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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Perspectives of using vr to increase accessibility in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 141-151
Cómo citar:
Zinchenko, V., Lazirko, N., Manko, R., Huda, O., & Ivanyshyn, M. (2024). Perspectives of using vr to increase accessibility in distance education. Revista
Eduweb, 18(2), 141-151.
Perspectives of using vr to increase accessibility in
distance education
Perspectivas del uso de la realidad virtual para aumentar la accesibilidad en
la educación a distancia
Volodymyr Zinchenko
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Social Work, and
Management, Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Oleksandr Dovzhenko
Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Hlukhiv, Ukraine.
Nataliia Lazirko
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of the Foreign Literature
and Polonistics, Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical
University, Drohobych, Ukraine.
Ruslana Manko
Senior Lecturer, The Department of the Foreign Literature and Polonistics Faculty of Ukrainian and
Foreign Philology, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine.
Oksana Huda
PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Physics and Higher
Mathematics, Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering, Lutsk National Technical University,
Lutsk, Ukraine.
Myroslava Ivanyshyn
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Approved at the meeting of the Department of the Foreign
Literature and Polonistics, Department of World Literature and Slavonic Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign
Philology, Drogobych Ivan Franco State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine.
Recibido: 20/04/24
Aceptado: 05/06/24
The article is devoted to the study of the prospects of using virtual reality technologies in the organisation of the
educational process. The main concepts and technologies that formed the basis for the development of this
innovative technology are considered. The article also analyses the advantages and disadvantages of immersive
education, virtual reality technologies, and their application in modern economic conditions. A comprehensive
analysis of the use of VR technology in education is carried out, including an analysis of empirical and theoretical
studies on the prospects for the use of virtual reality technologies in reforming the education system. The article
summarises the practices of VR development and provides information on proposals for the development of
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
immersive technologies in education. Further research should focus on the practical aspects of integrating virtual
reality technologies into the educational process. Attention should also be paid to the peculiarities of using these
Keywords: innovations, immersive education, educational environment, higher education, information
El artículo está dedicado al estudio de las perspectivas de uso de las tecnologías de realidad virtual en la
organización del proceso educativo. El artículo también analiza las ventajas e inconvenientes de la educación
inmersiva, las tecnologías de realidad virtual y su aplicación en las condiciones económicas modernas. Se lleva
a cabo un análisis exhaustivo del uso de la tecnología de RV en la educación, que incluye un análisis de los
estudios empíricos y teóricos sobre las perspectivas del uso de las tecnologías de realidad virtual en la reforma
del sistema educativo. El artículo resume las prácticas de desarrollo de la RV y ofrece información sobre
propuestas para el desarrollo de tecnologías inmersivas en educación. Las investigaciones futuras deberían
centrarse en los aspectos prácticos de la integración de las tecnologías de realidad virtual en el proceso
educativo. También debería prestarse atención a las peculiaridades del uso de estas tecnologías.
Palabras clave: innovaciones, educación inmersiva, entorno educativo, educación superior, tecnologías de la
Educational institutions are complex pedagogical systems that integrate various social and technological
components. They shape the knowledge of the younger generation and cannot exist without modern
information technology (IT). These technologies are an integral part of society, including education and
science, and make a significant contribution to the formation of the personality of the younger generation.
Virtual reality (VR) technology is an innovative and promising area of education that provides a
multidimensional representation of a subject area. Virtual reality is a technology that provides contactless
information interaction through complex multimedia operating environments. It creates the illusion of direct
entry and presence in a stereoscopically presented “virtual world”, while providing tactile sensations when
the user interacts with virtual objects (Scavarelli, Arya, & Teather, 2021).
The above-mentioned technology allows users to fully immerse themselves in the virtual space and feel
like a part of the environment created by the developers. This feature of VR provides an interesting and
visually appealing learning experience, demonstrating various phenomena and processes with any degree
of detail. VR technology can improve educational curricula by providing enhanced opportunities to interact
with objects and create a sense of presence.
Visually appealing lectures, seminars, and workshops made possible by VR provide a comprehensive
understanding of real-world objects and processes, improving the quality and efficiency of educational
processes while reducing costs. Visual information is the main source of memorisation, and combining it
with other activities significantly improves information retention. Virtual reality systems have clear
advantages over other learning tools in this regard (Mystakidis, Berki, & Valtanen, 2021).
1. VR systems allow users to visualise objects of different sizes, which makes it possible to study objects
in both the micro and macro worlds. This feature is particularly useful in teaching biology, astronomy,
and physics.
2. The VR systems can be used to create models of processes that cannot be directly observed by human
senses. This allows you to clearly demonstrate phenomena in an accessible and understandable form.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Perspectives of using vr to increase accessibility in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 141-151
For example, the distribution of heat in space or matter can be modelled by highlighting areas with
different temperatures with different colours and gradients.
3. VR technologies allow you to create objects that do not exist in the real world and visualise abstract
models, which is especially important in mathematics. Virtual reality technology allows you to
accurately simulate direct interaction with an object, modelling its behaviour in a real environment with
high accuracy.
4. This technology makes it possible to create a highly detailed simulated reality that can significantly
affect the emotional states of the subject, thereby further enhancing the simulation of his or her
behaviour in a real environment (Alalwan et al., 2020).
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Theoretical foundations of research on the use of VR in education
Although there is no universally accepted and unambiguous definition, the term “virtual reality” was coined
by Jaron Lanier, a pioneer in VR development, in 1989, initially defining VR as a computer illusion. VR is a
professional and scientific term that has gained widespread use and refers to a three-dimensional computer
simulation that creates a realistic effect without its physical reality.
Scavarelli, Arya and Teather (2021) distinguish two main meanings of the term VR. In a broad sense, it is
the entire information environment created with the help of digital technologies. In a narrow sense, VR is
defined as the highest programming product related to the modelling of the external and internal world of
a person, using immersive 3D information environments that are the pinnacle of modern programming and
The created digital world is a model of real-world objects, such as buildings or plants, or the topology of
human internal organs. A human operator can perceive the environment as if it were part of the real world
using visual, auditory, or tactile devices. VR can be a model of an abstract world that is not directly
represented in reality, such as a chemical molecule or a set of parameters. Or it can be an environment
from a completely fictional science fiction world.
According to some authors, VR is a uniquely powerful computer application through which people can
interact. Virtual reality is, first and foremost, a digital environment that simulates real life experience and
engages all the senses to achieve certain goals. Figure 1 shows a diagram of VR features.
Figure 1.
Key Features of Virtual Reality in Enhancing User Experience.
Source: Prepared by the authors
Easier understanding
Presence effect
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
VR is a construct that combines philosophical and natural science views on human cognitive abilities and
their support. The following properties of VR can be distinguished: performance in relation to the real
objective world, relevance when directly observed in real time, autonomy with unique patterns and spatial
and temporal constraints, interactivity with other realities.
The authors refer to the primary level as traditional works of art and products of the imagination, such as
mythological characters, fairy tales and epics. In addition, altered states of consciousness include clinical
psychotic states and hypnotic trance states. The secondary level consists of artificial reality created by
humans using digital technologies with a low degree of interactivity and animation. This includes
information space such as the Internet and personal computer software. Finally, the third level is artificial
information reality, created to imitate ordinary reality as closely as possible with the help of digital
technologies. It is characterised by high animation and interactivity.
The effectiveness of this study is assessed using qualitative and quantitative indicators. During the
observations, these indicators are measured, compared and analysed, and the data are then interpreted.
The study went through several stages, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1.
Stages of the study
Period of
Content of the research stage
February 2023
Defining the purpose and objectives of the study. Formation of control
and experimental groups of students. Selection of research tools and
methods. Conducting primary testing.
September 2023 -
March 2024
Implementation of pedagogical conditions using VR technology (for the
experimental group) and traditional teaching methods (for the control
group). Study of attitudes towards the educational environment.
Conducting statistical processing of the results. Drawing conclusions
based on the results.
April 2024
Processing the research results. Summarising the results.
Source: Prepared by authors
The experimental work was conducted on the basis of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
(Kyiv). The study involved 100 second- and third-year students studying in the field of "Teacher Education"
with a bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Teacher Education. Students of 6 academic groups were divided
into experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups. All respondents were warned about the need for an honest
and unbiased attitude to the survey. The study was conducted in accordance with general ethical standards
and rules. All respondents agreed to the processing of their personal data and the use of the research
results for the publication of the article.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Perspectives of using vr to increase accessibility in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 141-151
Data collection
1. The Educational Environment Trust Scale (EETS). This test was developed by researchers at the
University of Illinois. The EETS contains 18 statements that assess the level of trust students have in
their teachers, peers, and the educational environment in general.
2. Monitoring of academic performance. The method allows for an objective assessment of the
effectiveness of the implemented technology.
Analysis of data
The following formula is used to determine the standard deviation (SD) for each group:
S = 󰇛󰇜
 ; (1)
where Xi is the value of each level, ¯X is the average value, N is the number of observations.
χ2 criterion is calculated using the formula:
χ2 = N ∙ 󰇟
 󰇠, (2)
where N is the total number of students who participated in the formative stage of the pedagogical
m is the number of possible values of the first feature; n is the number of possible values of the second
хіј is the number of combinations of the i-th value of the first feature with the j-th value of the second
Qi is the total number of observations of the i-th value of the first feature;
Ri is the total number of observations of the j-th value of the second feature.
Typically, critical values are given for different levels of significance. The probability of error associated
with rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis is called the significance level. This means that the
probability of considering differences to be significant when they are actually random is determined by the
significance level. In pedagogical research, a significance level (denoted by α) of 0.05 is usually used,
which indicates that the possibility of error should not exceed 5%. This is the level of significance used in
this study.
Results and Discussion
Features of educational VR
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of VR for educational purposes around the
world (Alzahrani, 2020). Educational virtual reality is a separate and effective area of digital technology
application that facilitates the learning process, expands knowledge, and is based on reliable information.
It can be integrated with other teaching methods and is intended for participants in the educational
process, including teachers and students.
Learning using educational virtual reality is significantly different from traditional methods. Unlike
traditional education, which often requires a high degree of personal interest, responsibility and hard work,
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
often in conditions of personal autonomy, with conventional sources of information that often require
additional clarification, education in the context of educational VR allows you to simulate a complex visual-
spatial-auditory environment (Joo et al., 2018).
VR creates an effective didactic environment with wide possibilities that produce qualitatively new
properties that are not inherent in traditional methods. Educational VR is a system of sequential actions
that requires technological interfaces to provide an immersive experience. It is not a rigid algorithm of
actions and prescriptions, but rather a flexible learning technology that can be adapted to achieve the
desired educational goals (Saab et al., 2021).
There are three types of main interfaces that support learning objectives:
VR, which provides a sensory immersion environment, the illusion of body presence and an experience
of intense participation;
Multiuser VR (MUVE), which provides mental presence in the created environment indirectly by
personal avatars, without sensory stimulation, with the ability to interact with other avatars;
Mixed, or augmented, reality, where digitally generated information enriches, shapes, accelerates or
slows down real-life situations (Anderson & Rivera Vargas, 2020).
Table 2.
Characteristics of educational VR presented in the review by P. Axel
VR type
VR that creates a simulated
environment with spatial and
visual logic
- The student can take on the roles of observer, participant and creator.
VR that creates challenging
- It provides opportunities for immersion and understanding, multisensory
experience, social interaction and collaboration.
VR interconnected with physical
reality (PR)
- Subtractive FR (sociocultural situations and experiences that are difficult or
impossible to access physically or mentally).
- Additive and/or augmented FR (illustrative or merging with physical reality).
- Concretising FR (representing objects of physical reality that can be accessed
only in an abstract way, with creative participation in this, for example,
controlling the work of neurons or getting to know political processes).
- Independent FR (creation of an alternative to reality, imaginary, fictional).
VR that reduces or eliminates
potential physical and mental
- Removes the burden of responsibility for the performance of activities in the
simulated environment, thereby creating the possibility of a safe and secure
- It has the ability to increase the burden of responsibility (without the ability
to control the person being influenced) in order to enhance the cognitive aspect
of responsibility (an environment saturated with specific stimuli).
Source: Prepared by Aczél (2017)
It should be noted that the highest level of VR can be achieved with the help of several types of
technological products. The first type includes widely available computer monitors that display highly
animated images containing 3D models of real objects (for example, created using the Unity multi-platform
tool). The second type is portable VR headsets or glasses (HMD - Head Mounted Display). There are three
types of HMD systems: those that display only computer-generated images, those that display real video
images, and those that display a combination of computer-generated and real video images.
This type is augmented virtual reality, which differs from traditional virtual reality in that it projects
additional objects that are not in the field of view simultaneously with the demonstration of a real situation.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Perspectives of using vr to increase accessibility in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 141-151
Selivanov's CAVE reality projects specially shaped virtual objects onto multiple screens, using motion
parallax to create the illusion of three-dimensional objects for the user. This technology allows for the
modelling of a wide range of complex dynamic virtual scenes. CAVE systems provide a much more
immersive virtual environment than HMD technology (Jang et al., 2021). The CAVE system adapts to the
user's parameters, providing interactive interaction with virtual objects. In addition, the user can touch and
manipulate virtual objects using special devices called pens.
In his review, P. Ackzel identifies three groups of educational VR products, each of which has its advantages
and disadvantages. The advantage of the programme is that it clearly meets the learning objectives. Akzel
notes that the disadvantage is that it can be difficult for the user to determine its educational focus, which
can reduce motivation to learn. The first group includes educational VR products developed exclusively for
educational purposes (for example, Quest Atlantis and Rome). The second group includes educational VR
products that simulate communicative social situations and entertainment, as well as include educational
features such as virtual online museum tours and Jump Start. The second group includes educational VR
products that create simulated social situations and entertainment and include educational features such
as virtual online museum tours and Jump Start. However, such products are not recommended for group
online sessions due to safety concerns and the high likelihood of encountering unknown online players or
participants. The third group includes immersive virtual products designed primarily for gaming, but can
also be used for educational purposes, such as the development of VR content (e.g. Minecraft or Second
Life) (Aczél, 2017).
Axel highlights several problems that other researchers have noted that customers of educational VR
products may face when developing VR content. Developers may have difficulty setting precise goals, lack
competence, or lack innovative intentions, which can lead to cognitive overload and/or low motivation for
the user. It is important to note that educational VR is mainly targeted at users aged 10 to 15, while older
users, including adults, prefer virtual spaces suitable for creating their own content (Aczél, 2017).
The study tested students' satisfaction with the learning environment. The results of the study are
presented in Table 3.
Table 3.
Results of the Educational Environment Trust Scale (EETS) test for CG and EG
Average value
Standard deviation
t-test (p-value)
-2,34 (0,021)
Source: Prepared by authors
The results show that the control group (CG) has a mean of 72.5 with a standard deviation of 9.4, while
the experimental group (EG) has a mean of 68.2 with a standard deviation of 11.3. The t-test value is -
2.34 and the p-value is 0.021. This indicates a statistically significant difference between the groups, where
the CG has a higher mean, which may indicate the impact of the experiment. We also monitored students'
academic performance, the results of which are presented in Table 4.
Table 4.
Results of monitoring the dynamics of students' academic performance for CG and EG
Average value
Standard deviation
t-test (p-value)
Chi-square (p-value)
-2,45 (0,018)
12,7 (0,002)
Source: Prepared by authors
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The EG shows a mean academic performance value of 78.5 with a standard deviation of 9.2, while the CG
has a mean value of 72.1 with a standard deviation of 11.5. The t-test value (-2.45) and p-value (0.018)
indicate a statistically significant difference between the groups, and the chi-square (12.7) with p-value
(0.002) confirms this significance. The results indicate that the EG achieved higher academic performance
compared to the CG, which did not use VR technologies.
Learning models that use VR technology
P. Akzal formulated theoretical concepts of learning based on three approaches in a review of educational
VR technologies that use complex immersive environments for interactive user learning. They are formed
on the basis of three approaches in a review of educational VR technologies that use complex immersive
environments for interactive user learning (Aczél, 2017). For example, the author recommends a
constructivist approach based on Piaget's theoretical model of the evolution of mental models in children's
cognitive development as one of the first approaches to the use of educational virtual reality. Akzal has
formulated theoretical concepts of learning based on three approaches in a review of educational VR
technologies that use complex immersive environments for interactive user learning. In his research, P.
Akzal relied on the constructive approach. It allows students to actively and creatively accumulate
knowledge, discover, define, and identify relationships, and teachers to creatively generate new
Educational virtual reality presents students with a problem in a specific context for which they must
develop an individual or collective solution. Thus, it is not standardised or universal, but there is always an
opportunity to analyse the effectiveness of learning in the process of solving the problem. VR undoubtedly
enhances the learning process by providing high motivation and engagement through sensory stimulation,
creating individual or group activities that have a positive impact (Bower, DeWitt, & Lai, 2020).
The second approach is experiential learning. Here, the subject creates meanings and acquires knowledge
outside the standard dissemination of knowledge from expert to layperson. The knowledge is based on
individual and/or collective experience, gained empirically through insights that reduce criticism in the
interpretation of experience. Individually and in groups, experience is interpreted in accordance with socio-
cultural attitudes. This interpretation leads to reflective active behaviour. Educational methods associated
with this approach are a cyclical process consisting of several stages and elements (Shevchenko, Dubiaha,
& Fefilova, 2021).
The cyclical process acquires new knowledge through observation, reflection and action (Smolych &
Zavadskaya, 2021).
Experiential learning methods are designed to empirically create new knowledge by overcoming obstacles,
unlike everyday life experiences, which are not always conducive to acquiring new knowledge, as P. Axel
notes. Real-world experiences can be classified as primary (direct) or secondary (indirect). VR creates an
effective hybrid of mediated experience that can be used in education.
It is important to note that secondary experiences are also spatially, temporally, culturally and contextually
distant. For example, receiving news in the form of a text or multimedia message is a secondary experience
(Radzievska et al., 2022).
Virtual reality offers a unique advantage over real-life secondary experiences by providing a physically
tangible presence of media technologies, such as a display or VR helmet, a rope or a treadmill, as well as
their physical effects, such as sweating. This direct impact on the user's senses provides a powerful and
immersive experience, even though it is indirect and reflexive. Virtual reality (VR) is a highly effective tool
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Perspectives of using vr to increase accessibility in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 141-151
for experiential learning. It creates a realistic perception and facilitates the entire cycle of comprehension,
thinking, action, and reflection. This contrasts with traditional school assignments that are presented in the
form of text or verbal instructions from the teacher (Elshami et al., 2021).
Context-aware learning is a third approach that emphasises the importance of presence, engagement with
the context of the situation, and a type of learning that can be more intensive, depending on the degree
of integration into the situation (Bhandari, 2023).
The situation requires exploration and interpretation of changes in the context, active participation,
interactive communication, situational engagement, and thus immersion. These methods make it possible
to implement metacognitive learning, which involves asking reflective questions that contribute to the
acquisition of new knowledge. It is important to note, however, that contextual learning requires additional
human and economic resources and much more time, for example, for travelling, visiting companies,
internships, etc.
VR allows the use of media resources that can be compared to real-life situations, depending on the
intensity and subtle variability of the situational context. When developing educational VR content, the
constructivist approach can be based on knowledge generation, the empirical approach on experience, and
the situational approach on the situational context. When developing educational VR content, the
constructivist approach can be based on knowledge generation, the empirical approach on experience, and
the situational approach on the situational context (Al Rawashdeh et al., 2021)
SNKC describes a clear multi-step process for VR newcomers to become part of a social network. The
learner starts out as a neophyte, but with dedication and effort, they can progress to become a mentor
who not only contributes to the reality they create, but also controls it.
Training methodology using VR technologies
Virtual reality can support a number of different types of learning. The first type is observation-based
learning, which provides students with sensory experiences through cutting-edge media resources that
allow them to transcend physical boundaries. For example, virtual campuses, museums, historical sites,
works of art and natural formations. The benefits of learning through virtual reality should be emphasised,
as it offers multiple perspectives without requiring additional physical or economic resources, as
demonstrated in the context of learning (Nambiar, 2020).
The second approach is activity-based learning, which involves active participation and experiencing the
consequences in a virtual reality environment. Education aims not only to understand complex concepts,
but also to test existing knowledge, such as physical and mathematical laws, language rules, and social
norms. Through trial and error with feedback, education provides valuable experience without physical or
social consequences, similar to experiential learning (Soliman et al., 2021).
Social learning is the third type of learning. It enables collaboration in solving problems and overcoming
physical barriers, as demonstrated by the Harvard HBX Live virtual online project. The potential of
interaction on newly created technological platforms should be emphasised and represents a new method
of learning called “pyragogy” (Turchyn et al., 2023). Learning is based on joint research, the presence of
another student, active critical feedback and high responsibility. The key elements of learning are
knowledge sharing, co-presence, interaction and collaboration (in the context of learning).
Experiential learning - the fourth type - involves the design of learning materials and the study of areas
that are either inaccessible to human senses or too complex to perceive (Di Natale et al., 2020). Modelling
is used to create a tangible reality that allows us to evaluate phenomena that were previously understood
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
only at an abstract level. For example, nanoparticles and democratic institutions of society can be better
understood through the use of VR.
The fifth type is future-oriented learning, which contributes to the development of sustainable skills of a
promising personality. The authors call this approach the “Homo-perspective” social person. According to
the authors, human perception, memory, and emotions are future-oriented, not primarily related to the
present or past. In other words, people do not understand, store, or experience through knowledge,
evaluation, and emotions, but rather represent and predict (Nambiar, 2020).
The main purpose of this paper was to analyse the extent to which virtual reality technologies can be integrated
into the educational process. A review of studies conducted in the field of educational VR demonstrates the
comprehensive ontological and methodological elaboration of the issues faced by researchers. It can be stated
that virtual reality technologies are safe and effective for learning. Modern digital equipment meets the highest
standards of environmental safety, including psychological and technical characteristics.
This theoretical study allowed us to identify the types, levels and features of immersion experienced by users of
virtual reality products. The experimental studies presented in this article examined the personal characteristics
of users and the degree of their influence on academic performance. The article discusses teaching methods
and tools to increase learning motivation and improve learning.
Modern digital virtual reality products, despite their effectiveness, can still be expensive and inaccessible. The
integration of VR technologies into the educational process requires improvements and changes from both
technology developers and participants involved in the learning process. Developers need to provide more
convenient and safer equipment, and educators need to develop promising educational programmes that meet
the needs of students and are consistent with the nature of these technologies. The future of educational virtual
reality depends on the speed with which VR becomes a widely available educational technology. This article
explores the potential of higher-level virtual reality technologies in higher education by examining the impact of
virtual reality programmes on student characteristics. Didactic VR technologies create an enhanced modern
educational environment and expand learning opportunities for students. Virtual reality technologies will
revolutionise human interaction with the real world in the next few years, and their potential will be used in
various fields.
Bibliographic References
Aczél, P. (2017). Virtual reality and education - world of teachcraft?
Perspectives of Innovations, Economics
and Business
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