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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Implementation of innovative technologies in out-of-school education: opportunities and prospects. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. /
Cómo citar:
Bykovska, O., Bykovskyi, T., Bykovskyi, Y., Klivadenko, N., & Shevchenko, O. (2024). Implementation of innovative technologies in out-of-school education:
opportunities and prospects. Revista Eduweb, 18(2), 129-140.
Implementation of innovative technologies in out-of-
school education: opportunities and prospects
Aplicación de tecnologías innovadoras en la educación extraescolar:
oportunidades y perspectivas
Olena Bykovska
WoS Researcher ID: CAI-1773-2022
Professor, Head of Department, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Timur Bykovskyi
WoS Researcher ID: JDW-5543-2023
Associate Professor, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Yaroslav Bykovskyi
WoS Researcher ID: GQC-8716-2022
Associate Professor, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Nataliia Klivadenko
WoS Researcher ID: KLZ-1896-2024
Associate Professor of Department, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Oleksandr Shevchenko
WoS Researcher ID: HRD-4072-2023
Associate Professor, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 20/04/24
Aceptado: 05/06/24
In the context of globalisation trends and the overall digitalisation of the education system, out-of-school
education is becoming an important tool in the development of learning environments. The purpose of this
paper is to describe the main innovative tools in out-of-school education, based on the analysis of key
challenges and opportunities. The study is based on a qualitative analysis of pedagogical literature and
individual legal documents. Content analysis of literature and comparative analysis became important
methods in this study. The data collection was formed only on the basis of modern literature in the range
of 2012-2024. The obtained results highlighted various innovative solutions used in extracurricular
education and described the basis of the possibility of their effective implementation. Special attention is
paid to the difficulties of their implementation. Given the challenges and opportunities for the successful
implementation of innovations, the main mechanisms for the effective implementation of innovative
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
technologies in out-of-school education institutions are developed. The conclusions note that the current
challenges are the lack of material and technical resources for the active use of out-of-school education
opportunities. In addition, the availability of appropriate professional training for teachers is also important.
Thus, this study has demonstrated the importance of out-of-school education based on innovative
Keywords: difficulties, digitalisation, out-of-school education, edification innovative solutions, peculiarities
of implementation.
En el contexto de las tendencias de la globalización y la digitalización general del sistema educativo, la
educación extraescolar se está convirtiendo en una herramienta importante en el desarrollo de entornos
de aprendizaje. El objetivo de este documento es describir las principales herramientas innovadoras en la
educación extraescolar, basándose en el análisis de los principales retos y oportunidades. El estudio se
basa en un análisis cualitativo de la literatura pedagógica y de documentos jurídicos individuales. El análisis
de contenido de la literatura y el análisis comparativo se convirtieron en métodos importantes en este
estudio. La recopilación de datos se formó únicamente sobre la base de la literatura moderna en el rango
de 2012-2024. Los resultados obtenidos destacaron varias soluciones innovadoras utilizadas en la
educación extracurricular y describieron la base de la posibilidad de su aplicación efectiva. Se presta
especial atención a las dificultades de su aplicación. Teniendo en cuenta los retos y las oportunidades para
el éxito de la aplicación de las innovaciones, se desarrollan los principales mecanismos para la aplicación
efectiva de las tecnologías innovadoras en los centros de educación extraescolar. Las conclusiones señalan
que los retos actuales son la falta de recursos materiales y técnicos para el uso activo de las oportunidades
de educación extraescolar. Además, también es importante la disponibilidad de una formación profesional
adecuada para los profesores. Así pues, este estudio ha demostrado la importancia de la educación
extraescolar basada en tecnologías innovadoras.
Palabras clave: dificultades, digitalización, educación extraescolar, soluciones innovadoras,
peculiaridades de la aplicación.
In modern conditions, pedagogical staff of out-of-school education institutions should not only have
thorough knowledge, but also demonstrate such traits as flexibility, critical thinking, innovation, mobility,
adaptability to new conditions, and constant readiness for innovative activities. Therefore, the
modernisation of out-of-school education in line with modern integration processes is a relevant area today.
Improving the system of out-of-school education requires the use of new technological solutions and
innovative approaches that contribute to the professional development of out-of-school education staff.
Thus, the learning process itself should be personalised, personally oriented and have a sound practical
focus on innovation.
The term “learning out-of-school education” is a purposeful process and result of learning, nurture,
development and socialization of the student's personality in free time in out-of-school education
institutions and other social institutions (Bykovska, 2019).
The term “innovative educational technology” means a qualitatively new set of forms, methods and means
of teaching and management that brings important changes to the outcome of the educational process
and is a multicomponent model. Contemporary scholars have repeatedly emphasised the importance of
innovative technologies in education (Vasilache, 2022; Borysova et al., 2024). Modern scientists have
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Implementation of innovative technologies in out-of-school education: opportunities and prospects. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. /
determined the important role of innovative technologies in improving the motivation to study in students
of education (Rahayu & Dong, 2023; Hansen et al., 2017). The researchers identified relevant innovative
pedagogical approaches that have demonstrated their effectiveness in modern education, however, noted
that not all approaches can effectively influence modern knowledge acquisition. (Feraco et al., 2022; Zhylin
et al., 2023).
Thus, this problem is important for research: a thorough study of this topic will help to highlight the main
effective technologies of knowledge transfer from teacher to student in the space of out-of-school
education. Thus, the purpose of the study is to analyse the main innovative technologies in out-of-school
education through the prism of researching opportunities and challenges in this area. Accordingly, the
following tasks will be implemented: critical analysis of literary sources, characterisation of the main
innovative solutions in the system of out-of-school education, study of opportunities and challenges for the
introduction of innovative technologies in this area.
Literature Review
Bykovskyi (2019) analysed the training of future teachers for professional work in institutions of out-of-
school education in the scientific and technical direction.
The study of the use of innovative technologies has intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic, and now,
given all the current events and challenges, has begun to develop even more. In a conceptual study by
Androshchuk, Androshchuk, Kurach, Khrenova, and Livshun (2020), the main principles of professional
teacher training based on students' extracurricular activities are described. The researchers note that
systemic, competence-based, synergistic, developmental, and personality-oriented approaches to the
organisation of educational space should play an important role in out-of-school learning. Chisiu (2013)
identified extracurricular activities as an alternative approach to implementing interdisciplinarity.
Bykovska (2019) revealed the theoretical and methodological foundations of out-of-school education in
Ukraine. The historical and pedagogical essence of theory and practice of out-of-school education was
explained; the basic chronological stages of out-of-school education forming and developing were showed.
The analysis of modern state of out-of-school education in Ukraine in comparison with the out-of-school
education in other European states was made. The scientific basements of out-of-school education system
were proved, its structure and parts were determined. The model of modern system for organizing and
administering the out-of-school education was characterized. The out-of-school contents and methodology
were developed, being based on the competent approach (Baryakhtar & Bykovskyi, 2019).
Díaz-Iso, Eizaguirre and García-Olalla (2019) analysed the pedagogical conditions for the organisation of
extracurricular education, and the authors also analysed in detail the theoretical and practical aspects of
additional activities in higher education. Feraco, Resnati, Fregonese, Spoto and Meneghetti (2022) found
that in extracurricular activities, the focus should be on the development of soft skills in students.
At the same time, the study by Onyshchenko, Serdiuk and Krykun (2021) describes the training of teachers
for innovative activities in the field of out-of-school education. The authors determined that innovative
forms, methods and technologies play an important role in this activity. It should be noted that modern
researchers have studied various aspects of the use of innovative technologies in education (Vasilache,
2022). The key aspects of distance learning in Ukraine are described in detail in Galynska and Bilous (2022).
Besides, Makhynko (2023) identified the role of open learning resources as important innovative tools for
organising learning. Rafael and Justino (2022) described the peculiarities of introducing virtual reality into
the learning system, mainly analysing the practical aspects of using this technology to develop active
learning. Also, according to Castilho Barilli (2012), virtual technologies play an important role as a didactic
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
tool in the organisation of modern e-learning. Malynovskyi, Duka, and Yaroshenko (2022) identified
effective conditions for organising distance learning in Ukraine based on the introduction of various
technologies and teaching methods.
Thus, modern researchers have identified various innovative technologies used in modern education. These
works will be an important methodological basis for this paper, however, they did not pay attention to out-
of-school education. Therefore, this study will try to fill in these gaps and focus on the specifics of
introducing innovative technologies in out-of-school education.
Considering the broad object of the study, namely a comprehensive analysis of innovative technologies in
out-of-school education, the paper uses a qualitative analysis of modern pedagogical literature and
individual educational documents.
Data collection
Data collection was carried out in stages. First, we found the main legal documents that ensure the
functioning of out-of-school education in Ukraine. In particular, the Law of Ukraine "On Out-of-school
Education" (Law of Ukraine 1841-III, 2000) defines the state policy in the field of out-of-school education,
its legal, socio-economic, as well as organizational, educational and educational principles.
The Recommendations on the organisation of educational activities of out-of-school education institutions
in the main areas in the academic year 2023/2024 (Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine, 2023),
Strategy for the development of out-of-school education (Bykovska, 2021) and the order of the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine "On the organisation of work of out-of-school education institutions"
(2022) were important for the analysis (Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine, 2022).
After selecting these documents, the stage of selecting scientific literature came. For this purpose, certain
keywords related to the topic were used and entered into the Google Scholar search database.
Table 1.
Keywords for data collection
Key words
Similar phrases
Innovative technologies
Innovations VS innovative education technologies VS educational
technologies VS digital technologies VS information and communication
technologies VS digitalization VS innovative approaches VS technological
Out-of-school education
After-school education VS after-school program VS out-of-school time VS
extracurricular education VS additional education VS extracurricular
activity VS extracurricular education VS extracurricular activities VS
extracurricular learning VS learning outside school hours.
Opportunities and challenges of
using innovative technologies
Difficulties in the use of innovative technologies VS opportunities for the
development of innovative education VS barriers to the use of
Source: Authors’ development
After entering the search database, we selected those sources that met the clearly defined criteria for
including literature:
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Implementation of innovative technologies in out-of-school education: opportunities and prospects. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. /
1. Preference is given to sources that are directly related to out-of-school education.
2. If the work does not relate to out-of-school education, it should clearly cover modern innovative
educational technologies.
3. The work should be relevant and cover current trends in the development of education.
4. Date range: from 2012 to 2024.
5. Practical value: the sources should contain practical recommendations and advice used in out-of-school
Based on these criteria, we managed to select relevant studies that contain up-to-date information on the
use of modern technologies in the educational system.
Data Analysis
This paper uses several research methods: thematic, comparative analysis and generalization. In particular,
the thematic analysis allowed to identify the main technologies found in the selected sources. The
comparative analysis allowed the authors to compare information from documentary sources with
literature. The generalisation was used to summarize the information obtained and to draw the main
conclusions to this study.
Results and Discussion
The introduction of innovative technologies in out-of-school education is an important trend that
characterises the modern market of educational services. Important components that contribute to the
introduction of innovation in the educational process include conceptual, content and technological
components. They contribute to the creation of an innovative and investment-friendly educational
environment through ongoing support of modern innovation initiatives. The innovative potential of an out-
of-school institution consists of the interest of participants in innovative activities and the positive result of
implementation, the digital competence of participants, the linking of the main goals of the institution with
a new pedagogical idea, and the coherence of the interests of the subjects of innovative activity (Ministry
of Education and Sciences of Ukraine, 2023). Innovative technologies contribute to the revolutionisation of
out-of-school education, improve the teaching and learning process, and engage and interact with students
beyond the traditional learning environment (Shevchenko et al., 2020).
In general, the process of introducing innovative technologies into the system of out-of-school education
is important because students should be interested in additional classes that should be more interesting
and therefore more innovative for them (Androshchuk et al., 2020). According to the analysis of modern
scientific works, important innovative technologies used in out-of-school education are the use of online
learning platforms, virtual (or augmented reality) technologies, mobile applications, gaming technologies
(in some cases, simulation technologies). They contribute not only to the development of theoretical
knowledge, but also to the development of practical skills of students (Castilho Barilli, 2012)
(see Figure 1).
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 1.
Key innovative technologies and their opportunities.
Source: Authors’ development.
As can be seen from Figure 1, various innovative tools are used in out-of-school education. In particular,
the use of online platforms and mobile applications in the out-of-school education system facilitates quick
access to various learning resources. These platforms are characterised by their accessibility, flexibility,
and facilitate self-learning opportunities. In particular, students can quickly find the necessary educational
material or attend video classes from different locations (Meletiou-Mavrotheris et al., 2022). Virtual reality
technologies also contribute to the development of practical skills of students, increase their interest in
learning and allow them to actively interact with the digital learning environment (Rafael & Justino, 2022).
In this sense, technologies based on artificial intelligence are also important (Sofilkanych et al., 2023).
However, in out-of-school education, they are used more for the purpose of organising and managing the
learning environment. For these reasons, the use of blockchain technologies that support the security of
out-of-school educational institutions is of great importance.
Contribute to the formation of interactivity in the educational process, make it possible to obtain
knowledge from any location
Online platforms for learning
Helps develop practical skills by simulating cases or scenarios from a real professional environment
Virtual and augmented reality
Game technology contributes not only to the development of skills, but also to motivation for
learning. the inclusion of game technologies in the learning process makes it more interesting for
Artificial intelligence of learning built on the basis of artificial intelligence contributes to the formation
of personalized learning and receiving instant feedback
Facilitate easy management of the educational process, introduce a person-oriented approach
Personalized learning system
Contribute to the receipt of interesting educational materials, create exciting audio and video content
for training
Introduction of individual webinars and podcasts
Form transparency and trust in extracurricular education
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Implementation of innovative technologies in out-of-school education: opportunities and prospects. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. /
Game-based forms of learning are designed to keep students motivated to learn through various games.
It has been proven that when a student wins a certain game activity, it not only contributes to their growth,
but also increases their interest in acquiring further knowledge. Another important trend is the introduction
of various electronic learning resources, including webinars and podcasts (Vasilache, 2022). On the one
hand, they play an important role as supplementary learning materials, and on the other hand, they
motivate students to search for educational information on their own.
Therefore, as can be seen from Figure 1, modern innovative technologies contribute to the formation of
not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills of students. They influence the transformation of
out-of-school education, making it more innovative and attractive for students. However, the introduction
of these innovative tools requires the appropriate digital competence of teachers (Tarteer et al., 2022). For
this reason, professional development courses are important. Such individual learning initiatives are not
spontaneous and do not contradict the traditional system of out-of-school education. In general, the quality
of designing an individual learning trajectory for an out-of-school teacher is positively influenced by the
humanisation of continuing education, which affects the choice of important values by out-of-school
teachers, educational legislation that allows teachers to choose an individual learning trajectory and
teaching methods, and the high level of professionalism of the organisers of in-service training for out-of-
school teachers through the prism of the modern paradigm of person-centred learning (Evans & Achiam,
For this reason, the use of innovative technologies in the system of out-of-school education has both a
number of opportunities and challenges. In particular, some difficulties may include additional costs for the
institution to implement these technologies and the need for additional training of teachers, etc. Table 2
presents a summary analysis of the main challenges and opportunities for introducing innovative tools in
the activities of out-of-school educational institutions.
Table 2.
Final comparative analysis of opportunities and challenges on the way to introducing innovative
technologies in the system of out-of-school education
Online platforms for learning
Access to the Internet can be an important challenge (this has become especially noticeable
in crisis situations). In addition, some regions may not have a high-quality fast connection,
which limits students from gaining knowledge through these platforms.
Another important challenge is the difficulty of maintaining motivation in online forms of
Support flexibility in the schedule of extracurricular studies, contribute to the acquisition of
knowledge from any location.
Contribute to the distribution of various online educational materials. Thus, these platforms
will contribute to the development of a person-oriented approach.
Virtual and augmented reality
Such technologies are very expensive for modern institutions of extracurricular education.
Individual applications built on modern virtual reality technologies can also be expensive, and
their free versions are not as effective.
Based on these technologies, students have the opportunity to learn in an exciting and
interactive way. Such technologies contribute to the development of practical training and
improve the motivation of students.
On the basis of modeling and simulation of real situations, students' knowledge acquisition
is improved.
The formation of an effective gaming learning space can also be costly, in addition, it requires
long and careful planning. Teachers need to clearly define the process of matching the game
with educational goals.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The game improves not only practical skills, but also improves the psychological and
emotional state of the students.
Contributes to the formation of curiosity and motivation to study in students, develops a
sense of achievement and a desire to learn more.
Artificial intelligence
Modern scientists have ethical concerns about the confidentiality of data entered into out-of-
school educational systems. Likewise, AI-based technologies may not always be accurate.
Contribute to the automation of educational tasks, AI-based technologies are flexible,
adaptive and contribute not only to innovation, but also to the interest of students.
Personalized learning system
There are concerns about the privacy of data entered into these personalized systems.
Make management of the educational institution easier. Contribute to the rapid receipt of
educational information from the teacher to the student.
Introduction of individual webinars and podcasts
Quality issues with webinars and podcasts.
Exciting learning based on webinars and video podcasts of experts from various fields of
Requires a high-tech infrastructure of an out-of-school education institution.
Increases the adaptability, safety and transparency of learning in an out-of-school education
Source: Author’s development based on analysis Castilho Barilli (2012); Galynska & Bilous (2022);
Vasilache (2022)
Taking into account the various challenges and opportunities of introducing innovative technologies in an
out-of-school educational institution, the management of an out-of-school educational institution should
take the following measures for successful operation:
1. Formulating an understanding of the need for change and innovation in the teaching staff, as well as
creating an appropriate information and technical space.
2. Implementation of systematic monitoring of the quality of educational processes in an out-of-school
institution and publication of its quantitative and qualitative indicators (Rafael & Justino, 2022).
3. Updating the means of conducting innovation activities, identifying a number of problems, creating a
creative innovation team to develop an idea and transform it into an appropriate programme.
4. Managing the development of innovations based on a continuous analysis of the state of functioning
of the educational institution, determining the goals achieved.
5. Implementation of intra-school management of innovative pedagogical activities through the prism of
teaching teachers innovative and experimental work within the framework of intra-school
methodological training.
6. High-quality training of teachers for innovative teaching, development of new technologies
(Androshchuk et al., 2020; Losheniuk et al., 2023).
7. Continuous improvement of the material and technical base of out-of-school educational institutions.
Thus, the availability of these conditions and the degree of readiness determine the complexity and scale
of innovative reform of an out-of-school educational institution. Formation and provision of conditions for
innovative development is the main and permanent function of an out-of-school institution. At the same
time, in order to ensure the effectiveness of individual innovative technologies and the overall innovative
pedagogical process, it is also necessary to take into account, analyse and monitor the results and
consequences of innovations for the system of out-of-school education.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Implementation of innovative technologies in out-of-school education: opportunities and prospects. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. /
This study has demonstrated that there are various opportunities and challenges to introducing innovative
technologies into the out-of-school education system. In general, modern scholars agree that the
introduction of innovations can cause a number of difficulties and challenges (Tarteer et al., 2022). This
research problem is also discussed work by Vasilache (2022), in which it was described the key challenges
in the system of implementing of distance learning technologies. In addition, Meletiou-Mavrotheris,
Eteokleous, and Stylianou-Georgiou (2022) agree that innovative technologies present both opportunities
and challenges for the education system. The study identifies the importance of out-of-school education,
which shapes the generation of the future, capable of understanding various innovative technologies. This
statement echoes current research (Bolat & Köroğlu, 2020; Engeström & Käyhkö, 2021).
In particular, Berg, Achiam, Poulsen, Sanderhoff, and Tøttrup (2021) argue that it is difficult to develop
relevant skills (including social skills and digital competences) in the formal education system within modern
curricula. However, out-of-school education serves as an supplements to develop these important qualities
that will be useful in the future. Also, according to current research, school curricula are increasingly
suffering from overload as part of the accumulation of scientific knowledge and the introduction of various
technologies and know-how (Berg et al., 2021; Firmansyah et al., 2020).
This situation presents an important challenge to making 21st century skills work. A solution that is often
used to address this challenge is person-centred learning, which is difficult to implement in modern
education. However, as proven in this research, it is in out-of-school education that this innovative
approach is fully accepted and used by modern educators. This research problem was also of interest to
other scientists, in particular, in the work of Hansen, Wallman, Teshome and Sporrong (2017), special
aspects of the relationship between out-of-school education, motivation and achievement of students were
considered. A similar research problem was also raised by the team of authors Hermanto, Udin and
Sudirman (2023), who described the influence of certain teaching methods and extracurricular activities
on the development of students' motivation to study. At the same time, a study by Mereniuk & Parshyn
(2024) demonstrated that it is important to use modern integrated and innovative textbooks that promote
interest among students.
Despite the fact that the study identified important challenges of introducing innovative technologies into
the education system, it also identified the potential for the development of these institutions. This is in
line with recent studies by Evans and Achiam (2021) and Munadi and Khuriyah (2023). These scientists
characterized the innovative potential of scientific and educational extracurricular institutions and
determined their role for the development of a sustainable modern society. The paper selects the main
innovative technologies used in out-of-school education, with a special focus on virtual and augmented
reality technologies, artificial intelligence, the introduction of innovative learning platforms, blockchain
technologies, etc. Orhani (2023) noted that it is now difficult to imagine an education system without
Thus, the novelty of this study is a comprehensive analysis of the identification of the main innovative
technologies used in out-of-school education, and the study of their main challenges and opportunities. It
is also worth considering the presence of a subjective factor in the selected works for analysis.
Thus, the process of introducing innovative technologies in the system of out-of-school education has both
opportunities and risks. In particular, important challenges include the adequacy of the material and
technical base for the implementation of these innovations, the availability of relevant personnel with the
appropriate level of professional training (digital competence) and motivation for self-improvement and
lifelong learning.
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
However, the identified technologies have a number of advantages and opportunities for further use. In
particular, in the context of vocational education, they contribute to the development of motivation and
maintain students' interest in out-of-school education. In general, it is proved that out-of-school education
is gradually becoming an important tool for learning and acquiring the necessary practical skills in the
modern world of digital and non-digital learning environments. The work emphasizes the main mechanisms
of effective implementation of innovations in the field of extracurricular education, it is determined that the
important conditions are the constant improvement of teacher’s skills and implementation of intra-school
management of innovative pedagogical activities through the prism of teaching teachers innovative and
experimental work etc.
Bibliographic References
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