DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2024.18.01.14
Cómo citar:
Myroshnychenko, V., Kamensky, D., Lysenko, T., Makarenko, T., & Petiahina, I. (2024). “Defense of Ukraine” degree program for
future school teachers: a new element of ukrainian higher education. Revista Eduweb, 18(1), 190-203.
“Defense of Ukraine” degree program for future school
teachers: a new element of ukrainian higher education
Programa de grado “defensa de Ucrania” para futuros docentes escolares: un
nuevo elemento de la educación superior ucraniana
Volodymyr Myroshnychenko
WoS Researcher ID: GZM-0955-2022
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Law of
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine.
Dmitriy Kamensky
WoS Researcher ID: AAQ-4357-2021
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Legal Courses Department of Berdyansk State
Pedagogical University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine.
Tetyana Lysenko
WoS Researcher ID: JRW-2514-2023
PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Law of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University,
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Tamara Makarenko
WoS Researcher ID: ABF-8784-2021
Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Economics at Berdyansk State Pedagogical
University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Iryna Petiahina
WoS Researcher ID: KEI-3204-2024
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Law at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University
(Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine).
Recibido: 02/12/23
Aceptado: 27/01/24
The article examines various aspects of professional training of future teachers of the “Defense of Ukraine”
course for effective legal education among students. The key aspects in this process are the formation of
practical skills, legal culture, socio-psychological and methodological readiness of teachers. Emphasis is
placed on the use of modern technologies and interactive methods in pedagogical universities to develop
Volodymyr Myroshnychenko, Dmitriy Kamensky, Tetyana Lysenko, Tamara Makarenko, Iryna Petiahina
“Defense of Ukraine” degree program for future school teachers: a new element of
ukrainian higher education. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /190-203
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
legal thinking and patriotic values. Several theoretical methods have been used in the course of research.
In particular, the article extensivеly refers to empirical research methods, such as observation, comparison,
and monitoring. Modern challenges in the field of national security of Ukraine require active participation
of teachers in the formation of legal awareness of students. It is emphasised that successful teacher training
requires not only knowledge of law, but also taking into account of individual characteristics and application
of innovative pedagogical approaches. In general, the article points out the importance of providing
teachers with the necessary competencies to educate Ukrainian citizens who consciously observe their
duties and execrise their rights (freedoms).
Keywords: professional training, teachers, defense of Ukraine, legal education, legal culture, pedagogical
El artículo examina varios aspectos de la formación profesional de los futuros profesores del curso “Defensa
de Ucrania” para una educación jurídica eficaz entre los estudiantes. Los aspectos clave en este proceso
son la formación de habilidades prácticas, cultura jurídica, preparación sociopsicológica y metodológica de
los docentes. Se hace hincapié en el uso de tecnologías modernas y métodos interactivos en las
universidades pedagógicas para desarrollar el pensamiento jurídico y los valores patrióticos. En el curso de
la investigación se han utilizado varios métodos teóricos. En particular, el artículo se refiere ampliamente a
métodos de investigación empíricos, como la observación, la comparación y el seguimiento. Los desafíos
modernos en el campo de la seguridad nacional de Ucrania requieren la participación activa de los
profesores en la formación de la conciencia jurídica de los estudiantes. Se destaca que una formación
docente exitosa requiere no sólo conocimientos de derecho, sino también tener en cuenta las características
individuales y la aplicación de enfoques pedagógicos innovadores. En general, el artículo señala la
importancia de dotar a los profesores de las competencias necesarias para educar a los ciudadanos
ucranianos que cumplan conscientemente con sus deberes y ejerzan sus derechos (libertades).
Palabras clave: formación profesional, docentes, defensa de Ucrania, educación jurídica, cultura jurídica,
tecnologías pedagógicas.
1. Introduction
National security has always been one of the key issues in the development of a nation, society. A social
group which is not able to ensure its own national security is always on the verge of existential risks.
In the current context of changes in the geopolitical environment associated with the Russia’s large-scale
war against Ukraine, the emphasis on national security and defense of Ukraine makes the issue of
comprehensive training of teachers of the course “Defense of Ukraine” ever more relevant. The academic
attention to this issue is explained by the need to create a high level of legal awareness and readiness to
work with high school students in general education institutions. Thus, formation of a high-level legal
culture among future teachers becomes a guarantee of high-quality education for young Ukrainian citizens
as members of a democratic state based on the rule of law principles.
When explaining the public need for a national defense academic program, one should keep in mind the
key constitutional requirements, which serve as official background for the whole framework of national
defense studies.
The Constitution of Ukraine defines protection of the Motherland as the primary duty of Ukrainian citizens,
it being the most important function of the state. Human safety, life and health are recognized as the
highest social value in Ukraine. As defined in the main Law of the Land (Articles 17, 65), protection of the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine are the most important functions of the state, the top priority
for Ukrainian people.
It is important to note here that the readiness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to perform its functions
largely depends on its personnel, in particular, the readiness of the youth for military service. Staffing by
professional and motivated servicemen should be carried out in a single system which will cover initial
preparation for national resistance in general secondary education institutions, training in the military
education system and management of a serviceman’s career, care for the preservation of life and health
of personnel, proper social security of servicemen, their family members and persons released from military
service in reserve and retirement, training of the military-trained reserve.
With national security being a top priority component of Ukrainian statehood at the moment, the reform of
secondary and higher education models in this country involves modernization of the content of education,
which should be based on competence-based and person-oriented approaches to learning, and most
importantly, focus on the acquisition by students of such abilities and skills, which are necessary for a
young person to successfully prove him- or herself in professional activities and in public life in general.
Considering the above-mentioned provisions, the purpose of this article is to illustrate some key principles
and elements of preparing future teachers of the “Defense of Ukraine” degree program within Ukrainian
system of education, in particular, formation of legal culture and improvement of teaching methods in order
to achieve significant academic results and future professional success.
2. Methodology
Several theoretical methods have been used in the course of our research, including: general scientific
analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction. The modelling method was also used in the course of writing
this article. A scientific model is a mentally represented or materially implemented system that adequately
reflects the subject of pedagogical research and is capable of replacing it to the extent that studying the
model allows obtaining new information about the object. The main advantage of such modelling is the
integrity of information presentation.
In particular, the widely recognized method of comparative analyses has been used to demonstrate
approaches toward introduction of patriotic/defense programs in schools and universities of various
jurisdictions (Kamensky et al., 2023; Movchan et al, 2023).
The article extensively employs empirical research methods, such as observation, comparison, and
monitoring. Based on the experience of the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, the educational and
professional program “Secondary Education (Defense of Ukraine)” of the master degree level has been
examined and all such methods have been implemented. The purpose of this educational programme is to
build professional competences of future teachers of the Defense of Ukraine in the institution of general
secondary, vocational and technical higher education; preparing a teacher with in-depth fundamental
knowledge of the Defense of Ukraine theory and skills, a competitive specialist who is able to build his/her
activity on the basis of design, a creative approach, a high level of civic consciousness. The program has
the following features: focus on the formation of educational, military-tactical, security-legal, and medical-
tactical professional competencies in applicants; preparing future pedagogs to teach the subject “Defense
of Ukraine” in the context of a deep understanding of the fundamentals of the normative and legal support
for the protection of Ukraine, the legislation of Ukraine on military service, civil-military cooperation of
Ukraine, legal-educational and national-patriotic work at an educational institution.
Volodymyr Myroshnychenko, Dmitriy Kamensky, Tetyana Lysenko, Tamara Makarenko, Iryna Petiahina
“Defense of Ukraine” degree program for future school teachers: a new element of
ukrainian higher education. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /190-203
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
3. Literature review
The theoretical section of the paper is shaped by a systematic review of current literature and a synthesis
of some of the researchers’ experiences. Hrynevych, Linnik, Herczyński (2023) have elaborated on the state
of education in Ukraine after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. They describe
obstacles and risks such as degradation of education, lack of security in schools, lack of funding for school
development and textbook printing. They also wrote about the measures being taken in Ukraine to advance
the education reform. A number of challenges remain, such as rebuilding destroyed schools, optimizing the
school network in line with demographic changes, and organizing shelters in schools. Additional challenges
include the promotion of digital technologies in schools, strengthening military and patriotic education
within the subject “Defense of Ukraine”, addressing learning gaps and providing psychological support at
school (Hrynevych et al., 2023).
Several Ukrainian authors have previously underlined the need for the competitiveness of the higher
education system in Ukraine and the prospects for further development of university education against the
backdrop of the ongoing war with Russia. However, higher education institutions in Ukrainian cities have
not lost their potential. In addition, universities have retained their intellectual potential, which can be
supplemented by cooperation with the Western institutions (Kozinchuk et al., 2022).
The analysis of scientific research has demonstrated that the work of the teacher of the subject “Defense
of Ukraine” with the component of legal education is poorly covered in modern pedagogical and legal
literature. Several Ukrainian authors have developed only certain aspects of this topic. Thus, a more
comprehensive approach in this field of academic research is required.
In particular, as V. Makhnovets makes a point, the issue of preparing a future teacher for the organization
of legal educational work is extremely relevant in both theory and practice of professional education in the
context of legal component of professional and pedagogical activity (Makhnovets, 2022). Thus, an
argument can be made that legal courses should be a part of the national defense academic program,
albeit in minimized format.
I. Knysh and her co-authors have examined the interconnected nature of the innovative activity of the
teacher, which contribute to the improvement of higher education in generak. The authors have considered
innovative educational technologies as a means of improving higher education and have proved their impact
on the training of a modern professional in a highly competitive job market (Knysh et al., 2023). Indeed,
innovative methods of learning also remain a big part of the “Defense of Ukraine” program, due to new
security challenges that Ukraine currently faces.
Also, when talking about issues of the new academic program, such as “Defense of Ukraine”, it is also
relevant to cover apsects of the Doctrine of civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) in Ukraine. A group of
Ukrainian researchers have recently studied, with reference to the comparative legal analyses, models of
civil-military cooperation in Ukraine, NATO member countries and some other jurisdictions. Based on the
results of their study, they have argued that Ukrainian CIMIC doctrine of the Central Command as a
program document in a certain direction should focus on such areas as: development of a culture of mutual
respect, trust and support between all involved military and non-military actors;promotion of patriotic
education in Ukrainian society, protection of the rights and freedoms of members of the Central Election
Commission; use of CIMIC units as a platform for civil-military contact and cooperation in eastern Ukraine,
especially in the area of the Joint Forces Operation; promotion of legal guarantees of gender equality and
equal opportunities for men and women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Lutsenko et al., 2021).
Based on the academic literature overview, we will argue that despite various attempts by Ukrainian authors
to analyze challenges that the Ukrainian system of higher education currently faces, the “Defense of
Ukraine” academic program is not explained enough in Ukrainian scholarship; its importance for the new
generation of Ukrainian teachers is not revealed sufficiently. Instead, this program should be viewed as not
just an academic tool, but should rather be put in a broader context of national defense as the priotity
function of the modern Ukrainian state.
4. Research results
National defense as an academic discipline: international approach
The modern world trend is that social institutions, government agencies, educational institutions as well as
human rights organizations are increasingly required to take active steps in terms of the theory and practice
of legal education, which, in turn, is an incentive to implement the rule of law and respect for human rights.
However, without teachers’ readiness to absorb elements of legal education, this demand will not be met.
All teachers of general education institutions should be able to successfully deliver legal education, but, as
practice reveals, this is mostly done in history, law and the basics of national security and civil protection
(in Ukraine, such school course is called “Defense of Ukraine”, while in the USA “The Junior Reserve
Officer Training Corps (JROTC)”, in Poland – “Military Training Units”).
In particular, in Israel, a country, which has recently found itself in a similar to Ukrainian position of the
“victim of military aggression”, the educational “Boundaries of Consent” Initiative originated from
scholarship on the impact of mandatory service on Israeli society. Tailored for high school students, the
Initiative underscores the significance of meaningful service in the Israely Defense Forces (IDF),
emphasizing its Zionist, security-oriented, and societal dimensions. It is based on the understanding that
the IDF serves not only as a defense force but also as a prominent social mechanism, thus reducing societal
disparities and fostering solidarity. This program is officially sanctioned by the Israel’s Ministry of Education.
In addition, the Israel Defense and Security Forum (IDSF), which includes over 22,000 reserve officers and
operatives from all branches of the Israeli security forces, dedicates significant efforts to engage the
younger generation in adopting Zionist and security-focused perspectives aligned with the national security
needs of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. This Forum’s educational program extends its influence
to various audiences and institutions, including:
1) Pre-army preparatory programs: such initiatives aim to train the upcoming generation of Israeli leaders.
Experienced IDSF members, well-versed in policy, security, and military matters, deliver lectures and
share insights on various security related topics;
2) Academic institutions: IDSF student groups are active across Israeli universities and colleges, while
conducting outreach and educational activities focused on national security;
3) High Schools and Youth Movements: IDSF has been developing activities tailored for high schools and
youth groups, fostering an understanding of national security issues among the younger population
(Israel Defense and Security Forum, 2023).
Based on such progressive academic experience in other nations, we can safely assume that Ukraine is
hardly the pioneer on the national security educational ‘front’ and also that it is on the right track with
creating its own academic curriculum in this vital field of state development.
In France and the United Kingdom, the components of the national system of military-patriotic education
in general secondary education institutions are: initial military training; military training at training camps;
training in the form of military games, hikes, etc. In addition, all British universities, as well as many
polytechnic institutes and colleges, provide military training for junior officers for the Armed Forces of the
country and military-patriotic education in state and public organizations (associations, clubs, circles, sports
sections, etc.) (Ostapenko et al., 2022).
Volodymyr Myroshnychenko, Dmitriy Kamensky, Tetyana Lysenko, Tamara Makarenko, Iryna Petiahina
“Defense of Ukraine” degree program for future school teachers: a new element of
ukrainian higher education. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /190-203
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
American commentators R. Curren and C. Dorn elaborate in their well written book on the key thesis that
throughout history there have been numerous and varied endeavors to instill patriotism in American public
schools. Those efforts have been grounded in diverse interpretations of patriotism, citizenship, and learning.
The exploration of the history of patriotic education in schools yields both cautionary tales and positive
insights. The authors argue that focus should be placed on cultivating civic virtue in schools, organized
around three key components: civic intelligence, civic friendship, and civic competence. The book wraps
up with an advocacy for global civic education, while also emphasizing the promotion of global civic
friendship and cooperation (Curren & Dorn, 2018).
Though the above-mentioned treatise does not contain analyses of connection between patriotic
upbriniging and various national defense (quazi-military) courses within educational curriculum, we agree
with the authors’ point that national patriotic education is a good resource not only within any specific
country but for the global community at large. History teaches that “healthy” patriotism, unlike twisted
forms of ultranationalism, bring much more mutual understanding, peace and prosperaity than the lack of
such national virtue.
Reference to the national patriotic (national defense) courses in several world jurisdictions underlines the
importance of both sharing new theoretical knowledge and expertise in the pedagogical field and also the
importance of comparative research method. Indeed, as pointed out by many Ukraine authors, critical
comparision allows to better understand exactly which principles and provisions work better in any given
field of academic knowledge (Lutsenko et al., 2023).
The concept of the Defense of Ukraineacademic course: new challenges and new responses
In Ukraine, the new compulsory course “Defense of Ukraine” is based on the current legislation of Ukraine
and is studied in general secondary education institutions (schools) during the final 10th and 11th years of
education, as well as during training sessions.
This updated subject (as a separate academic program) has been introduced in Ukraine in accordance with
the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 26, 2020 No. 143 (Resolution No. 143,
2020). The then Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Hanna Novosad, noted: “Our education
followed the Soviet paradigm for a long time, and the old subject “Defense of the Fatherland” is one of the
manifestations of this. It is wrong that in the fifth, almost sixth year of the war with Russia, we have still
not managed to replace the completely Soviet name of the subject “Defense of the Fatherland” with
“Defense of Ukraine”. It’s an important point, and I’m glad we finally made this change. Now, an equally
important task is to improve the content of this subject and the material and technical support of schools.”
(Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2020).
In the historical perspective, the dicussed academic program is directly related to the issue of national
identity. Such phenomenon is extremely important for any modern society, being one of the factors that
determine its vitality. A group of Ukrainian scholars have reached a sound conclusion that even during the
time of significant socio-political, socio-economic, cultural and educational changes, when targeted leveling,
standardization and ignoring of national interests of the person was carried out by the Soviet regime, the
process of forming Ukrainian national identity and national intelligentsia continued (Pokhilko et al.,
Currently, curriculum of the “Defense of Ukraine” program includes two thematic plans (or curriculums).
The first one (for boys) involves the study of the following sections: “Fundamentals of the National Security
of Ukraine”; “Armed Forces of Ukraine in Defense of Ukraine”; “Drill and Applied Physical Training”;
“Firearms Training”; “Tactical Training”; “Fundamentals of Civil Protection”; “First Aid”. The second
curriculum (for girls) is the “Basics of Medical Knowledge and First Aid”; “Basics of Civil Protection”;
“International Humanitarian Law on the Protection of Civilians”; “First Aid in Combat”.
Figure 1.
Subject competence of future teachers of the “Defense of Ukraine” course.
Source: authors’ own research
The purpose of the course is to develop among students the vital knowledge, skills and abilities to defend
Ukraine as well as act confidently in emergency situations, and also understanding of military-patriotic
education as being an integral part of the national-patriotic education. Based on our comparative research,
such academic goals are similar to the Israeli model of the high school patriotic education.
The key purpose embodied in the “Defense of Ukraine” course is realised by a set of the following
educational and training tasks: familiarising students with the basics of regulatory and legal support for the
defense of Ukraine, civil protection of the population and personal security; awareness of the younger
generation’s duty to defend Ukraine in the event of a threat to the independence and territorial integrity of
the state, etc.
Reserve or retired officers with a university degree, who are motivated to teach high-quality classes, as
well as graduates of pedagogical universities with a newly established degree in Defense of Ukraine, are
appointed as teachers of the subject “Defense of Ukraine”. Currently, military operations in Ukraine
significantly limit the functioning of scientific and educational centres across the country (Kozinchuk et al.,
2022). However, training for teachers should not stop, and many pedagogical universities in the south and
east of Ukraine continue to operate primarily online.
Key learning components of the “Defense of Ukraine” program
Nowadays, the relevance of the complicated issue of the military-patriotic education in conditions of
ideological and worldview confrontation have been caused by the situation in the country, which developed
as a result of armed and informational aggression of Russia Federation against Ukraine. The officially
proclaimed course of Ukraine on the Euro-Atlantic course integration, reformation of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine according to NATO standards, challenges to preserve the integrity and statehood of Ukraine,
consolidation of society to protect Ukraine from any forms of armed and information those are the key
factors, which determine societal request to improve effectiveness of military-patriotic education
(Ostapenko et al., 2022).
Ability to form military-tactical competence in students based on the subject "Defense of Ukraine"
Ability to form medical and tactical competence in students based on the subject "Defense of
Ability to form security and legal competence in students based on the subject "Defense of Ukraine"
Knowledge, skills and abilities to process scientific and information sources on the subject "Defense
of Ukraine"; use of information and search tools
Volodymyr Myroshnychenko, Dmitriy Kamensky, Tetyana Lysenko, Tamara Makarenko, Iryna Petiahina
“Defense of Ukraine” degree program for future school teachers: a new element of
ukrainian higher education. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /190-203
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
A few program documents underline the need for a “Defense of Ukraine” academic course. Among them:
Strategy of the national security of Ukraine (2020); Military Security Strategy of Ukraine (2021); National
Doctrine of development of education of Ukraine in the 21st century; Concept of pre-conscription training
and military-patriotic education of youth (2002); Concept of military-patriotic education in the Armed Forces
of Ukraine (2010); Concept of national and patriotic education of children and youth (2015).
Based on the purpose of the subject “Defense of Ukraine”, the main feature of the professional training of
future teachers is building their aptitude for a specific type of activity legal education of students. In our
opinion, the structural model of this professional quality includes three main components: 1) motivational
and practical; 2) cognitive; 3) personal and reflective.
Fig. 2.
A structural model of the future teacher’s readiness for legal education work.
The motivational and practical component includes internal positive attitudes of the future teacher towards
learning and acquiring theoretical and practical skills (mastery of general ways of performing various
activities, optimization of the sequence of selected activities). It includes legal and moral consciousness,
legal and pedagogical culture, and the motivation to exercise legal education curriculum in educational
Within this component, the key elements are legal сonscience and legal culture. Without an adequate level
of these two qualities introduced to the future teacher of defense of Ukraine, it is impossible to talk, in
Motivational and
Legal education
activities in
(practical and
Moral awareness
Legal conscience
Legal culture
Personal and
Readiness of students
to interact with pupils
with deviant behavior
and to prevent
Moral and legal attitudes and beliefs
Evaluative attitude to norms of morality
and law and the practice of their
application (reflective component)
pedagogical and
Legal knowledge
Mastering the
methodology of
legal education
and preventive
work by students
turn, about their effective formation in students. Teachers need to focus on the formation of positive legal
knowledge and psychological mechanisms of respect for law in the structure of legal consciousness in each
student (for this, they will need high moral consciousness and pedagogical culture). In Ukraine, the
motivation for active formation of legal consciousness and legal culture of all subjects of social relations
should be constantly growing, since it is impossible to achieve the goal of building a civil society without
them. The legal culture of citizens is the basis, the foundation of a new society. After all, citizens are the
only factor in the creation and maintenance of the state and the rule of law, bringing the Constitution of
Ukraine and national legislation into effect. Successful solution of these tasks depends on many factors,
but mostly on the level of legal education and upbringing of the country’s population (Sharavara, 2015).
The cognitive component includes legal, psychological and pedagogical, methodological and special
knowledge of the teacher.
With regard to legal knowledge, it is clear that teachers of the “Defense of Ukraine” course are not lawyers
or even teachers of history and jurisprudence. However, they should possess basic knowledge of the
constitutional rights and obligations of Ukrainian citizens, as well as national security and defense law.
When developing their own tailored curriculum for the “Defense of Ukraine” degree at pedagogical
universities, due attention should be paid to a block of legal courses, since such curriculum is
interdisciplinary in its nature. For example, the curriculum for such degree at Berdyansk State Pedagogical
University (currently relocated to the regional city of Zaporizhzhia because of the war) includes the following
courses: “Actual Problems of National Security and Defense of Ukraine”, “Methods of Legal Education in an
Educational Institution”, “Civil-Military Cooperation in Ukraine”, “Criminal Liability of Military Personnel”.
The curriculum also provides for practical training (security and legal). When taken together, these
components make it possible to professionally prepare future teachers of the subject “Defense of Ukraine”
for the legal education of students, albeit on a limited scale. The full list of courses is presented in the table
Table 1.
List of components of the educational and professional program and their logical sequence
Components of the study programme (academic
Number of
ECTS credits
Form of final
Philosophy of education
Military pedagogy and psychology
History of international relations
Actual problems of national security and defence of Ukraine
Actual problems of drill, fire and tactical training
Topical aspects of tactical medicine
Pedagogy of specialised and higher education
Methods of legal education in educational institutions
Civil-military cooperation of Ukraine
Criminal liability of military personnel
Modelling the process of teaching the discipline “Defense of
Exam, course
Methods of the national and patriotic education of youth
Practical session (medical and tactical)
Practical session (security and legal)
Practical session in an educational institution
Total amount of mandatory components:
Source: Educational and Professional Program “Secondary Education (Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, 2023).
Volodymyr Myroshnychenko, Dmitriy Kamensky, Tetyana Lysenko, Tamara Makarenko, Iryna Petiahina
“Defense of Ukraine” degree program for future school teachers: a new element of
ukrainian higher education. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /190-203
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
In the academic literature, researchers generally define the importance of pedagogical knowledge as a
methodological foundation and a direct tool for pedagogical activity. In order to understand the essence of
pedagogical knowledge, the functions of professional knowledge, such as ontological, orientation,
evaluation, which, in our opinion, form the basis of readiness, become of great importance.
The ontological aspect of professional and pedagogical readiness is its methodological foundation and
determines, first of all, a multifaceted theoretical level of knowledge that ensures the teacher’s awareness
of the essence of pedagogical phenomena and facts on the basis of mastering pedagogical ideas, concepts,
laws, principles through mastering the categorical apparatus of professional and pedagogical concepts and
terms. Theoretical and methodological pedagogical knowledge is more generalized and broadly transferable
than subject knowledge, and at the same time serves as a tool for the reliability of the teacher’s practical
and transformational activity.
The orientation aspect of professional and pedagogical readiness is represented by both scientific and life-
specific empirical knowledge, which mainly becomes the basis for decision-making, building a system of
appropriate actions and operations. By mastering the system of knowledge, the student develops his/her
conceptual and categorical apparatus, through the prism of which pedagogical situations are perceived and
interpreted and which becomes an effective means of pedagogical activity based on the mechanism of
transformation of theoretical knowledge, generalised concepts and categories into practical pedagogical
solutions based on the learned principles, criteria, models, etc. The breadth of the categorical range, the
nature and level of mastery of the student’s conceptual apparatus are important components and indicators
of readiness.
Special knowledge (competences) of a teacher reflects the specifics of a particular pedagogical activity. We
consider the special competences of a future teacher of defense of Ukraine as the implementation of key
competences in educational, legal and managerial activities.
Pedagogical methods and techniques for the new program: scholarly comments
Professional training of teachers of the “Defense of Ukraine” course should involve active use of various
pedagogical technologies aimed at developing legal thinking and fostering patriotic feelings. Modern
teaching methods enable creation of situations which stimulate interest in legal issues and support active
participation of students in the education of civic consciousness.
In particular, M. Sydorkina proposes to use the technology by means of developing civic competence by
actualization of social interest. Such pedagogical technology is aimed at achieving the following results:
future teachers’ awareness of their own strategies of interaction with other people; their choice of
constructive interaction and communication; increased awareness of future teachers of themselves as
members of communities and society, as well as their own role in development; increased sense of
community of future teachers with other members of society; actualisation of the sense of responsibility
for the welfare of the community and society; increased ability of future teachers to promote the
development of a sense of civic responsibility (Poznyak et al., 2022). The results of an international study
of civic education in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico reveal that teachers’ practices and attitudes are related
to students’ civic outcomes (Treviño et al., 2017).
Sivers, Dukhnevych, Osadko recommend the use of various socio-psychological technologies to promote
formation of political and legal consciousness: creation of problem situations (problem lecture as a tool for
the formation of political and legal competence); project-based (course design as a way to improve political
and legal competence of the individual); discussion and game-based (use of group discussions and role-
playing games in the process of forming political and legal competence); World Café technology serves as
a good tool for forming a common problem field and solving urgent problems; Open Space technology for
solving urgent political and legal issues; case technology (cases in the structure of political and legal
competence formation; training (training on the formation of political and legal competence of youth)
(Sivers et al., 2017).
In her teaching guide, N. Cherepovska describes in detail innovative means of developing patriotism in the
digital age, which can also be used in the course of educating future teachers of the Defense of Ukraine
course. This manual presents reflective methods as a tool for developing youth patriotism and their patriotic
activity in the modern interactive information space. The author notes that innovative tools based on the
principle of reflection contribute not only to the development of mental formations of the individual, such
as patriotic and legal self-awareness, but also to the development of the functions of information patriotism
for the implementation of constructive patriotic activity in the interactive environment (Cherepovska, 2023).
Innovative educational technologies, such as distance learning technology, are relevant and necessary,
they require greater self-organization, provide an opportunity to choose their rhythm of education, provide
students with the opportunity to carry out high-quality continuous independent work, provide opportunities
for self-expression, and establish information culture among students. Such technology improves the
content of carrying out and performing laboratory and practical tasks, systematizes materials, provides an
opportunity at any convenient time to acquire knowledge in a professional field, and also enhances
professional skills in the course of academic career. Innovative technologies contribute to education seekers
in mobilizing forces for focused education, professional orientation of the individual, formation of creativity
of education seekers. Such technologies increase motivation to work, orient students to create their own,
potentially unique, methods of academic activity (Knysh et al., 2023).
Thus, the study of the peculiarities of professional training of future teachers of the course “Defense of
Ukraine” in legal education reveals a wide range of tasks and challenges facing higher education in Ukraine.
It is the teacher, on whom the State entrusts the fulfilment of the social demand for legal education of the
younger generation, who should be a model of positive legal consciousness and behaviour, by properly
implementing legal “backup” of his/her professional activities (Makhnovets, 2022).
Specificity of the “Defense of Ukraine” academic program is determined not only by the need to transfer
knowledge about the national security and defense, but also by the emphasis on the formation of a high
level of legal culture in the mindsets of future teachers. The primary task is to create a system of methods
and techniques aimed at developing progressive legal thinking. It is important to take into account individual
characteristics of students and their prior knowledge in the field of law. Pedagogical technologies which
trigger student participation are most effective in this context. Project technology, role-playing games,
business simulations, and the wide use of case method contribute to deep learning of the material and the
development of skills in solving various legal problems. In addition, it is necessary to focus on the
development of analytical thinking and critical understanding of the legal aspects of Ukraine’s defense,
which currently remains the pressing issue for the statehood itself.
One of the elements of the personal/reflective component of the proposed model is the students’ readiness
to interact with students with deviant behaviour and to prevent various violations. Social disorientation is
a very serious obstacle to the formation of legal awareness. In order to overcome such barrier, not only
economic improvement in the country is needed. It also requires intensive public legal education
(Bieliauskaite & Slapkauskas, 2015). In this sense, it is especially important to improve the process of
forming value orientations of students of pedagogical universities, since there is not only a direct
opportunity to prevent deviations in the youth environment through adequately formed life positions, but
also to form the knowledge base of a new generation of teachers, educators, school psychologists to work
with children prone to deviations and their parents. Family counselling programs are seen as very promising
interventions, which have the potential to reduce the likelihood of youth involvement in crime and violence
(Stahlberg et al., 2022).
Volodymyr Myroshnychenko, Dmitriy Kamensky, Tetyana Lysenko, Tamara Makarenko, Iryna Petiahina
“Defense of Ukraine” degree program for future school teachers: a new element of
ukrainian higher education. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /190-203
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
The current challenges in the field of national security require future teachers to take an active part in
shaping students’ legal self-awareness. Effective teachers’ training for legal education involves the use of
interactive methods, such as collective games, trainings and group projects. It is also important to take
into account the socio-cultural characteristics of students and adapt teaching methods to their needs. A
teacher’s psychological readiness to teach the subject “Defense of Ukraine” is determined by his or her
attitude to the importance of the topic, emotional stability and readiness to resolve conflict situations, which
inevitable emerge. Understanding educational psychology and the use of methods to influence motivation
contribute to the formation of a positive attitude of students towards this subject. General education and
pedagogical practices reveal that an important component of successful teacher training is the use of
innovative methods, such as virtual reality and online learning. The introduction of modern technologies
into the educational process helps to create extensive and engaging academic content for the “Defense of
Ukraine” program, thus ensuring high quality education and compliance with the requirements of a modern
society, which is based on partriotic valuses and democratic principles of governance.
To summarize the results section of this article, we would like to make the following observation. Based on
the analyses of foreign approach, proposed content of the course and its curriculum at one Ukrainian
university, as well as pedagogical methods and techniques for the new program, as reflected in various
scholarly papers, the “Defense of Ukraine” academic program should be developed further in order to
address various security challenges that Ukraine currently faces. Academic knowledge of future teachers
can and should become a potent tool to fight current and future crimes of aggression against the democratic
Despite the theoretical background of our study and the empirical data provided, we are of the opinion that
further in-depth analyses of both goals and content of the “Defense of Ukraine” program is required. As
we have made a point in the literature review section of the article, only fragmentary aspects of this
academic course curriculum have been previously studied. Thus, when considering the ongoing security
situation in Ukraine and the key points of the system of higher education in the XXI century, much more
scholarly efforts should be put into the research of what should be studied within this academic program,
and also how it should be studied. The content and methodology are key aspects here.
5. Conclusions
This article has examined some ground principles and content features of educating future teachers of the
“Defense of Ukraine” course. The structural model of future teachers’ readiness for this specific type of
professional activity is defined. The modelling of the process of preparing applicants for higher pedagogical
education is intended to determine the priority areas of such training; to ensure the systematic approach
and integrity of training in the context of the processes of modernisation and development of higher
pedagogical education. The use of such structural model in the process of training students for educational
work involves the use of innovative didactic technologies and changes in the content of pedagogical
education model.
Based on the results of our study, we conclude that effective professional training of teachers of the
“Defense of Ukraine” course requires a comprehensive approach, which should include individual
characteristics of students and also employment of modern teaching methods. Providing future teachers
with the necessary theoretical knowledge as well as a set of prectical skills in the field of constitutional law,
legal education and national security is an important aspect of both forming civic consciousness and
promoting patriotic values among the younger generation. Time has come, at least for Ukraine, to
strengthen national patriotism as well as legal culture and the ability to educate and defend those virtues.
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