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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Dyka, N., Tretiak, O., Yakunin, Y., Shopina, M., Horobets, S., & Rozinkevych, N. (2024). The role of interactive platforms in enhancing self-motivation during
distance postgraduate studies. Revista Eduweb, 18(2), 50-62.
The role of interactive platforms in enhancing
self-motivation during distance postgraduate studies
El papel de las plataformas interactivas en la mejora de la automotivación
durante los estudios de postgrado a distancia
Natalia Dyka
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Olha Tretiak
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Yaroslav Yakunin
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Maryna Shopina
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Svitlana Horobets
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Nataliia Rozinkevych
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 02/04/24
Aceptado: 12/05/24
Modern technologies are an active tool for the development of practical skills, which has a positive value
for distance learning as well. The aim of the work is to determine the role of interactive platforms in
enhancing self-motivation during distance postgraduate studies. The research employed the following
methods: comparison, the Stapel scale, calculations of the motivation factor, the activity ratio; Sherman
test. The development of the teacher’s communication and personal skills in education involved the use of
the MOODLE platform; student evaluation mechanisms involved the use of the Liveworksheets application.
It was determined that self-motivation was reflected in the search for non-standard methods for presenting
information (23.4), the study of new materials (22.1), the research activity (19.7). The study showed that
conducting open lessons by teachers who were undergoing postgraduate training was reflected in their
obtaining high results. Primary school teachers achieved a high level of knowledge among 68%, Ukrainian
language 71%, mathematics 64%. The practical significance of the work is the possibility of creating
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of interactive platforms in enhancing self-motivation during distance postgraduate studies. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. /
new approaches to postgraduate training of primary and secondary school teachers. Research prospects
may be related to determining the advantages of various interactive platforms for conducting postgraduate
Keywords: Remote platform, active learning methods, pedagogical experience, research activity,
professional competence.
Las tecnologías modernas son una herramienta activa para el desarrollo de habilidades prácticas, lo que
tiene un valor positivo también para la formación a distancia. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar el papel
de las plataformas interactivas en la mejora de la automotivación durante los estudios de postgrado a
distancia. En la investigación se emplearon los siguientes métodos: comparación, escala de Stapel, cálculos
del factor de motivación, ratio de actividad; test de Sherman. Para el desarrollo de las competencias
comunicativas y personales del profesor en educación se utilizó la plataforma MOODLE; para los
mecanismos de evaluación de los estudiantes se utilizó la aplicación Liveworksheets. Se determinó que la
automotivación se reflejaba en la búsqueda de métodos no estándar para presentar la información (23,4),
el estudio de nuevos materiales (22,1), la actividad investigadora (19,7). El estudio demostró que la
realización de clases abiertas por parte de los profesores en formación de postgrado se reflejaba en la
obtención de resultados elevados. Los profesores de primaria alcanzaron un alto nivel de conocimientos
entre el 68%, lengua ucraniana - 71%, matemáticas - 64%. La importancia práctica del trabajo es la
posibilidad de crear nuevos enfoques para la formación de postgrado de los profesores de primaria y
secundaria. Las perspectivas de investigación pueden estar relacionadas con la determinación de las
ventajas de diversas plataformas interactivas para la realización de estudios de posgrado.
Palabras clave: Plataforma a distancia, métodos de aprendizaje activo, experiencia pedagógica, actividad
investigadora, competencia profesional.
Professional skills can be improved through postgraduate training, which requires the use of specialized
training programmes, innovative changes. A high level can be achieved by ensuring students’ independent
motivation, which is aimed at revealing the necessary abilities (Murillo-Ligorred et al., 2023). Therefore,
studying the impact of interactive platforms on achieving effective postgraduate training is relevant.
Postgraduate education involves the process of improving professional training as a result of deepening
and expanding knowledge or obtaining another profession. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on
the previously obtained educational and qualification level, as well as practical experience (McAvoy et al.,
2022). The interactivity of training can be provided through educational platforms, which ensures
orientation to the students’ individuality, their capabilities and acquired professional knowledge. The focus
on distance learning helps to ensure the continuity of learning based on the automation of existing
approaches. A distance learning approach can ensure targeted learning by providing the possibility of
individual perception of information by using cloud storage of learning materials (Lui et al., 2024). Distance
learning using interactive technologies has certain advantages for postgraduate education. They are
manifested in the growth of student activity, the expanded access to educational materials (Ang et al.,
2021). The process may also involve the development of creative skills due to self-expression elements. It
is possible to ensure the effectiveness of post-graduate studies as a result of orientation towards the
development of erudition, intellectuality, and independence. This approach is necessary for the formation
of students’ interest in obtaining postgraduate education, which ensures the expansion of professional skills
and abilities (Dyka et al., 2023).
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Postgraduate education is aimed at a deeper perception of educational materials, their understanding,
focusing on the possibilities of innovation. The quality of postgraduate education depends on the
implemented areas of study that meet the requirements of education reform (Cui & Wang, 2023). At the
same time, an academic and methodical approach to professional training, which is connected with the
development of the students’ individuality should be ensured. Professional knowledge can be developed
during postgraduate education through non-standard educational approaches. Such approaches can be
business games, various trainings, project methods, etc. Soft skills are required for the development of
professional skills, which will allow solving various educational tasks. Erudition, creativity, and
communicativeness can increase the quality of the educational process, which contributes to better self-
organization (Lyckander & Spetalen, 2022). The main task of postgraduate education is the preparation of
highly qualified and competitive specialists. The organization of postgraduate education is related to the
provision of personal training, which is related to the students’ motivation. Postgraduate education is aimed
at using the accumulated experience to comply with the standards of professional education. Innovative
approaches contribute to the achievement of new educational goals and the improvement of professional
competence in the system of postgraduate training (Heath et al., 2023).
The theoretical study of the area selected for research revealed significant limitations in the implementation
of interactive platforms during postgraduate studies, which contribute to the development of student
motivation. Research is mainly aimed at determining the features of postgraduate studies. The aim of the
work is to determine the effectiveness of interactive platforms in promoting self-motivation during distance
postgraduate studies.
The aim of the work was achieved through the fulfilment of the following research objectives:
Develop the principles of using interactive platforms in postgraduate education, focusing on the
distance form;
Determine the level of motivation before the beginning and after the completion of postgraduate
training of primary school teachers, teachers of Ukrainian language, mathematics;
Identify positive skills that were developed in teachers on the basis of self-motivation during
postgraduate studies;
Determine the level of developed professional skills among teachers during postgraduate studies.
Literature Review
Postgraduate training can be delivered with the use of STEM technologies, which helps to ensure joint
learning and develop thinking skills. The creation of virtual laboratories has a successful impact on students,
as it promotes the development of social and cognitive skills. Multimedia technologies contribute to the
stimulation of learning, the use of additional equipment to expand practical skills (Nungu et al., 2023).
Multimedia learning has a significant positive impact on changing approaches to teaching, which can
facilitate individual learning in postgraduate education. The benefits of multimedia learning are also related
to the possibility of collaboration between students, which expands the understanding of a certain subject.
Multimedia learning has benefits for motivating students to learn (Spanjaard et al., 2022). Digital
technologies are an effective element for learning and assessment, as they contribute to the development
of critical thinking and analytical skills. Developed skills contribute to sustainability in learning, which
enables learning from the experiences of other students. The development of research skills is related to
the orientation to the study of theoretical materials, their supplementing, and modification. This allows for
the creation of new opportunities for ensuring the educational process (Naidoo & Reddy, 2023).
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of interactive platforms in enhancing self-motivation during distance postgraduate studies. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. /
The development of professional skills is a complex process that requires a lot of attention to practical
activities. These problems can be solved with the use of 3D modelling, which helps to stimulate real
scenarios and ensure repeated practice of complex cases. Receiving feedback in learning enhances
students’ motivation and increases self-efficacy. A simulated environment promotes a deeper learning
experience, which facilitates students’ integration into the real environment (Lin et al., 2023). The
education system has problems with the mismatch between the curriculum and actual practice. This
deficiency can be eliminated by the use of STEM principles, which contribute to a better perception of
information and the development of awareness. STEM technologies make it possible to take into account
the individual capabilities of students and graduate students, to ensure their interaction. Interactive
learning promotes full immersion in the mass space, focusing on real professional activity (Brahic et al.,
2024). Online education has become widespread during the Covid-19 pandemic, which requires social
presence, orientation to research dynamics. Social presence aims to provide a link between learning and
cognitive presence. Productive learning can be achieved due to the provision of joint interaction in the
learning environment and the use of correct interactive technologies (Mutezo & Maré, 2023).
Competing priorities and social barriers must be taken into account to ensure that students are encouraged
to actively participate in learning. They can be implemented using digital technologies. Interactive
technologies had a positive value not only for effective learning, but also for increasing the level of students’
motivation. Regular assessment determined ways of developing student activity and the ability to express
their own opinion (Skaik & Tumpa, 2021). Interactive technologies influence active learning, which
contributes to the improvement of the quality of teaching and the students’ success. Virtual classrooms
can increase learning efficiency among 30% of students. Simulation-based learning promotes learning
abilities that increase the level of practical skills (Singhal et al., 2020). Reforming educational systems has
different effects on student performance. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure not only a change in the
curriculum, but also the development of student motivation. The development of emotional intelligence is
related to the success of graduate students, which contributes to their new perception. Emotional
intelligence affects self-regulation, self-awareness, self-motivation, social competence, which is reflected
in the academic performance of respondents (Patil et al., 2023).
The literature review revealed the impact of interactive technologies on student success. Research is mostly
aimed at studying the advantages of digital technologies for obtaining higher education. But this does not
contribute to the study of the features of distance postgraduate education.
Research design
The first stage of the research involved the development of approaches to the use of interactive platforms
during distance postgraduate studies. The studies were organized in accordance with the approved
university programme, but the authors proposed changed approaches to the perception and presentation
of materials. The second stage of the research provided for determining the level of teachers’ motivation
during postgraduate training. The focus was the initial and final results of training. The third stage of the
study was aimed at determining the positive impact of teachers’ self-motivation to improve their
professional level. At the third level, the effectiveness achieved by teachers as a result of conducting an
open lesson was also determined.
The sample of respondents consisted of 112 teachers with teaching experience from 1 to 5 years who
underwent postgraduate training at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The respondents’ limitations are
related to the involvement of school teachers who planned to improve their professional level. The
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
respondents were teachers of mathematics and the Ukrainian language who taught primary and secondary
school students. The experimental part involved teachers who were undergoing the initial stage of
postgraduate training, which made it possible to determine the effectiveness of postgraduate education
from the implemented innovative approaches. Previously, the authors planned to involve an additional
group of respondents who had already undergone retraining during the month. Such a difference could
have affected the final results, which would not allow determining the role of interactive platforms in
achieving specific results.
The development of approaches for the acquisition of postgraduate education skills in a distance format
involved a comparison of the training programme and possible mechanisms for its practical improvement.
The mechanisms of practical improvement were determined on the basis of the most favourable
mechanisms for the implementation of practical activities, focusing on academic approaches (Paudel, 2021;
Maré & Mutezo, 2021; Turnbull et al., 2021; Yates et al., 2021; Bembenutty, 2023; Patil et al., 2023). The
interactive platforms were selected by testing 48 platforms for the possibility of their use among different
numbers of people and the implementation of the developed approaches. The knowledge transfer within
the distance format was implemented as a result of using the Nearpod platform. Postgraduate studies
under the research conditions took place during two months.
The level of teachers’ motivation achieved during postgraduate training was determined by summing up
the results obtained from respondents and teachers who conducted training. The necessary information
was obtained through the use of the Stapel scale, which made it possible to determine the level of
respondents’ learning motivation. The Stapel scale involved the use of a 5-point rating, where 5
corresponded to the greatest value. The level of self-motivation of the teachers who conducted the training
was determined by assessing the respondents’ interest in studying the material, the quality of its
assimilation. The information transfer using the Stapel scale was implemented using electronic mailboxes.
This approach contributed to the identification of all research participants. The motivation factor, which
was developed by the authors of the article, was used for the calculations:
 (1)
the level of teachers’ encouragement for deeper study of information;
the level of assimilation of information and the possibility of its use;
 the level of using creative skills to fulfil practical tasks;
the general level of obtaining possible self-motivation (the maximum value is 7 points).
The observation method was used to reveal how the development of respondents' self-motivation
influenced the improvement of their pedagogical skills. The observation provided for determining the
approaches to the perception of educational material and its use. The final results were obtained through
calculating the activity ratios:
󰇛 󰇜 , (2)
the level of a separate self-motivation criterion;
the maximum coefficient of self-motivation.
The level of results obtained by the respondents through the use of interactive platforms was determined
through calculating the obtained points. But first of all, it was foreseen to conduct open lessons by the
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of interactive platforms in enhancing self-motivation during distance postgraduate studies. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. /
respondents, on the basis of which the level of professional skills was determined. Open lessons were
conducted among primary and secondary school students.
Data analysis
Statistical analysis of the obtained results involved the use of the Sherman test (Valko & Osadchyi, 2021).
It should be taken into account that if the values are lower than those in the table, the values are related
to each other. The limit value, which was taken into account during the calculations, is 0.95. Mathematical
and statistical analysis involved additional processing of the obtained results, focusing on methods of
grouping, analysis of dynamics, etc. Statistical analysis was aimed at excluding random data. Statistical
evaluation involved determining the interval where similar and different parameters were observed.
, (3)
the number of calculated indicators;
estimate of the initial value;
arithmetic mean.
Ethical criteria
Ethical norms required compliance with the established rules of postgraduate training, which were
established by the university management. Ethical norms provided for the observance of equal conditions
for all research participants, focusing on the established rights and obligations.
The use of interactive platforms in the educational process is a common approach. Therefore, specific
approaches to their use were identified to determine their role in the distance system of postgraduate
education. The approaches were selected for postgraduate education of secondary school teachers
(Figure 1).
Figure 1. Approaches to postgraduate studies using interactive platforms
Study of interactive tools and methods
aimed at the students' development
Development of the teacher's
communicative and personal skills
The search for new mechanisms for
evaluating students
Using the Padlet distance
Constructive assimilation of
information based on simulation
Using the online platform
Formation of a different view on
interaction with students
Using the Liveworksheets interactive
Provision of non-standard methods of
student assessment
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
I. The first approach of post-graduate studies involved the study of interactive means and methods aimed
at the students’ development. This approach is aimed at developing students’ interest, which will
contribute to the fulfilment of non-standard tasks. The first approach to learning involved the use of
the Padlet distance platform. This platform enables the creation and editing of educational information
in various formats, which promotes the students’ interest. With the help of Padlet, it is possible to
ensure the creation of online games that will contribute to the study of new information. This approach
to postgraduate studies is aimed at finding ways to implement educational activities. The training will
be aimed at studying new passive and active methods of the educational process, which will contribute
to the constructive assimilation of information. This teaching approach involved provision of stimulating
learning, which contributes to the development of critical thinking and motivation to carry out
professional activities. A positive value is formed as a result of full immersion in the process of creating
interactive learning tools and methods.
II. The presentation of educational material, which depends on the development of the teacher’s
communication and personal skills, is of great importance in the teacher’s pedagogical activity. The
development of these skills involved the use of the MOODLE online platform, which facilitated online
open lessons. Online lessons were conducted among teachers who were pursuing postgraduate
education. This involved the presentation of various forms of work, the holding of master classes for
teachers who do not have extensive teaching experience. The process provided for the development
of personal skills, confidence skills, and communication skills, which are aimed at understanding
approaches to providing information and interacting with students. This stage was aimed at
implementing practical skills and achieving practical mastery. The creation of open lessons is related
to the provision of meaningful psychological and pedagogical activities. Focusing on experienced
teachers allows you to form a different perspective on interaction with students, which changes the
standard learning trajectory.
III. It is necessary to ensure not only the evaluation of the memorized material, but also its understanding,
the ability to master it in order to exclude the standard approach in testing students’ knowledge.
Therefore, the mechanisms of student evaluation were determined in the process of teacher retraining.
The process involves the search for the use of non-standard methods of knowledge assessment, which
can be manifested in the use of a game format, ensuring competition between students. This approach
also motivates teachers to conduct non-standard training. For this purpose, the teacher needs to
ensure the development of psychological skills, which contributes to the students’ understanding. The
teacher must have coordination skills, which ensures the correction of deficiencies in the studied
material by students. The process also helps to find new teaching methods for a better understanding
of a particular topic. This teaching approach is aimed not only at assessing the students’ knowledge,
but also at improving their competence as a result of developing mechanisms for the implementation
of practical knowledge. The Liveworksheets interactive platform was used to develop student
evaluation mechanisms.
After completing the post-graduate training, it was planned to determine the increase in the motivation of
teachers who were improving their qualifications. The results involved taking into account the role of
interactive platforms that were used during postgraduate training. The results were obtained at the
beginning and at the end of the training, which involved the separate involvement of primary school,
Ukrainian language, and mathematics teachers (Table 1).
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of interactive platforms in enhancing self-motivation during distance postgraduate studies. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. /
Table 1.
Level of development of motivation of teachers who received postgraduate education
Groups of
Beginning of
postgraduate training
Completion of
postgraduate training
Sherman test, 0.537 -
table value
Primary school
language teachers
Completion of postgraduate training had a positive effect on teachers, which contributed to the
development of self-motivation due to the use of distance platforms. Interactive technologies had a positive
value for the practical use of previously acquired knowledge. The interactive platforms also contributed to
the selection of non-standard mechanisms for their use, which promoted the development of creative skills.
The process was aimed at developing independent skills in learning new materials, expanding professional
and cognitive skills. The process was aimed at a deeper understanding of the materials, which allowed not
only to develop pedagogical activity, but also research activity. The research activity is aimed at writing
scientific articles, which requires variation with acquired knowledge and the use of creative approaches.
This makes it possible to exclude the borrowing of other people’s thoughts, the duplication of other people’s
material, and contributes to the creation of unique work. Self-motivation is related to the self-organization
of teachers, which contributes to the development of new mechanisms for conducting classes. Self-
motivation is based on awareness of approaches to the implementation of an educational task, focusing
on specific algorithms developed by their own, rather than on existing ones. The beginning of post-
graduate training was not characterized by a high level of motivation, as the traditional learning process
did not involve an orientation to the depth of knowledge. The use of interactive platforms has opened up
new opportunities for teachers, which is aimed at expanding their teaching skills.
The criteria were determined that reflected the development of self-motivation among teachers who
underwent distance postgraduate studies (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Development of criteria for self-motivation of teachers who underwent postgraduate training
Self-motivation of teachers during postgraduate training was manifested in the search for non-standard
methods of presenting information, as well as in the study of new materials that were not provided by the
research programme, the development of research activity. The established motivation criteria made it
possible to expand the teachers’ professional skills, which was also reflected in their professional activity.
Self-motivation contributed to revealing teachers’ potential opportunities based on professional and moral
self-development. Self-motivation contributed to the development of creative skills, which was aimed at
16 18 20 22 24
Search for non-standard methods of
information presentation
Study of new materials that were
not provided for by the research
Development of academic activity
Sherman test (table value:
0.518): 0,352
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
developing classes that would motivate students to memorize the necessary materials. The use of the
latest teaching approaches was aimed at ensuring individualization and practical orientation. It also
expanded the possibility of participation in theoretical and practical seminars and conferences, contributed
to the publication of manuals and academic articles.
After the teachers’ post-graduate training, it was proposed to conduct an open lesson, which involved
determining the results of distance learning using interactive platforms. The results of the acquired
knowledge were determined based on the conducted open lesson (Table 2).
Table 2.
The level of teachers’ professional competence during open lessons throughout postgraduate training
Teacher categories
High level
Medium level
Low level
Sherman test, 0.518 - table
Primary school
27 (68%)
15 (32%)
Ukrainian language
24 (71%)
12 (29%)
26 (64%)
19 (36%)
The analysis of the open lessons conducted by the teachers established that they were able to achieve
mostly high and medium levels of knowledge. The obtained results are related to the use of remote
platforms, which made it possible to provide non-standard delivery of educational materials. The teachers
also had developed communication skills, which enabled the interaction between students and their
answering the questions. The high results also reflected a deep variation in the acquired knowledge, which
contributed to the studentsinterest in the perception of information. The teacher’s introduction of new
teaching methods had a positive effect on the educational process. This was also facilitated by the applied
student evaluation mechanisms, which made them interested in achieving high results.
The educational process should involve the interaction of social, cognitive, teaching aspects, which allows
to reduce the feeling of students’ isolation and ensure the achievement of their success. The results of the
study showed that students who took additional classes with online tutors showed higher academic
performance. This is explained by the use of effective student support programmes (Maré & Mutezo, 2021).
Digital technologies can contribute to the development of game approaches in learning, which affects the
understanding of spatial and conceptual knowledge (Konotop et al., 2022; Konotop et al., 2023). Digital
games influence academic performance because they are based on the analysis of relevant behaviour
patterns. This approach contributes to the development of logical thinking, which is manifested in the
students’ approach to pedagogical activity. This makes it possible to apply the studied theoretical material
in practice, which contributes to the automation of the educational process (Hwang et al., 2023). The use
of innovative technologies has a positive meaning in the educational process, as it is aimed at students’
acquisition of hard and soft skills. This contributes to the increase in employment, which is manifested in
creativity, leadership, innovation, stability, and organization. Innovative technologies were of particular
importance for graduate students, which allowed to organize the educational process, to provide motivation
to achieve a higher level of knowledge (Brennan et al., 2023). The presented works reflect the possibility
of using interactive technologies in the educational process, which are aimed at the organization of
education. In our article, the use of interactive technologies was aimed at provided comprehensive
postgraduate education.
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of interactive platforms in enhancing self-motivation during distance postgraduate studies. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. /
To implement professional training, it is necessary to focus on enhancing students’ motivation by increasing
their productivity. Postgraduate education should be aimed at determining the factors that contribute to
motivation, increasing the students’ independent work. The use of modelling approaches made it possible
to provide targeted learning, which was reflected in the students’ success (Afzal & Crawford, 2022). The
training of graduate students should be based on the development of cognitive and social presence and
the provision of informative support. It is also worth ensuring the availability of educational resources,
interaction with other graduate students, which will allow to diversify the approaches to research activity.
The educational process should be aimed at determining individual academic trajectories (Seymour, 2024).
Postgraduate education should involve highly qualified teachers who can diversify the educational process.
Professional development should be linked to planning processes that allow for the creation of a proper
educational environment. Postgraduate education should be related to theoretical enrichment of the
educational process, holding discussions (Lyckander, 2024). The presented works reflect the mechanisms
of theoretical enrichment of the educational process to ensure the effectiveness of postgraduate education.
In our article, emphasis was placed on the development of practical skills, which contributed to the
development of students’ self-motivation.
Postgraduate education provides students with in-depth knowledge, which allows for the development of
analytical and imaginative thinking. This is reflected in ensuring a high level of student involvement, deep
thoughts. Pedagogical strategies should be aimed at enriching professional value, taking into account the
nature of the academic subject (Heath & Tynan, 2023). Academic training requires the use of digital
libraries, which contributes to a deeper study of a particular topic. It is necessary to focus on updating
materials for the effectiveness of training, which contributes to the active students’ motivation to implement
the educational process. This develops students’ awareness of during postgraduate training (Misra et al.,
2023). The development of academic skills in the context of postgraduate education should include the
expansion of study programmes for the possibility of analysing the acquired knowledge. Training should
also include an individual approach, which promotes obtaining professional knowledge. The learning
process should also be convenient, which will enhance students’ motivation (Fernandes, 2023).
Comparison of academic articles in our work made it possible to determine the necessity of forming a deep
understanding of the material in the educational process. Our work is aimed at determining the mechanisms
of distance learning in the postgraduate education of primary and secondary school teachers. The level of
self-motivation of teachers who underwent postgraduate training and its influence on the development of
professional competence was also determined.
The limitations of this study are related to the focus on postgraduate training of primary and secondary
school teachers, which precluded the involvement of other majors. Despite the presented limitations, the
study revealed the mechanisms of training effectiveness and the influence of developed self-motivation on
the development of professional skills.
The use of modern technologies significantly increases the effectiveness of the educational process and
ensures a smooth learning process, regardless of the possible format offline or online learning.
Postgraduate training should be aimed at deeper assimilation of knowledge and development of
professional competence. Therefore, the use of online platforms promotes gaining deeper knowledge. Such
an approach may be reflected in the future development of students’ interest in the perception of materials.
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The aim of the article was achieved as a result of the primary development by the authors of the article of
educational approaches for the implementation of distance learning of postgraduate training. The first
teaching approach was related to the study of interactive means and methods aimed at the development
of students. In accordance with this educational approach, it was planned to define non-standard
mechanisms that contribute to the further interest of students. The approach became possible to
implement as a result of the focus on the use of the Padlet interactive platform. The development of the
teacher's communication and personal skills was aimed at ensuring interaction with students, studying
ways of presenting educational information. The presented learning approach was implemented as a result
of using the MOODLE application. Student evaluation mechanisms were also given attention during
postgraduate training, the development of which involved the use of the Liveworksheets interactive
platform. This approach to postgraduate training made it possible to significantly increase the level of self-
motivation of teachers who underwent postgraduate training. After completing postgraduate training,
primary school teachers had a level of self-motivation of 2.31, Ukrainian language 2.23, mathematics
The aim of the article was achieved through the educational approaches developed by the authors of the
article for the implementation of distance postgraduate training. The first teaching approach was related
to the study of interactive means and methods aimed at the students’ development. In accordance with
this educational approach, it was planned to define non-standard mechanisms that contribute to the further
students’ interest. The approach was implemented as a result of the focus on the use of the Padlet
interactive platform. The development of the teacher’s communication and personal skills was aimed at
ensuring interaction with students, studying ways of presenting educational information. The presented
learning approach was implemented by using the MOODLE application. Student evaluation mechanisms
were also given attention during postgraduate training, involving the use of the Liveworksheets interactive
platform. This approach to postgraduate training made it possible to significantly increase the level of
teachers’ self-motivation who underwent postgraduate training. After completing postgraduate training,
primary school teachers had a level of self-motivation of 2.31, Ukrainian language 2.23, mathematics
It was established that the development of teachers’ self-motivation contributed to the search for non-
standard methods of presenting information (23.4). It was also reflected in the study of new materials to
ensure in-depth learning (22.1), the development of research activity (19.7). It was found that the teachers
who underwent postgraduate training achieved mostly high level of professional competence. Primary
school, Ukrainian language, and mathematics teachers were able to effectively conduct open lessons, which
was manifested in their professional competence.
The practical significance of the study lies is the possibility of practical use of the presented interactive
platforms to ensure teachers’ postgraduate training. Research prospects may be related to the study of
the benefits of distance learning using various interactive platforms for post-graduate training of specialists
in various professional fields.
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