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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Zhyhora, I., Vdovenko, V., Baraniuk, I., Kotelianets, N., & Nikitina, O. (2024). Innovations in education in times of war: research and evaluation of results. Revista
Eduweb, 18(2), 88-99.
Innovations in education in times of war: research and
evaluation of results
Innovaciones educativas en tiempos de guerra: investigación y evaluación de
Iryna Zhyhora
Associate Professor of the Department, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University,
Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Viktoriia Vdovenko
Associate Professor of the Department, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University,
Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Iryna Baraniuk
Associate Professor of the Department, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University,
Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Natalka Kotelianets
Professor of the Department, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Kropyvnytskyi,
Olena Nikitina
Associate Professor of the Department, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University,
Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Recibido: 10/03/24
Aceptado: 27/05/24
Implementation of the educational process during the war is a challenge for modern educational
institutions, but despite the unfavourable situation, educational institutions are implementing important
innovative solutions for the development of education in general. Therefore, the purpose of this study is
to investigate innovations in education in times of war through the prism of a survey and evaluation of the
results. The participants of this study are 265 students and teachers from different parts of Ukraine. The
search for respondents was carried out both on a targeted basis and using the snowball sampling method.
The results of the study demonstrated the diversity of means of developing education in war conditions:
the use of video conferencing platforms, mobile applications, communication platforms, learning
management systems, virtual and simulation technologies. The most important is the use of learning
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Innovations in education in times of war: research and evaluation of results. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 88-99
management systems and platforms for conducting classes. The high scores of respondents demonstrate
the importance of innovation in education during wartime. The conclusions emphasise that these
innovations ensure the continuity of the learning process and provide access to knowledge in any crisis
Keywords: digitalization, innovative tools, survey, war, Ukraine.
La implementación del proceso educativo durante la guerra es un reto para las instituciones educativas
modernas, pero a pesar de la situación desfavorable, las instituciones educativas están implementando
importantes soluciones innovadoras para el desarrollo de la educación en general. Por lo tanto, el propósito
de este estudio es investigar las innovaciones en la educación en tiempos de guerra a través del prisma
de una encuesta y la evaluación de los resultados. Los participantes en este estudio son 265 estudiantes y
profesores de diferentes partes de Ucrania. La búsqueda de encuestados se llevó a cabo tanto de forma
selectiva como utilizando el método de muestreo de bola de nieve. Los resultados del estudio demostraron
la diversidad de medios para desarrollar la educación en condiciones de guerra: el uso de plataformas de
videoconferencia, aplicaciones móviles, plataformas de comunicación, sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje,
tecnologías virtuales y de simulación. El más importante es el uso de sistemas y plataformas de gestión
del aprendizaje para impartir clases. Las altas puntuaciones de los encuestados demuestran la importancia
de la innovación en la educación en tiempos de guerra. Las conclusiones destacan que estas innovaciones
garantizan la continuidad del proceso de aprendizaje y facilitan el acceso al conocimiento en cualquier
situación de crisis.
Palabras clave: digitalización, herramientas innovadoras, encuesta, guerra, Ucrania.
The Russian-Ukrainian war has had a dramatic impact on the development of education in Ukraine. Since
the full-scale invasion, active military operations have demonstrated the need to introduce distance
education (later blended learning), which directly depends on the introduction of many innovative solutions
and technologies. Therefore, the functioning of the educational system in times of war is determined by
an intensive search for various new approaches to the organisation of education, innovative methods and
forms of organising the educational process, effective pedagogical and information solutions (Diachenko
et al., 2022; Iastremska et al., 2023). Thus, supporting the active introduction of various innovations in
the field of education during the war has become one of the important activities of the Ministry of Education
and Science of Ukraine.
At the same time, educators and teachers themselves began to actively search for new ways to organise
the educational process for students. In particular, many educational institutions have opened various
platforms with educational resources and materials in the public domain. At the same time, modern
researchers have also repeatedly drawn attention to the quality of training in wartime. For example, Al
Qaidani (2019) described the development of higher education in the context of the conflict in Yemen.
Chakhaia and Bregvadze (2018) identified the main aspects of the formation of the educational system of
Georgia. Lucić (2020) in his comprehensive study raised the important question of the effectiveness of
education in the conditions of war based on the consideration of educational realities in Sarajevo.
At the same time, Boiko (2023) characterized the experience of higher education in Ukraine, which involves
the implementation of various innovative solutions and technologies. Iskakova (2023) described the main
electronic technologies used in Ukrainian education to meet the individual needs of students. Kaminskyy
and Viesova (2022) also identified some innovative solutions. Budnyk (2022) described the main modern
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
innovative technologies that contribute to the development of knowledge among students in wartime. The
interest of modern scholars in the development of education in wartime demonstrates that this topic
remains not only popular but also relevant among modern researchers.
However, it is important not only to describe the main decisions or innovations of the educational system
in the context of war, but also to determine their effectiveness based on empirical research and evaluation,
which is the aim of this paper. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to empirically investigate the main
innovations in wartime education based on the evaluations of teachers and students. This will involve
solving the following tasks: conducting a systematic literature review, conducting a questionnaire among
respondents, identifying the main assessments and attitudes of teachers and students towards the
introduction of innovations in modern education.
Literature Review
Contemporary scholars have delved into the study of various aspects of the use of innovative solutions
(mainly distance education) in wartime. At the same time, modern works have drawn attention to the
relevance of blended or distance learning, digitalisation of the educational system, health-promoting
practices and the effective implementation of psychological and pedagogical support (Galynska & Bilous,
2022; Barakat et al., 2022; Lymar, 2024). In these areas, the use of technologies that facilitate the
individualisation of learning is currently relevant. Krylova-Grek and Shyshkina (2021) identified the main
trends in the development of online education in Ukraine.
The main difficulties of implementing the educational process and training specialists in wartime are
described in detail in Lymar (2024). At the same time, the most innovative technologies are presented in
detail in the papers that studied the specifics of the organisation of the educational process during the
Сovid pandemic (Tarteer et al., 2022; Wahas & Syed, 2024).
Tinterri, Eradze, Limone, and Dipace (2022) identified effective strategies for implementing distance
learning that would support all participants in the learning process. Meletiou-Mavrotheris, Eteokleous, and
Stylianou-Georgiou (2022) demonstrated the main capabilities of e-learning based on empirical research.
Onufer (2023) believes that in the period of distance or remote education, it is important to take into
account the needs of all participants in the learning process, i.e. to implement a person-centred approach.
Rafael and Justino (2022) demonstrate the importance of virtual laboratories for the organisation of an
effective innovation space.
Castilho Barilli (2012) identified the importance of virtual reality as an important didactic resource in
distance education. In their opinion, this technology contributes to the development of professionalism for
the future generation of specialists. Vasilache (2022) described the main strategies for implementing active
distance learning and determined how they contribute to the outcomes of students. Such research
experiments help to understand the peculiarities of modernising the modern learning space and highlight
all the spectrums of innovative activities that are implemented in accordance with the requirements of the
modern education system and the needs of society.
At the same time, interest in the study of innovative technologies indicates their active implementation in
different parts of the world. For this reason, innovation is an important driving force in the development of
education and science. Nevertheless, there is a lack of research that would empirically determine the
attitudes of participants in the educational process and, consequently, the effectiveness of using
innovations in the educational environment.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Innovations in education in times of war: research and evaluation of results. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 88-99
This study aims to identify the main innovations in the field of education and their effectiveness based on
the analysis of the evaluative judgements of participants in the educational process. Thus, the work is
classified as quantitative research.
a. Participants
The participants of this study are teachers (120 people) and students (145 people) from different
educational institutions in Ukraine, living both near the war-affected areas and in safer areas of Ukraine.
This was done to ensure that all participants in the learning process were involved as widely as possible.
Table 1 shows the aggregate geographical data of the participants.
Table 1.
Geographical data of the participants
Geographical data
Kyiv (Kyiv region)
Lviv (Lviv region)
Source: Authors’ development
Thus, a total of 265 teachers and students from different parts of Ukraine took part in the study.
b. Sample procedure
The search for respondents was carried out both on a targeted basis and using the snowball sampling
method. In particular, information about the survey was disseminated through social media. The most
popular ones in Ukraine were chosen for this purpose: Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Thus, at the
beginning, participants were found in a targeted manner. Later, they were asked to find other stakeholders
in the research (snowball sampling was used. In this way, it was possible to involve everyone in the
evaluation of innovative technologies in education.
c. Instruments
In order to collect quantitative data, a questionnaire consisting of several parts was used. The first part
concerned demographic and geographical data. The second part focused on the role of innovation in
education. Most of the questions were designed to be answered by both students and teachers. However,
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
some questions still focused on the experience of teachers only or were directed at students only (see
Table 2).
Table 2.
Sample of the survey
Main questions
Geography and demographics of
1. In which city do you study/work?
2. Specify your position or employment
Characteristics of the main
3. 3. What innovations do you use during classes (for teachers)
4. What innovations do your teachers use to conduct classes (for
5. On which digital platforms do you mostly conduct classes? (for
6. On which digital platforms do teachers conduct classes? (for
7. How often do you use these innovations?
8. How often is the distribution of educational materials in digital
Characteristics of the main
9. How do you assess the use of modern platforms in the
implementation of education during the war? (rating from 1 to 5)
10. How do you rate modern messengers for communication during
distance education (Telegram, Whats Up, Viber)
11. How can you generally evaluate the use of innovations in the
implementation of education during the war? (rating 1 - not at all effective,
5 - very effective)
Source: Authors’ development
d. Data analysis
Based on the statistical analysis, the data were statistically processed. For this purpose, Microsoft Excel
software was used, where tables were used to process the data. This software was also used to create
graphs and charts. Thematic analysis was also used to characterise the main themes highlighted by the
respondents. In order to process the data, a systematic research method was used, which defines
educational innovations as being in constant motion. The method of comparison was used to compare the
information obtained with the data presented in previous scientific works.
Although the Ukrainian education system suffered significant losses due to the armed conflict, it continued
to develop on the basis of the introduction of some new solutions. The authorities have partially succeeded
in making effective decisions to stabilize the education system in such difficult conditions. The cohesion of
the Ukrainian educational community, the motivation to continue teaching and learning, and the sufficiently
effective digital internal policy of Ukrainian educational institutions play a major role in this process. Since
then, the Ukrainian education system has begun to actively use various innovative technologies and forms
of education. Many regions have switched to distance (later blended) education. These forms of education
have become important tools for continuing the process of providing educational services.
The use of various platforms for remote lectures or seminars and video conferencing has become the norm
for the educational system during the war. At the same time, adaptive technologies have begun to play an
important role. The use of individual learning technologies facilitates the assessment of each student and
promotes a person-centered approach. Based on the experiment, it was found that during the war,
Ukrainian education mainly used video conferencing platforms (241 responses), learning management
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Innovations in education in times of war: research and evaluation of results. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 88-99
systems (251 responses), electronic textbooks (239 responses), online testing and knowledge verification
systems (230 responses), mobile applications for education (210 responses), messengers for
communication (190 responses), interactive whiteboards (58 responses), virtual reality technologies (76
responses), and simulation technologies (61 responses) (see Table 3).
Table 3.
Innovative tools of education in war conditions
Innovative tools
Learning management systems
Video conferencing platforms
Electronic textbooks
Online testing systems
Mobile applications
Communication messengers
Interactive whiteboards
Virtual reality technologies
Simulation technologies
Source: Authors’ development
Thus, the survey results show that the most common innovative tools are learning management systems,
video conferencing platforms, e-textbooks, online testing systems and various mobile applications. It is
worth noting that the vast majority of Ukrainian educational institutions use Moodle for learning
management (91%). At the same time, teachers' answers differed when it came to choosing a video
conferencing platform. In particular, 149 teachers use the Zoom platform to conduct online lectures or
seminars. 50 people indicated that they conduct classes on the Microsoft Teams platform, and another 35
people use the Google Meet application. Another 22 respondents indicated that they do not use the above-
mentioned platforms, but conduct online training on the internal platforms of the institution (see Figure 1).
Figure 1.
Diagram of the use of electronic video conference platforms.
Source: Authors’ development
The next part of the survey was to find out how often innovative solutions are used in education. To the
question of how often do you use innovations in education, 110 teachers answered that every class, while
113 teachers answered several times a week and 33 teachers answered several times a month. At the
same time, there was an option - "once a month", but none of the respondents indicated it. Thus, this
Zoom Microsoft Teams Google Meet Internal platforms of
the institution
%58,20% 19,53% 13,67% 8,59%
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
indicates the active use of innovations in Ukrainian education during the war. When asked how often they
distribute educational materials in digital format, the vast majority of respondents (about 31%) indicated
that they distribute them every week, while 35% distribute them several times a week. 25% of teachers
distribute digital learning materials once a month. At the same time, 13% introduce students to educational
resources several times a quarter. However, it should be noted that this frequency also depends on the
number of classes taught. The participants of the experiment had to rate from 1 to 5 the use of modern
platforms in the implementation of education during the war (see Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Evaluation of the use of modern platforms in the implementation of education during the war.
Source: Authors’ development
It should be noted that students gave high marks to the process of using modern platforms. Some teachers
pointed to some difficulties in using them, including problems with access to the Internet and the
underdeveloped material and technical base for the integrated use of various innovations. At the same
time, the lack of funding has become an important challenge for the Ukrainian education and science
system. The martial law has led to a reduction in spending on the education system, and thus on funding
for the latest educational programmes, and has reduced access to important resources that contribute to
the implementation of innovative solutions.
It is also worth considering that the use of innovations requires adaptation on the part of both implementers
and students. The respondents emphasised that the stress of war and the need to adapt to a new learning
environment were difficult challenges. Modern scholars believe that in order to actively adapt to new
learning environments and technologies, teachers should communicate with students to understand not
only their results but also their psychological state, and in case of need to contact a psychological counsellor
from the educational institution, all respondents had to evaluate modern messengers for communication
during distance education, in particular, such applications as e-mail or special messengers Telegram,
WhatsApp, Viber. The majority of respondents said that they mainly use Telegram and email to
Table 3.
Tools for communication between students and teachers
Tools for communication
Source: Authors’ development
1 2 3 4 5
%4,56% 10,55% 44,53% 40,23%
44,53% 40,23%
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Innovations in education in times of war: research and evaluation of results. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 88-99
Given the popularity of Telegram and Viber as the main communication apps respondents were asked to
rate their effectiveness on a scale from 1 to 5. These apps mostly received high marks (from 4 to 5), which
indicates their importance for effective communication between students and teachers during the war. The
final question concerned the overall assessment of the use of innovations in the implementation of
education during the war (a score of 1 meant not at all effective, 5 - very effective). The data obtained are
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3.
Overall assessment of the use of innovations in the implementation of education during the war.
Source: Authors’ development
Such high scores demonstrate the importance of innovative solutions in education during the war.
Obviously, the war has a negative impact on the educational system (as we found out, it leads to a lack of
funding and a shortage of material and technical resources), but martial law also facilitates the introduction
of completely new technologies and innovations. However, it is important that modern Ukrainian teachers
and students support the idea of introducing innovations into the education system, which is an important
indicator of the development of education in Ukraine, even despite the war.
After the outbreak of full-scale armed aggression, the situation in Ukraine's education sector has become
more complicated, as evidenced by numerous studies (Malynovskyi, Duka & Yaroshenko, 2022; Martin et
al., 2022; Kubiv et al., 2020). The educational process has been suspended, educational buildings have
been destroyed all this time, and students and teachers have found themselves in different conditions. As
in 2014, after the annexation of Crimea and the outbreak of hostilities in Donbas, the Ukrainian education
system faced the challenge of relocating educational institutions to the government-controlled territory. All
of this forced the educational process to adapt to new conditions and use innovative solutions, in particular,
the peculiarities of the introduction of distance education in Ukraine are described in detail in Movchan,
Komisarenko, Fernos and Kolisnyk (2023) and Krymets (2022).
The results underline the importance of innovative solutions in education during wartime. It was found
that modern teachers use various innovative tools to support education. The results of modern scholars
also demonstrate the importance of using platforms for e-learning (Bobro, 2023; Kuzheliev et al., 2023).
More detailed ways of implementing distance education based on the analysis of the experience of using
the Moodle and Microsoft teams platforms are covered in the study by Dezelak, Bobek and Sternad
Zabukovsek (2022). However, current research also emphasizes cybersecurity when implementing these
technologies (Lysenko et al., 2024; Kozlovskyi et al., 2024). Despite this, modern scientists prove that,
despite various challenges, it is worth developing the direction of education as an important factor in the
development of social capital (Shpykuljak & Mazur, 2014).
1 2 3 4 5
%0% 0,00% 10,55% 48,73% 40,23%
0% 0,00%
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The study also pays special attention to the problem of adaptation of participants in the educational process
and new solutions and innovations. Although it has been demonstrated that teachers and students have
successfully adapted to new realities and consider innovations important, adaptation is still essential for
the successful organisation of learning. This correlates with the study by Sytnik, Miroshnychenko and
Svidenska (2022), which investigated key aspects of students' emotional states during the war. This work
demonstrated that students' emotional states have undergone significant shifts in comparison to the pre-
war period: the dominant emotions have changed, which have generally become more labile, and anxiety
has increased. There is also a negative impact on communication (Dubiaha et al., 2023; Krylova & Krylova,
2023; Dovha et al., 2019).
Therefore, the authors of this article consider the introduction of ongoing psychological support and the
creation of internal platforms to support the mental health of applicants to be an important innovation.
Separately, this study also emphasises the challenges and difficulties in implementing innovations during
the war, in particular, the logistical difficulties, the importance of adaptation and the lack of funding. At
the same time, contemporary scholars also highlight other difficulties in implementing innovations
(including e-learning): limited access to certain technologies, issues of a safe learning environment, and
certain systemic and bureaucratic obstacles (Makhynko, 2023; Marchenko, 2023).
Based on the analysis of the evaluative responses of the participants in the experiment, this study
demonstrated the importance of introducing innovations in education in war, which has been confirmed in
other studies based on other conflicts. In particular, Rajab's (2018) empirical study of the role of e-learning
in war-affected areas also demonstrated the effectiveness of innovative solutions.
Based on a study of more than 20 courses and student outcomes, the author demonstrated that 26 e-
learning courses had a 100% pass rate compared to 16 face-to-face courses. In this way, this study also
shows the effectiveness of innovative means. Thus, the novelty of this study is based on the assessment
of judgements from teachers and students about the introduction of innovations in education and
demonstrated the effectiveness of the latter in supporting the modern educational environment.
Therefore, modern innovations play the role of an important element of the transformation of education in
the crisis of wartime. In particular, innovative means not only contribute to the reform and renewal of the
education system, but also ensure the effective functioning of the education sector in general.
The obtained evaluations of the participants of this study demonstrated a high level of importance, and
therefore the value of innovative solutions in the Ukrainian education system. The participants of this study
evaluated the basic tools and innovative instruments used in Ukrainian education, which in turn
demonstrated not only their familiarity with these tools, but also the fact that Ukrainian students and
teachers are well versed in innovative technologies.
It has been determined that the use of digital technologies in educational institutions is multi-platform and
cross-cutting, i.e., various mobile applications, learning platforms, or communication messengers are used.
It is demonstrated that communication is an important element of the functioning of education. As a result,
it is determined that modern teachers are actively using innovative tools to support students, and thus
implement the approach of personalised or personality-oriented learning, which is popular in Europe.
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Innovations in education in times of war: research and evaluation of results. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 88-99
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