interdisciplinary functionality of its resources. Artificial intelligence can translate
materials, adapt them for a specific consumer, concretise and abstract individual elements, etc.
Controversies over the use of artificial intelligence in the education system also arise in the legal field
(Stefanchuk et al., 2021). As Ukraine seeks to join the values of Western society, which primarily values
the rule of human rights and freedoms, all legal norms must be fully observed. The Legal Tech methodology
(Palkova & Agapova, 2021), which is designed to provide legal support for the use of artificial intelligence
in education, can serve as a model for harmonising technological and legal norms of artificial intelligence.
The scientific and pedagogical discourse has not yet been divided into the classic two camps of support
and opposition to the use of artificial intelligence in education, as the level of practical implementation of
artificial intelligence resources in Ukrainian education has not yet reached the appropriate scale. Therefore,
discussions about artificial intelligence are situational in nature as the level of application in certain
segments of educational activity increases. At the same time, if we consider the prospects of artificial
intelligence in the educational system, the potential consequences of this process are full of various
The current study analyses two strategies for positioning artificial intelligence in the Ukrainian educational
system. On the one hand, Kovaliuk & Kobets (2021) insist on the formation of an innovative educational
ecosystem in Ukrainian education that will regulate the standards for the use of artificial intelligence and
other technological and digital resources. A different opinion is held by (Skoromnyi et al., 2021), who
emphasise the need to preserve traditional educational design based on substantial experience and to use
innovative trends to strengthen the existing educational paradigm. A distinction should be made between
the concepts of “informatisation and technologisation of education” and “informatised and technologized
education” (Romanchenko et al., 2021). Kharlamova, Stavytskyy & Komendant (2022) provide additional
arguments for preserving the traditional format of educational activity, but with the active use of artificial
intelligence, noting that the Ukrainian education system is not ready in terms of material and technical
resources for a complete transition to an innovative format and the creation of a new digital ecosystem. In
general, artificial intelligence will be protected from being banned until the risks it poses become critical.
At the moment, the benefits of artificial intelligence resources are clearly greater than the real (not potential
or hypothetical) negative effects (Yakovleva et al., 2021).
The problem of using artificial intelligence resources in education is associated with a certain substitution
of concepts. Artificial intelligence is being actively implemented in everyday life and is gradually becoming
associated with a tool for improving and optimising life. However, educational goals are not limited to
indicators of usefulness or convenience, having much broader target characteristics. Therefore, the
integration of artificial intelligence into the educational sphere cannot be implemented according to the
principles of its integration into the socio-cultural everyday space. However, the use of artificial intelligence
has certain specific educational goals that focus on improving the processing of educational information,
the accuracy of answers, and the visualisation of learning (Fiialka et al., 2023). In particular, Kovalchuk,
Maslich & Movchan (2023) suggest that artificial intelligence should be considered solely as a tool for
improving professionalism through digital literacy. For Ukrainian education, these characteristics are
important in the short term, as post-war reconstruction will require quick and effective solutions.
The results of the current study correlate with the statement that the national education system (when
considered in an autonomous dimension with the actualisation of exclusively internal potential) can be
competitive only if the human and technological potential is synergised (Hanaba et al., 2020). If we consider
the benefits of artificial intelligence exclusively through the prism of the educational sector, it is obvious
that Ukrainian education has acquired the principles of flexibility (Barvinok & Pudło, 2023) and mobility,
which is the best response to the challenges of the times. Only the integration of the efforts of the
educational community, government institutions, and civil society (Kovaliuk & Kobets, 2020) will create an
environment in which artificial intelligence will have positive dimensions and development prospects in the
education system. As the practice of using artificial intelligence in other areas of social activity (engineering,
financial sector, medicine) shows, its effectiveness is possible only when using interdisciplinary approaches.
Anna Boiko, Nataliia Shevtsova, Serhii Yashanov, Oleksandr Tymoshchuk, Viktor Parzhnytskyi
The impact of the integration of artificial intelligence on changes in the education
process of Ukraine: prospects and challenges. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
It is inappropriate to apply consumer practice of everyday use of artificial intelligence in education, as this
format does not ensure the achievement of educational goals.
5. Conclusion
Thus, artificial intelligence has become a relevant tool in the Ukrainian educational system and requires an
analysis of its current status and forecasting of its future application. In short-term educational strategies,
artificial intelligence performs a practice-oriented operational function of supporting the educational process
and preventing the loss of the principle of continuity and accessibility of education. For the long-term
perspective, there is a need for a more holistic description of the use of artificial intelligence in Ukrainian
education. Given that Ukraine continues to actively integrate into the principles of sustainable educational
development, which is typical for Western societies, the correlation of norms for the use of artificial
intelligence resources must meet all the requirements of a developed democratic society. This means that
artificial intelligence will perform pragmatic functions in education to ensure a high level of quality and will
comply with the norms of civil society (without violating the legal and moral and ethical principles of
educational development). Therefore, it is important for Ukrainian education to maintain the dynamics of
practical implementation of innovative elements and plan strategies to reconcile the principles of artificial
intelligence with the fundamental principles of the purpose of education.
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