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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of smart technologies in maintaining student motivation during distance learning. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 63-76
Cómo citar:
Novak, I., Butsyk, I., Hetman, Y., Norenko, I., & Derevianko, D. (2024). The role of smart technologies in maintaining student motivation during distance learning.
Revista Eduweb, 18(2), 63-76.
The role of smart technologies in maintaining student
motivation during distance learning
El papel de las tecnologías inteligentes en el mantenimiento de la motivación
de los estudiantes durante el aprendizaje a distancia
Ilona Novak
Department of Foreign Languages, KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ihor Butsyk
Department of Pedagogy, National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine, Kyiv,
Yuliia Hetman
Department of English Philology, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv,
Iryna Norenko
Department of the Innovative Technologies in Psychology, Pedagogy, and Social Work, Alfred Nobel
University, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Denys Derevianko
Department of the Educational and Socio-Cultural Management and Social Work, Bohdan Khmelnytsky
National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine.
Recibido: 28/04/24
Aceptado: 11/06/24
Smart technologies are a common element of education, which have a positive impact on the organization
of education, its efficiency, and the possibility of self-control. The aim of the study is to determine the role
of smart technologies in the distance learning to maintain student motivation. The aim was achieved
through the use of the methods of observation and analysis, calculations of the coefficient of oscillation,
the coefficient of variation, and Spearman’s rank coefficient. Learning mechanisms provided for acquiring
language knowledge, develop the consecutive interpreting skills, and master formal and informal
communication styles. It was established that such learning mechanisms after the study enhanced
students’ motivation of 82% for distance learning. Before the study, a high level of motivation was observed
among only 21% of students. The results of the Stapel Scale showed that smart technologies (1.0) had
the greatest impact on students’ motivation, which is related to the continuity of learning. The learning
process had also the greatest impact on students’ dynamic adaptation (2.25). The conducted research is
important for the development of students’ professional foreign language skills and enhancement of their
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
motivation through the use of smart technologies during distance learning.
Keywords: meaningful learning, online platforms, person-oriented learning, students’ purposefulness,
rational thinking.
El objetivo del estudio es determinar el papel de las tecnologías inteligentes en la educación a distancia
para mantener la motivación de los estudiantes. El objetivo se logró mediante el uso de métodos de
observación y análisis, cálculos del coeficiente de oscilación, el coeficiente de variación y el coeficiente de
rango de Spearman. Se proporcionan mecanismos de aprendizaje para adquirir conocimientos lingüísticos,
desarrollar las habilidades de interpretación consecutiva y dominar los estilos de comunicación formal e
informal. Se estableció que dichos mecanismos de aprendizaje después del estudio aumentaron la
motivación de los estudiantes en un 82% para el aprendizaje a distancia. Antes del estudio, sólo se
observaba un alto nivel de motivación entre el 21% de los estudiantes. Los resultados de la Escala Stapel
mostraron que las tecnologías inteligentes (1.0) tuvieron el mayor impacto en la motivación de los
estudiantes, lo que se relaciona con la continuidad del aprendizaje. El proceso de aprendizaje también tuvo
el mayor impacto en la adaptación dinámica de los estudiantes. La investigación realizada es importante
para el desarrollo de las habilidades profesionales en lenguas extranjeras de los estudiantes y la mejora
de su motivación mediante el uso de tecnologías inteligentes durante el aprendizaje a distancia.
Palabras clave: aprendizaje orientado a la persona, aprendizaje significativo, determinación del
estudiante, pensamiento racional, plataformas en línea.
The transition from traditional to interactive learning is determined not only by the technological progress,
but also by social changes (the COVID-19 pandemic, the instability of the political situation, military
conflicts, etc.). The effectiveness of smart-technologies implies the high-quality perception of educational
information in the classroom and beyond, which is positive for distance learning. Smart technologies during
distance learning help to provide personalized learning, comprehend the provided information, ensure its
visual perception, and activate thinking (Raza & Khan, 2022). Therefore, the features of Smart technologies
is a relevant issue that contributes to ensuring a higher quality learning process.
The use of smart technologies during distance learning is common, as they provide a self-directed,
adaptive, technological learning process. This is positive for providing the necessary resources to learn the
material, which affects student motivation (Cavus et al., 2022). Distance learning is based on the principles
of openness, which involves the use of interactive technologies to provide a learning environment. Distance
learning differs from the traditional approach to the presentation of material, lack of a single classroom
space, direct interaction with the teacher and other students. The process of distance learning should be
associated with flexibility, the use of available technologies, social equality, which ensures the same
conditions for the perception of educational material (Konovalenko et al., 2023). In the context of distance
education the teacher provides not only the preparation of material for study, but also coordinates the
educational process. The teacher must constantly improve the educational material, apply creative skills to
maintain student motivation (Ihnatova et al., 2022). A high quality of distance learning must be ensured,
which contributes to specialized control over compliance with the educational standards. A properly
organized learning process should be aimed at ensuring the conscious perception of information by
students, maintaining their motivation, and meeting the deadlines.
Smart technologies contribute to continuous learning and ensure the simultaneous involvement of the
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of smart technologies in maintaining student motivation during distance learning. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 63-76
entire group in the lesson. Visual perception of information with the help of modern technologies allows
processing more information, which affects the activation of students’ creative potential, their thinking
(Krasulia et al., 2022). It is also possible to deviate from one format of information presentation with the
help of modern technologies, which provides an author’s approach to designing training. This approach to
learning enables choosing one’s own pace of learning, which affects the overall quality (Metruk, 2022).
Focusing on students’ independent work allows for a meaningful perception of information, which
contributes to the search for creative approaches to learning. However, the disadvantages of distance
learning can be related to the complexity of control and organization of group work, problems with access
to information, lack of student motivation (Petchamé et al., 2023a). Therefore, it is necessary to provide a
clear and balanced organization of the educational process, which enables minimizing possible problems.
The study of the theoretical aspects of the presented topic revealed that the advantages of smart
technologies in distance learning are a common issue. But the analysis of the advantages of smart
technologies is not related to specific types of interactive works that can be used in a separately organized
training programme. The aim of the work is to determine the importance of smart technologies for
maintaining students’ motivation during distance learning.
The aim involved the fulfilment of the following research objectives:
Develop distance learning mechanisms using smart technologies for future foreign language teachers;
Determine the level of students’ motivation for distance learning;
Identify of the factor that had the greatest impact on enhancing students’ learning motivation;
Determine the skills that students have developed during their studies focusing on the role of smart
Literature Review
Smart technologies contribute to the provision of smart education, which is reflected in professional
training. Their effectiveness is related to mobile access, the possibility of presenting new information.
Achieving high results is also possible through process automation, real-time data collection, and self-
organization ability. Self-analysis of one’s knowledge allows to achieve higher results and take into account
the gaps in the acquired knowledge on a separate topic (Dmitrenko et al., 2023). Smart technologies
facilitate joint learning, which is of particular importance during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides
interpersonal communication. Smart technologies contribute to a better understanding of educational
topics during online learning, affect students’ academic performance and satisfaction. This is related to the
possibility of providing support to the students, which facilitates the learning of the educational materials
and academic quality of education (Abuhassna et al., 2023). Digital pedagogical methods are one of the
important tools for distance learning. It was established that students’ motivation to use digital technologies
is related to the development of personal skills, understanding the value of learning, and providing remote
communication. Online learning can also be more effective than traditional learning because it focuses on
dealing with critical moments in understanding a particular topic. Interaction with other students and
teachers is important in online learning (Giovannella, 2022).
Higher education is being transformed under the influence of modern technologies, which contribute to
distance learning. Modern technologies enable an extended study of information for education due to the
use of secondary sources. Modern technologies also contribute to personalized learning and the
development of independence. On the other hand, the teacher acts as a mentor, who focuses on individual
learning models. The use of modern technologies by educational institutions contributes to the
professionalization of the educational process and its high-quality organization (Sułkowski, 2021). Smart
technologies make it possible to ensure the digital transformation of the educational process, which is
connected with the information perception. Their positive impact on students is related to the provi sion of
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
personalized learning, which helps to reveal the potential of each student. Smart technologies also influence
the monitoring of the learning progress of each student, which forms their independence (Lorenzo & Gallon,
2018). Mobile technologies facilitate access to library and information resources, as they automate the
information search. They also help to find current and new information that satisfies students’ needs.
Systematization of information is important, which contributes to better learning (Ashiq et al., 2023).
Information and communication technologies have a positive effect on improving the students’ intellectual
abilities, which contributes to their qualitative processing. This approach also affects the qualitative learning
of the material and the development of practical skills. Effectiveness is associated with meaningful inclusion
in the subject and study of quality content that is directly related to the learning process. But the
effectiveness of learning should be based on the absence of a gap between theoretical knowledge and
practical skills (Kokaj et al., 2023). Multimedia technologies help to control the quality of the educational
process. However, access to diverse materials can lead to obtaining incorrect information, which can result
in low effectiveness. The teacher should monitor the quality of the provided information, focusing on the
flexibility, technological ability, and self-organization principles. The effectiveness of learning depends on
the gradual complication of the materials, completed tasks, which leads to an increased rating indicators
(Li et al., 2023). A virtual learning format can be provided through the use of Bipolar Laddering. The
application is aimed at improving the organization of learning and promoting interaction between students.
The application also promotes compliance with the technical aspects of learning, which is associated with
attending classes (Petchamé et al., 2023b).
The analysis of the academic papers determined the advantages of smart technologies in the educational
process. However, there is no definition of specific mechanisms of their use in the educational process for
the organization of distance learning.
Research design
The first stage of the study involved the development of distance learning mechanisms to determine the
role of smart technologies in enhancing students’ motivation. The development of mechanisms was aimed
at training future foreign language teachers. The learning mechanisms were aimed at enhancing students’
motivation in learning and the possibility of using various smart technologies. The learning mechanisms
were aimed at ensuring the specifics of the distance learning process. The training covered the period of
for 6 months in 2023.
The second stage of the study provided for determining the level of students’ motivation for the presented
format of distance learning. The results were compared before and after the study, which involved
determining the level of students’ motivation or lack of motivation. Their neutral attitude to such a learning
process was also determined. The element of education which was most important for ensuring positive
students’ motivation was also identified at this stage.
The third stage of the research programme aimed at identifying the skills developed in students during the
research. The identification of skills was associated with a positive influence on the development of foreign
language competence.
The research involved 137 students who were studyin g to be future foreign language teachers. Students
studied at KROK University of Economics and Law, Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of smart technologies in maintaining student motivation during distance learning. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 63-76
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Alfred Nobel University. The students
were selected in terms of the same foreign language competence and being engaged in distance or blended
(classroom and distance) learning within one year. The study involved only third-year students in order to
compare learning motivation before and after the study. Students of the same year of study were involved
in the study in order to prepare the same tasks in the educational process. This approach was aimed at
ensuring equal conditions for all respondents.
It was planned to make an initial analysis of university curricula in order to develop learning mechanisms.
The need for curricula analysis was related to the identification of smart technologies that can be applied
in education and for selecting ways to develop mechanisms. The choice of smart technologies was aimed
at the possibility of providing distance learning, which contributed to the study of a foreign language
programme. Focusing on these requirements for smart technologies, 20 applications were excluded
because their functions did not contribute to conducting online classes. The choice of smart technologies
also involved taking into account the relevance of tasks and video lectures to the training programme.
Determining students’ motivation involved the use of the Stapel Scale for obtaining a specific answer to a
particular question. The Stapel Scale was also used to determine the indicators that, according to the
students, had the greatest positive impact on the learning process. According to the Stapel Scale, students
were required to assign points from 0 to 1 to each indicator. This approach excluded students’ doubts and
contributed to obtaining an accurate answer. The use of e-mail facilitated data collection and confirmed
the answers of each respondent. The level of student learning motivation was presented as a percentage.
The selection of the most influential indicators in education for the formation of positive students’
motivation involved an additional calculation of the oscillation coefficient in order to exclude falsified results
(Cavus et al., 2022).
, (1)
conditional value of a separate indicator of influence, which was obtained on the basis of data from
an indicator of the variation of a conditional random variable (the value that reflects the maximum
set estimate).
Determining the level of acquired skills of students involved the use of a general theoretical analysis
method. This approach made it possible to determine progress in students' education, their perception and
processing of educational information. The coefficient of variance developed by the authors of the article
was calculated to obtain the final result:
 
, (2)
a score for the most pronounced skill developed in students;
 prevalence of the most pronounced skills over the least pronounced skills;
a score for the possibility of applying the acquired abilities for fulfilling non-standard tasks.
Data analysis
The statistical analysis of the data was aimed at ensuring the qualitative organization of the research,
which contributed to the confirmation of the obtained results and a more detailed analysis. A statistical
calculation of the Spearman coefficient was carried out in order to confirm the qualitative analysis of the
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
established data (Oyetade et al., 2020). Statistical calculation determined the distance of some indicators
relative to others. The calculation of the Spearman coefficient was carried out to compare the level of
students’ motivation before and after the study in order to determine the influence of indicators that
contributed to an effective educational process. A statistical calculation was also carried out to determine
the level of particular skills developed by students during training.
󰇛󰇜, (3)
N the number of indicators for calculation;
d2 the square of the differences between the indicators, which depends on the serial number and is
related to tabular data.
Ethical criteria
The study was conducted in accordance with the ethical criteria of the Committee on Publication Ethics
(Committee on Publication Ethics, 2021). This approach made it possible to exclude the conflict of interests
of the authors and contributed to ensuring the same conditions of study and data collection for all students.
Determining the role of smart technologies in maintaining student motivation during distance learning
provided for the primary development of learning mechanisms. This excluded the abstract definition of the
advantages or disadvantages of smart technologies and was based on particular examples. The first stage
of the research consisted in the development of distance learning mechanisms for future foreign language
teachers (Figure 1).
Figure 1.
Mechanisms for distance learning of future foreign language teachers using smart technologies.
Ensuring the information transfer:
Webex online platform
Acquisition of language knowledge:
engVId application
LingQ application
Development of consecutive translation skills:
Webex online platform
Loyal books application
Development of formal and informal communication styles:
Webex online platform
BeeSpeaker application
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of smart technologies in maintaining student motivation during distance learning. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 63-76
The distance learning process involved the general transfer of information through the Webex online
The platform became the basis for conducting lectures and practical classes. It was also used for
recording the lectures for the possibility of reproducing the educational material outside of classes. During
training, the Webex platform provided for the exchange of educational materials, which was used as an
interactive whiteboard. Distance learning using the Webex platform provided the possibility of group work,
voting or raising hands as in a regular classroom. The learning process also involved the use of notes for
further discussion of a particular issue. The learning process was intended for the
acquisition of language
. This stage of learning consisted of studying grammar and vocabulary. Learning provided for studying
information with a teacher, as well as independently. The learning process was ensured through the use
of engVId and LingQ applications. In addition to the teacher’s materials, the learning process involved the
use of additional lectures from digital applications. The engVId application facilitates the use of video
lessons, focusing on a certain topic of classes. These video lessons are aimed at increasing the initial level
of knowledge. Additional educational materials were received using the LingQ platform, which enabled
focusing on text (audio) materials for studying a particular topic. Digital applications helped in the study of
parts of speech, different tenses (from the Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous groups).
The learning process also provided for the construction of sentences, focusing on the sequential
combination of words.
The development of consecutive translation skills
is important for learning a foreign language, as it is aimed
at understanding the read or heard text. The learning process was based on group work, which involved
familiarization with the text for further translation. The Webex online platform facilitated group learning,
which allowed teachers to monitor the quality of the text translated by students. The vocabulary was
enriched through the use of Loyal books smart technology, which helps to enrich the vocabulary based on
electronic (audio) books. Oral and written translation of the text from Ukrainian to English and vice versa
was provided during the training.
The development of formal and informal communication styles
was also an integral part of training, which
involved the acquisition of professional skills. The learning process was aimed at academic study of the
English language, as well as informal approaches to communication. Communication was built using the
Webex online platform. The training also involved the selection of the most informative topics, their
diversity, aimed at the development of practical competence and emotional satisfaction. The BeeSpeaker
application was used for overcoming the language barrier due to the formation of correct pronunciation
based on the capabilities of the programme.
The developed learning mechanisms were aimed at building professional speaking skills and enhancing
students’ motivation. The level of students’ motivation before and after training was determined using the
Stapel Scale (Figure 2).
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 2.
The level of students’ motivation for distance learning
It was established that the use of smart technologies contributed to increasing the level of student
motivation. The results before and after training differ significantly, which is explained by the use of
different applications that are aimed at forming a separate professional skill. The high students’ motivation
was associated with the constant improvement of knowledge, which involved the performance of various
tasks. The learning process also contributed to the development of professional and situational
communication skills, which influenced the level of foreign language competence. Students’ motivation was
also related to a clearly organized learning process, which allowed for a meaningful approach to the study
of the topic. This contributed to increasing the efficiency of independent work, which affected the
development of students’ thinking. An important role was also played by remote access to materials, which
contributed to their additional study during the preparation of homework. For students who later wanted
to continue their postgraduate studies, the use of smart technologies was of little importance for the
development of research activities. This made it possible to build creative skills and develop logical thinking.
The students’ neutral attitude towards the presented educational approach was associated with the lack of
normal communication as in the classroom. However, these students confirmed that the learning process
was clearly balanced, which made it possible to achieve the desired level of knowledge.
A significant part of the students was not motivated in learning before the study. The reason is that the
use of a single online platform, e-mail, and messengers did not contribute to the acquisition of professional
knowledge. This approach also influenced the need for self-study.
The objectives of the research were also to determine which factor had the greatest influence on the
formation of positive students’ motivation towards the educational process (Table 1).
Motivated Neutral attitude Lack of motivation
21% 25%
Before training After training
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of smart technologies in maintaining student motivation during distance learning. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 63-76
Table 1.
Determining the factor that had the greatest impact on students’ learning motivation
Impact factor
of impact
Comparison using the Spearman coefficient
Diversity of the
Diversity of the
Work in groups
It was established that the use of smart technologies had the greatest impact on the formation of positive
students’ motivation. The positive value of smart technologies is related to the provision of continuous
learning. This helps to study and consolidate the material not only during classes, but also during the
preparation of homework. The students were also able to perform various exercises with the help of Smart
technologies to improve their professional level.
The diversity of the educational process also had an impact on student motivation, as it contributed to
immersion in the informational and educational environment. Diversity in education contributed to the
generalization of knowledge, focusing on modern educational concepts. Personalized learning was
associated with the performance of various tasks according to the level of students’ knowledge, which
contributed to their improvement. Personalized learning is aimed at acquiring cognitive skills, which
contributes to the acquisition of more professional knowledge.
Working in groups also contributed to motivation, which made it possible to focus on the level of knowledge
of different students. It also made it possible to expand professional knowledge, focusing on other
experiences. Other answers were related to the use of video conferences, certain smart technologies, etc.,
which contributed to learning the educational material. This ensured orientation towards the set goal,
realization of educational skills.
At the third stage of the research, the skills that were acquired by students during their studies as a result
of using smart technologies were determined (Figure 3).
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 3.
Skills that were acquired by students in the process of learning with the use of smart technologies
It was established that smart technologies also had a positive value for the development of various learning
skills, which contributed to the study of the subject. Dynamic adaptation of students was associated with
flexibility in the perception of new tasks or smart technologies. This made it possible to perform the
assigned tasks with high quality in order to consolidate the necessary knowledge. It also had an impact on
the students’ involvement in the development of professional knowledge.
Rational thinking was associated with improved foreign language skills, facilitating the performance of tasks
of higher complexity. This was reflected in the logical perception of information, which contributed to the
clarity of tasks.
Student purposefulness was associated with increased productivity, which contributed to additional study
of educational materials. The search for materials was facilitated by smart technologies used in education.
The formation of in-depth communication skills of business and everyday communication was connected
with the provision of quality education. This allowed students to communicate on various topics using
professional vocabulary.
The development of creative thinking is associated with non-standard perception and display of
information, which influenced the achievement of high results and professional knowledge.
The obtained results are related to the determination of the positive value of smart technologies for the
development of student motivation in distance learning. This was achieved as a result of remote classes
using the Webex online platform, which was also used as an interactive whiteboard. The acquisition of
2,08 2,1 2,12 2,14 2,16 2,18 2,2 2,22 2,24 2,26
Dynamic adaptation of students
Rational thinking
Students’ purposefullness
Building in-depth communication skills of business and
everyday communication
Development of creative thinking
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of smart technologies in maintaining student motivation during distance learning. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 63-76
language skills was related to the development of writing skills, the accuracy of sentence construction, and
involved the use of the engVId and LingQ applications. The smart application Loyal books was used to
develop the sequential translation skills, which contributed to the understanding of the read or heard text.
The BeeSpeaker application was used to develop formal and informal communication styles, which helped
to overcome the language barrier.
The analysis of recent publications showed the difference in the obtained data. It is necessary to ensure
the students’ motivation to perceive information during the educational process. Modern technologies
contribute to the expansion of educational opportunities for formal or alternative education. With the help
of modern technology, it is possible to provide a deeper understanding of the theoretical material and its
practical application. The use of modern technologies should be associated with personalized access for
students to facilitate interaction between them (Lorenzo et al., 2021).
The use of smart technologies during distance learning should be aimed at developing identity and
increasing internal cohesion. Smart technology materials should also be publicly available, which
contributes to adequate perception of information. Providing group access to learning promotes higher
results (Urbanetti et al., 2023). The disadvantage of distance education is the lack of direct interaction
between the participants of the educational process. Therefore, the functions of the used smart
technologies should be aimed at motivating students and developing professional knowledge. At the same
time, the learning process must be adapted to approved educational standards. Innovative approaches to
learning should contribute to the development of students’ creative potential (Abuhassna & Alnawajha,
2023). A comparison of the results of the published work showed that smart technologies are aimed at
developing students’ motivation during distance learning. In our article, specific mechanisms were
developed to enhance student motivation, which involved the use of the Webex online platform, engVId,
LingQ, Loyal books, and BeeSpeaker applications.
The distance learning process should be based on the correct evaluation of students, which affects their
motivation. Formal evaluation should be excluded, and attention should be paid to the creation of
favourable pedagogical conditions. The results of the study show that the positive students’ motivation has
an impact on obtaining a high grade. This can be achieved through the intelligent integration of smart
technologies to ensure student self-assessment (Dmitrenko et al., 2021). Mobile learning should be aimed
at improving the quality of the educational process. This can be achieved through the analysis of the
correctness of the chosen approach to learning and mobile applications, which are designed for studying
separate topics. The development of interactivity contributes to the expansion of students’ horizons, affects
the time limit. It can also stimulate students’ interest to improve the quality of learning (Li, 2023).
E-learning is a common method of modern education. The use of technologies Effort Expectancy, Social
Influence and Facilitating Conditions ensures the reliability of education. The technologies have a positive
value in the selection of quality information for learning, promote social interaction. These approaches
influence students’ overall literacy and motivate them to learn (Oyetade et al., 2023). In contrast to the
presented studies, the ways of students’ evaluation-based motivation in distance learning are not studied
in our article. Of course, students’ understanding of their level of knowledge is important, but a well-
designed approach to learning has a greater impact. However, it was established that the learning
motivation was influenced by smart technologies, personalized learning, the diversity of the educational
process, and work in groups.
Modern technologies make it possible to complete regular educational programmes, use multimedia videos,
and instrumental software. The level of acquired skills is evaluated through a rating scale and factor
analysis by comparing individual results. The evaluation process should be based on the students’ personal
skills, which is related to predictive, comparative and evaluative components (Long & Lin, 2022). Digital
technologies have caused changes in the education system, which is associated with overcoming traditional
education systems and adapting new approaches. Digital technologies contribute to the development of
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
creative skills, which affects the learning process. Focusing students’ attention on the learning process
should be related to the search for motivation. This may be related to the use of various applications to
improve student performance (Nejković & Andrejević, 2022).
The review of academic articles gave grounds to determine the positive value of smart technologies in the
educational process, which has an impact on students’ motivation. Specific mechanisms were developed
in our study to provide distance learning using smart technologies. The level of students’ motivation in this
learning process was also determined during the study, as well as the impact factors.
The limitations of the study are related to the year of study of the students involved in the survey (3rd
year). There is no comparison of the impact of distance learning on different students (e.g. third- and
fourth-year students), which will be implemented in the future. However, the limitations of the article are
not significant, as the authors, based on the developed learning mechanisms, determined the impact of
Smart technologies on enhancing students’ motivation to achieve their professional skills.
The spread of smart technologies in the modern education system facilitates their use not only during
classroom sessions, but also during distance learning. Smart technologies ensure the continuity of the
educational process, facilitate access to materials. Their effectiveness also implies the possibility of using
various tasks that will contribute to raising the students’ level. Therefore, the use of smart technologies
during distance learning can contribute to comprehensive education. It is, however, necessary to ensure
high-quality organization of the learning process, to study the mechanisms of using modern technologies
that will correspond to the main training system. This approach will have a positive effect on students,
which will motivate them to study the subject in depth and contribute to achieving high results.
The aim of the study set by the authors was achieved after completing the research. It was achieved as a
result of the development of distance learning mechanisms, which made it possible to further check the
level of students’ motivation on specific examples. The relevance of the obtained results was primarily
achieved through the development of educational mechanisms for future English teachers. The training
was provided through the use of the Webex online platform, engVId, LingQ, BeeSpeaker, smart Loyal
Books application.
The obtained positive results were related to determining the level of student motivation. It was established
that the quality of the research is related to obtaining a high level of student motivation, which was provided
by the aim of the research. It was found that 21% of students felt motivated before the study, while 82%
after the study. The results after the study are related to easier perception of information due to the use
of smart technologies. According to the students, achieving their high level of motivation became possible
primarily due to the use of smart technologies (1.0) and the diversity of the educational process (0.83).
These indicators were important for the development of language knowledge, which enabled reaching a
higher level. It was established among the students that the learning process had a positive value for the
development of dynamic adaptation of students, rational and creative thinking, as well as for students’
purposefulness, development of in-depth communication skills of business and everyday communication.
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The role of smart technologies in maintaining student motivation during distance learning. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 63-76
The academic novelty of the article is related to the enhancement of students’ motivation through the
development of specific learning mechanisms using the most effective smart technologies. The practical
significance of the article is the possibility of developing students’ motivation during distance learning due
to the use of the most correct smart technologies. Research prospects may be related to the comparison
of smart technologies in distance learning to determine their impact on student performance.
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