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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Gamification of the educational process in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 167-182
Cómo citar:
Konstantynova, T., Dundiuk, V., Hurievska, O., Zhulkanych, B., & Shevchuk, O. (2024). Gamification of the educational process in distance education. Revista
Eduweb, 18(2), 167-182.
Gamification of the educational process in distance
Gamificación del proceso educativo en educación a distancia
Tetiana Konstantynova
Department of Humanities, Danube Institute of National University "Odessa Maritime Academy", Izmail,
Vira Dundiuk
School principal of the Rivne Lyceum "Center of Hope" named after Nadiia Marynovych, Rivne, Ukraine.
Oleksandra Hurievska
Department of Higher Mathematics and Physics of Central Ukrainian National Technical University,
Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Borys Zhulkanych
Department of Physical Geography and Rational Nature Management, State Higher Educational Institution
"Uzhhorod National University", Uzhgorod, Ukraine.
Oleksandra Shevchuk
Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine.
Recibido: 12/04/24
Aceptado: 01/06/24
The aim is to study and analyse the potential and efficiency of gamification in the educational process, in
particular within the context of distance education. During the course of the study, the testing method, the
method of expert evaluation, and the method of determination of the efficiency of the influence of gamification
on educational process efficiency were used. Statistical methods such as standard deviation and a chi-squared
test were used for processing the received results. Test reliability was verified using Cronbach's alpha. The
results demonstrate that gamification improves educational material mastering, develops creative skills, and
enhances the quality of joint work in a virtual environment. Students get more motivated to participate in the
educational process due to gamification. The average number of correctly solved tasks for the experimental and
control groups was determined to evaluate study results in quantity. Thus, experiment results showed that
students of the experimental group correctly performed final tests for 2,66 tasks more than those of the control
group, and in general, students of the experimental group correctly performed 1,76 tasks. In distance education,
gamification becomes a perspective and effective approach, oriented towards the enhancement of the academic
achievements and motivation of students.
Keywords: educational technologies, gaming technologies, higher education, innovations, motivation.
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
El objetivo es estudiar y analizar el potencial y la eficiencia de la gamificación en el proceso educativo, en
particular en el contexto de la educación a distancia. Durante el estudio se utilizaron el método de prueba, el
método de evaluación de expertos y el método de determinación de la eficacia de la influencia de la gamificación
en la eficiencia del proceso educativo. Para procesar los resultados recibidos se utilizaron métodos estadísticos
como la desviación estándar y la prueba de chi-cuadrado. La confiabilidad de la prueba se verificó mediante el
alfa de Cronbach. Los estudiantes se motivan más para participar en el proceso educativo gracias a la
gamificación. Se determinó el número promedio de tareas resueltas correctamente para los grupos experimental
y de control para evaluar los resultados del estudio en cantidad. Así, los resultados del experimento mostraron
que los estudiantes del grupo experimental realizaron correctamente las pruebas finales en 2,66 tareas más que
los del grupo de control y, en general, los estudiantes del grupo experimental realizaron correctamente 1,76
tareas. En la educación a distancia, la gamificación se convierte en una perspectiva y enfoque eficaz, orientado
a la potenciación de los logros académicos y la motivación de los estudiantes.
Palabras clave: educación superior, innovaciones, tecnologías de juego, tecnologías educativas, motivación.
The development of the information society makes the issue of the efficiency of digital gaming technologies
relevant in the conditions of distance education. The use of game methods in the educational process has
become one of the important spheres of research in recent years (Mohammed & Hirai, 2021).
The notion of 'gamification' was introduced into scientific discourse by a group of scientists in 2011. It
provides for the use of approaches that are characteristic of the game in non-gaming processes. According
to this conception, it is possible to state that gamification is a new discipline with a large potential. Due to
these, studies of the essence and distinctive features of gamification, which are studied by different
concepts of the use of game elements in the process of education modernisation, remain relevant
(Lampropoulos, 2024).
Gamification is the process of using game elements and mechanics in non-game contexts to increase the
engagement, motivation and effectiveness of participants Vasylenko and Vasenko (2023). In distance
education, gamification is used to stimulate students' activity and interest in the educational process. Key
elements of gamification include:
1. Implementation of a system of points that students can earn for completing certain tasks or achieving
certain goals.
2. Dividing the learning process into different levels that students can gradually go through while getting
a sense of progress.
3. Using symbolic awards to recognise achievements and motivate further development.
4. Creation of leaderboards that allow students to see their achievements compared to other course
5. Implementation of various tasks that stimulate students to actively participate and independently
search for solutions Chizhikova (2023).
There are different approaches to gamification in distance education. One of them is the use of full-fledged
game environments, where learning occurs through the game process. Another approach is to integrate
individual game elements into traditional educational platforms. Despite the numerous advantages of
gamification, there are also certain limitations and possible negative consequences of its use. One of the
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Gamification of the educational process in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 167-182
main challenges is the risk of students focusing too much on collecting points and badges, which can
distract them from the main goal of learning. Inadequate implementation of gamification elements can
lead to loss of motivation if tasks become too difficult or, on the contrary, too easy. Ensuring equal access
to resources and opportunities for all students is also an important aspect to avoid creating inequalities in
the learning environment. This study will use the pedagogical conditions for the introduction of gamification
elements into the educational process.
Modern studies underline both the positive and negative consequences of gaming technology application
in education. The consequences of gaming technology usage are understudied. The issue of the efficiency
of gaming technologies in education and the educational process remains relevant. Due to this, the role of
gaming technologies in the educational process, based on the provisions of the systemic nature of
implementation of the distance form of education, should be considered on the theoretical level
(Kryshtanovych et al., 2022).
It is possible to state the solution to numerous pedagogical problems and tasks lies in the sphere of
informational, and digital educational technologies and the psychological and pedagogical conditions of
their usage (Nonthamand & Suaklay, 2021). One of the relevant directions of the use of informational,
digital educational technologies in the educational process is the concept of gamification. Pedagogical
conditions of gamification implementation into the educational process under conditions of distance
education contain the following provisions:
use of gaming approaches for non-game processes to enhance participants' engagement in the solution
of given tasks;
adaptation and wide use of video games in everyday life;
use of game elements and techniques of game design in a non-game context.
introduction of gamification elements in the educational process provides for the use of various devices
aimed at:
attention attraction and retention;
differentiation of long-term unclear and short-term clear objectives;
development and introduction of the system of victories and relevant risks;
establishing compliance between abilities and difficulty of tasks, which should be solved;
modelling of game situations within the process of which knowledge, skills, and abilities in a certain
sphere should be formed (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2023).
Individual and team games especially motivate students to achieve results. Two different approaches can
be defined within the process of gamification of online education and distance education. The first lies in
gamification elements introduction into the system of education management, while the second - in parallel
gamification of the system of education management and education system itself (Mehed, 2020).
One of the key issues arising within the context of distance education is motivating students and ensuring
their effective studying. Due to this, the use of gamification is an innovative approach to the improvement
of the distance educational process. Motivation is an important component of academic achievements, and
it may be especially fragile in distance education (Christopoulos & Mystakidis, 2023). Students can
experience a lack of motivation for active participation in education, as well as a lack of interaction with
fellow students and teachers. Gamification offers a new method of solving this issue, using elements of
the game to cause curiosity and strive to achieve educational goals (Yaroshenko et al., 2022).
It is important to determine the influence of gamification on education efficiency, particularly within the
context of distant educational environments. Can gamification enhance the level of students’ motivation?
What particular elements of gamification contribute to the enhancement of educational outcomes? Are
there limitations or possible negative consequences of the use of gamification in distance education?
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
These questions become the basis of this study, directed at the determination of the role of gamification
in the improvement of the quality and effectiveness of distance education. Understanding the influence of
gamification on motivation and the educational process will help to develop effective strategies for this
approach implementation into modern educational practice (Pereyaslavska & Smagina, 2019).
The study mainly focuses on the influence of gamification on the motivation and effectiveness of students
within the context of distance education. Concentrating on solving tasks related to remote educational
environments, it is necessary to analyse the level to which game elements can stimulate active participation
and improve the quality of education. Study results will provide valuable information for gamification
introduction into distance education, enhancing the efficiency of the educational form.
The study aims to study and analyse the possibilities and efficiency of gamification use in the educational
process, in particular within the context of lecturing using distance technologies.
Tasks /questions
1. To study the influence of gamification on the level of motivation formation.
2. To study peculiarities of the formation of academic achievements of students of control and
experimental groups.
3. To determine statistically significant differences in academic achievements.
Literature Review
In their work Kryshtanovych, Kryshtanovych, Stepanenko, Brodiuk and Fast (2021) consider the
methodological approach to determination of the main factors of creative thinking development in students
of creative professions. The study determines key aspects, influencing creativity development in the
educational process. In particular, the article focuses on the determination and analysis of the factors,
which contribute to the formation of creative thinking in students, which select creative spheres. The
authors use a systemic approach and empiric methods to study the influence of different factors such as
education, environment, and studying style on creative potential development. This article is an important
contribution to understanding the process of creative thinking formation in students of creative professions.
The article written by a group of authors, Samodumska, Zarishniak, Tarasenko, Buchatska, Budas and
Tregubenko (2022), studies gamification use in non-formal adult education. The authors analysed the
designation and influence of gamification on the educational process of adults in detail. The work aims to
determine effective practices of gamification within non-formal education and define their potential for
improving the motivation and effectiveness of education. The use of gamification in non-formal adult
education is a relevant theme, and this article contributes to understanding the influence of gamification
strategies on educational processes within this context.
The study by Sadovets, Martynyuk, Orlovska, Lysak, Korol and Zembytska (2022) reveals the issue of
gamification use in the non-formal educational environment of higher education within the context of digital
transformation of education. The authors studied the influence of gamification on educational processes
under conditions of non-formal education, in particular outlining aspects of the digital transformation of
education. The authors use study methods to determine how gamification can enhance the efficiency of
informal education in higher educational institutions. The study makes a valuable contribution to
understanding the role of gamification in non-formal educational space and underlines its significance
within the context of the modern digital paradigm.
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Gamification of the educational process in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 167-182
The use of gamification and machine-based learning for attention retention and education improvement in
class environments is considered in Duggal, Gupta and Singh (2021). The authors provide a detailed review
of the gamification method, in which they use methods of at-home machine learning for the creation of
effective learning strategies. The article analyses the influence of these approaches on in-class interaction
and students' abilities development. The article differs by its uniqueness, as it combines gamification with
the use of innovative methods of machine learning to achieve more efficient results in education.
The study by Alahmari et al. (2023) is a systematic review of modern trends and gaps in empirical studies
of gamification in education with a focus on science. A systematised approach was used for literature
evaluation and analysis to detect popular trends and understudied areas in gamification studies in science
education. This approach allows the authors to identify the advantages and disadvantages of previous
studies and determine the perspectives of further scientific studies in this area. The work makes a valuable
contribution to understanding the current state and directions of further studies in the area of gamification
in science education.
In their study, Montiel-Ruiz, Sánchez-Vera and Solano-Fernández (2023) reveal the use of social networks
and gamification in physical education with the use of a particular case. They present a detailed analysis
of the influence of these methods on students studying and interactions in physical education. This study
aims to reveal the efficiency of the use of social networks and gamification for engaging students and
improving their physical development. Using the case study, they ensure the use of particular examples of
successful implementation of these strategies in physical education.
In her work, Kurbonova (2023) studies the principles of gamification of educational processes. The author
investigates multifaceted aspects of gaming elements’ integration into the educational environment. The
importance of gamification for the enhancement of interest and motivation of students is underlined in the
article. The author emphasises the potential of gamification for academic honesty enhancement and
promoting studying during the whole life. Considering the principles in the basis of this approach, the article
provides valuable information on the theoretical principles of gamification in education.
Chizhikova (2023) focuses on the study of the interaction between gamification of the educational process
and the development of educational autonomy of students in higher educational institutions. The author
analyses how gamification introduction contributes to the activation of self-studying and the development
of students’ initiative. The work offers a new opinion on the role of gamification in the upbringing of
students as independent individual participants in the educational process.
Vasylenko and Vasenko (2023) study the influence of gamification in the educational process of the higher
educational institution. They consider technological, economic, and technical aspects of gamification in
information society. The study uses materials from the International Scientific Internet Conference and
aims to analyse the influence of gamification on the formation of educational strategies under conditions
of society modernisation and covers key aspects of gamification in higher educational institutions.
Trischuk, Figol and Volyk (2020) and Diachenko, Kalishchuk, Zhylin, Kyyko and Volkova (2022) study the
efficiency of gamification as the means of attention attraction in electronic media. The authors emphasise
the necessity of gamification for enhancing interaction and participation of the audience in electronic media
platforms. The study indicates the significant influence of gamification on consumers' attention attraction
and the creation of effective strategies for the media industry. The use of gamification in electronic media
is studied from the perspective of not only attention enhancement but also improvement of interaction and
satisfaction of the users.
Many issues in the area of gamification in education remain understudied and require the attention of
researchers. One of the aspects lies in the detailed consideration of the influence of gamification on the
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
socio-emotional development of students, including the formation of communication and interpersonal
skills. The influence of gamification on the education of individuals with special educational needs is not
studied enough. The study on this issue may be useful for the development of inclusive pedagogical
approaches, directed and ensuring access to educational possibilities for all. It is necessary to study the
long-term influence of gamification on students’ development and education, as well as to determine the
approaches that can influence further career and professional development. Table 1 presents a summary
of the studies.
Table 1.
Generalisation of research
The authors
The main topic
Main conclusions
Brodiuk, Fast
Development of
creative thinking
among students of
creative professions
Determination of
factors affecting the
development of
creative thinking
learning style)
Focus on short-term
effects, lack of long-
term analysis
Buchatska, Budas,
The use of
gamification in non-
formal education of
Analysis of
Increasing the
motivation and
effectiveness of
adult learning
attention to social-
Orlovska, Lysak,
Korol, Zembytska
Gamification in
conditions of digital
transformation of
Research on
the impact of
Increasing the
effectiveness of
education in higher
Lack of
consideration of
cultural and socio-
economic contexts
Duggal, Gupta,
Gamification and
machine learning to
improve education
Overview of
Increasing attention
retention and
educational results
Focusing on
aspects, little
consideration of the
human factor
Alahmari et al.
Review of literature on
gamification in
A systematic
Identifying trends
and gaps in
Review work does
not contain new
empirical data
Social networks and
gamification in
physical education
Case analysis
Improvement of
student interaction,
improvement of
Focus on one case,
limited generality
Principles of
gamification in
Increasing student
interest and
academic integrity
Theoretical nature,
lack of empirical
Gamification and
educational autonomy
of students
Analysis of the
influence of
Promotion of
independence and
initiative of students
The impact of
gamification in higher
Materials of
the conference
Analysis of
economic and
Review nature,
insufficient empirical
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Gamification of the educational process in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 167-182
technical aspects of
Trischuk, Figol,
Effectiveness of
gamification in
electronic media
User attention
interaction and
Focus on media,
limited applicability
to education
Source: Developed by the authors
Previous research has made a significant contribution to the understanding of various aspects of
gamification in education and the development of creative thinking. They emphasise the importance of a
systematic approach and empirical methods for the analysis of factors affecting the educational process.
However, there are several limitations that require further investigation. In particular, most works focus
on short-term effects and do not take into account the long-term impact of gamification on the
development of students and their career prospects. Also, insufficient attention is paid to the socio-
emotional development of students, especially the impact of gamification on communication and
interpersonal skills. In addition, few studies focus on the inclusive aspects of gamification, which limits the
possibility of developing inclusive pedagogical approaches.
The analysis of the literature indicates a growing interest in gamification in education, particularly in higher
and non-formal education. There is a trend toward integrating gamification with other technologies, such
as machine learning and social media, to improve educational outcomes. Many studies focus on increasing
student motivation and the effectiveness of the learning process through gamification. However, there are
important gaps that require further research. In particular, there is a lack of long-term studies evaluating
the impact of gamification on the development of students and their professional trajectories.
The current study makes a unique contribution to the field of gamification in education by focusing on the
analysis of its impact on the socio-emotional development of students. It considers how gamification can
contribute to the development of communication and interpersonal skills, which is important for the
formation of complex competencies in modern conditions. This study also highlights the importance of
inclusive approaches by examining the impact of gamification on students with special educational needs.
Thus, it fills a significant gap in existing research and offers new perspectives for further scientific
Research design
The effectiveness of this study is determined and evaluated by both quantitative and qualitative
parameters. They are measured during the process of observation, and further they are compared and
analysed. Further interpretation of the received data is conducted. The study was conducted in several
stages, presented in Table 2.
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 2.
The stages of the study of gamification of the formation of the preparedness of students of higher
educational institutions for self-realisation
Period of
Content of the stage of the study
February, 2023
Determination of the aim and tasks of the study. Formation of control and
experimental groups from the number of students. Selection of the
instruments and methods of the study.
March, 2023 -
Realisation of pedagogical conditions with the use of gamification (for the
experimental group) and traditional methods of teaching (for the control
group). Study of the main components of motivation and academic
achievements of students
Statistical processing of received results
Formation of study conclusions on the basis of received results
January, 2024
Study procedure. Summarising the results.
Source: Developed by the authors
The experiment was conducted in the Department of Humanities, Danube Institute of National University
'Odesa Maritime Academy’ and Rivne Lyceum Center of Hope. Experimental groups involved 100 students,
and control groups also 100 students, at the age of 18-20 years. The study of self-realisation of students
under the influence of pedagogical conditions of experimental educational technology gamification was
conducted during one year. 2nd-4th-year students of all specialities participated in the experimental works.
Such sampling enabled the conduction of a reliable study of the influence of gamification on the formation
of students’ preparedness for self-realisation. A group of experts in the amount of 20 persons from the
lecturers of the Department of Humanities and Rivne Lyceum Center of Hope were engaged.
Google Forms were used for the survey. Data entry and processing were made with the use of ‘Microsoft
Excel’ and ‘SPSS Statistics 19.0’ software. All the data were presented in absolute (the number of response
choices) and relative (% of the number of respondents) values.
Data collection
The Mehrabian Achievement Scales
adapted to the task of the study were used to determine the level
of formation of students' motivation to professional training as part of professional identity
( For this test, Crohnbach’s alpha amounts to 0,78 which is
quite a high reliability parameter for pedagogical studies.
Determination of the efficiency of the influence of gamification on educational process efficiency.
educational processes are the evaluation acts, they should be studied and evaluated in detail with the
use of criteria. A criterion is a feature based on which something is evaluated, determined, or classified.
Being not a grade, the criterion serves as an efficiency metre. A criterion can be used as the basis for
evaluation of the effectiveness of the educational process, particularly the results of its realisation. The
term ‘efficiency of education’ belongs to the ground of relative non-measurable parameters, which
describe the relation between the features of the quality of education (effectiveness) and the time
needed to achieve a certain level of preparation.
Method of expert evaluations.
Verification of the results of the received data was conducted using this
method. It also enabled the conduction of a detailed analysis of the efficiency of the use of gamification
devices in the educational process.
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Gamification of the educational process in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 167-182
The use of Mehrabian's achievement scales provides an accurate measure of student motivation, but may
be subjective due to self-reporting. Evaluating the effectiveness of gamification in the educational process
allows for a comprehensive analysis, but it is difficult to measure intangible parameters. The method of
expert evaluations provides verification of results and in-depth analysis, but can be subjective and depend
on the chosen expert. The combination of these methods makes it possible to obtain more objective results
of research on gamification in education.
Limitations of using Mehrabyan's achievement scales may include the subjectivity of student responses and
possible changes in test content during its adaptation. Evaluation of the effectiveness of gamification in
education is limited by the complexity of measuring intangible parameters. The method of expert
evaluations can be subjective and depends on the chosen expert, which can affect the objectivity of the
Analysis of data
1. To determine the standard deviation (C) for each group, the following formula was used:
S = 
 ; (1)
where Xi - the value of each level of formation of the value-motivational component,
the average value
of the levels of formation of value-motivational components, and N - is the number of observations (in this
situation, the number of students in each group).
Criterion χ2 is calculated according to the formula:
χ2 = N ∙ 󰇟
 󰇠, (2)
where N - is the total number of students, participating in the forming stage of the pedagogical experiment,
m - the number of possible values of the first feature, n - the number of possible values of the second
хіј - number of combinations of i value of the first feature with j value of the second feature;
Qi - the total number of observations of i value of the first feature;
Ri - the total number of observations of j value of the second feature.
Critical values, as a rule, are presented on different significance levels. Error probability, related to deviation
or refutation of the null hypothesis, is called significance level. Thus, the probability of significance of
differences regardless of their accidental nature is called the significance level. Significance level (marked
as α), with the value 0,05 is used in pedagogical studies, denoting that error probability cannot exceed
5%. The study uses this significance level.
3. The reliability of the selected methods was checked with Cronbach's alpha. It characterises the internal
consistency of test tasks and is calculated according to the formula:
 󰇛
󰇜, (3)
dispersion of the grade of the whole test;
element і dispersion.
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Ethical criteria
Principles of academic honesty and respect for an individual lie in the basis of this study. The study has an
exclusively scientific nature and excludes discreditation. The main criteria for the selection of the
instruments and methods were checked for credibility, reliability, verification of the received results, and
professionalism. They gave informed consent to their personal data processing and publication of study
results. Each participant of the study was conferred a code, to assure that it is unbiased and objective.
The results of the conducted study show that the motivational tendency - strive to for success prevailed in
most participants, while the motive of failure prevention prevailed in a minor part (Table 3). This was found
using cumulative grades, received according to standard methodology.
Table 3.
The level of formation of motivation to professional training of students of experimental and control groups
on the ascertaining stage (in percentage)
Strive to success, %
Failure prevention, %
Source: Developed by the authors on the basis of the study results
It is necessary to note that parameter values are very similar in the table 4. This allows at the ascertaining
stage both in the experimental and control groups to ascertain the homogeneity of the initial conditions,
which guarantees the validity and transparency of the experiment.
Table 4.
The level of formation of the value-motivational component in experimental and control groups on the
ascertaining stage (in percentage)
High, %
Average, %
Low, %
Not found
Source: Developed by the authors on the basis of the study results
The standard deviation (C) for each group was defined to ensure the objectivity and reliability of the
received results. Such deviation indicates the level of deviation of each parameter from the average value.
Determination of standard deviation is important for further results interpretation and determination of the
level of data variability. In this study, (C) indicates the level of value distribution in relation to the average
value. In the case of the experimental group, it is equal to 20,083, which indicates the large variability in
results. On the other side, the (C) value for the control group amounts to 14,142, which indicates lower
variability in the value-motivational component of the professional identity.
Table 3 demonstrates that students did not have low values of the level of formation of value-motivational
components of professional identity. This means that students in both groups were equally interested in
education, and only the experiment can demonstrate the efficiency of educational programs.
The ordinal scale was developed to analyse the results of the measurement of the knowledge level. For
this, three levels of knowledge were determined (L=3): satisfactory (the number of solved tasks is less or
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Gamification of the educational process in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 167-182
equal to 12), good (the number of solver tasks is more than 12, but less or equal to 15), and high (the
number of solved tasks is significantly higher than 15). After this, the results were aggregated into selected
frequency levels. Data in Fig. 1 demonstrate, that before the beginning of the experiment, the control
group had 34% of participants, who received a grade, which corresponded to a certain range: m1=34,
which means that 34% of students of the control group before the beginning of the experiment
demonstrated a sufficient level of this competence formation), m2 =56, m3 =8. Fig. 1 demonstrates the
division of participants into experimental and control groups according to their knowledge level.
Figure 1.
Results of measurement of the level of knowledge in control and experimental groups before
and after the experiment.
Source: Developed by the authors on the basis of the study results.
According to the diagram, the low level of knowledge has reduced in the experimental group after the
introduction of new conditions. On the other side, the high level has increased. The parameters of the
control group have significantly changed. After the end of the experiment, the average number of correctly
solved tasks for the experimental and control groups was determined to evaluate study results in quantity.
Thus, experiment results showed that students of the experimental group correctly performed final tests
for 2,66 more than those of the control group, and in general, the number of correctly performed tasks in
the experimental group was lower for 1,76.
The table of critical values shows a critical value χ2 for the significance level of 0,05, and the value L=3 is
equal to 7,82. Calculated L=3, thus, there were three levels of knowledge: satisfactory, good, and excellent.
Thus, L1 = 2. From the table of critical values of criterion 2 for the significance level of α=0,05, we receive
L1=2: χ2 0,05 = 5,99. Calculation results showed that all empirical values of criterion 2 are lower than
the critical value except for the result χ2EMP = 6,10 for comparison of experimental and control groups after
the end of the experiment. Table 5 presents these values.
CG at the beginning of the
experiment CG in the end of the
experiment EG at the beginning of the
experiment EG in the end of the
Low Average High
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 5.
Empirical values of χ2 criterion
CG before the
beginning of the
EG before the
beginning of the
CG after the end of
the experiment
EG after the end
of the experiment
CG before the
beginning of the
EG before the
beginning of the
CG after the end of
the experiment
EG after the end of
the experiment
Source: Developed by the authors on the basis of the study results.
Based on the data presented in Table 4, it is possible to conclude that the characteristics of all compared
samples, except for control and experimental groups after the end of the experiment, are equal to the
significance level of 0,05. As χ2ЕМП = 6,10 > 5,99 = χ2 0,05, ‘the reliability of differences of characteristics
of experimental and control groups after the end of the experiment is 95%’. Thus, the states of the control
and experimental groups are similar at the beginning of the experiment and differ in the end.
Ensuring the validity of the study is an important part, besides the use of the above-presented
mathematical methods for the analysis of the study results. We understand validity as the correctness and
appropriateness of the methods and results of the study for use in particular conditions. Content,
constructive, and criteria validity are different. Content validity defines the level to which the content of
the task technique corresponds to real activity, in which they are measured. This means that students see
a clear relation between the content of the procedure of evaluation of features peculiarities and the formed
plan of discipline studying, provided by the detailed commentaries, which are based on psychological
diagnostics techniques.
According to Korolko and Pereghinets (2023), and Sagan (2023), engagement in the process and
enhancement of internal motivation of students is the basic purpose of gamification, that is achieved due
to natural satisfaction and absence of forcing. Therefore, using game mechanisms, gaming elements and
the formation of gaming thinking, it is possible to achieve engagement and create educational
environments, forming new experiences and new methods of problem-solving.
In general, gamification creates and maintains interest, and increases loyalty, efficiency, and
resultativeness of the users and/or consumers. But Murillo-Zamorano, López-Sánchez, López-Rey and
Bueno-Muñoz (2023) note that it works in short-term perspective or at high level of engagement in the
process without gamification, and even if it allows receiving the necessary result at the beginning, the
activity rapidly decreases soon, and the element of external forcing becomes self-obvious. In other words,
extremely high expectations are related to the notion of gamification as an innovative and very effective
approach, which is not proven in general.
According to Oliveira et al. (2023) and Goi (2023), the disadvantages of this technology are related to its
marketing strategy, due to which it provides for manipulation and forcing, which rather demotivates than
motivates to continue the activity. The use of gamification of different types of processes at some stage
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Gamification of the educational process in distance education. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 167-182
causes overuse and fatigue from the game, which requires either expansion of the use of gaming elements
or objection to the game and activity transition to another qualitative level. This leads to the reduction of
motivation to activity, but the strengthening of the gaming component of the process cannot last endlessly,
and the transition of the activity from gaming form to non-gaming form causes frustration.
Klock, Gasparini, Pimenta and Hamari (2020) and Camacho-Sánchez, Manzano-León, Rodríguez-Ferrer,
Serna and Lavega-Burgués (2023) believe that gamification should be considered as the instrument for
enhancing educational process efficiency. It is necessary to know how to use this instrument, to be
competitive in the world market. Therefore, the methodology of gamification of educational disciplines,
which would include the development of gamification and integral game educational components, is
needed. Such a combination is based on the experience of the use of integral games in domestic
educational practice.
The influence of the methodology introduction has both positive and negative features. Based on the
results of the conducted study, the use of the methodology of gamification of educational disciplines
improves students' engagement in the educational process and enhances interest in the theme or discipline
(Zhukova et al., 2023). On the other side, its application can lead to negative consequences described in
the first section (Afifi et al., 2022). In particular, demotivation can develop in case of excessive use of
external motivational elements, such as motivation with grades and badges, which reduce internal students’
The study has found both theoretical and practical conclusions, which significantly contributed to the
understanding of the level of formation of the value-motivational part of the professional identity of future
translators in the ascertaining stage. The theoretical conclusions of the study demonstrated important
relations between the levels of the value component and factors, affecting its formation in students, who
learn to translate. The main elements, influencing the development of this identity part, were defined by
the analysis of the comparison of data of experimental and control groups. The practical results include
the development of particular methods and methods that can be used in the educational process for
effective development of the value element. The received information can be used for the development of
new products and methods oriented on the optimisation of the process of formation of the professional
identity of translators.
Several methodological limitations, which should be considered in the received results' interpretation, were
found. First, it is necessary to underline that the study was conducted with the engagement of a limited
sample of students of a certain higher educational institution, which can limit the generalisation of the
received results and the universality of their use in other educational contexts. Second, it is important to
pay attention to the fact that the study was long-term, and the length of student's interaction with the
gamified educational environment was limited. Such a factor can influence the stability and length of
gamification effects, therefore, received results should be considered as intermediate and perceived within
the context of the selected time limit.
The study and analysis of the possibilities of gamification within the context of distance
education enable considering this approach as a powerful tool for the enhancement of the educational
process. The indicated results confirm the importance of improvement of online education and the provision
of students with effective means for self-development.
Conclusions on the received results.
It is possible
to note that in distance education, gamification of the educational process becomes a perspective and
effective approach oriented on the enhancement of students’ motivation and activity. Gamification
stimulates students and contributes to their active and goal-oriented engagement in the educational
process. When considering sources of bias, it is important to consider the diversity of the student population
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
and their personal characteristics to avoid generalizations that may not apply to all groups.
The received results may be used in the sphere of higher education and distance learning. The introduction
of gamification elements into the educational process enables optimisation of the approaches to education
and improving education quality. This will be, firstly, important for the lecturers and managers of
educational institutions, as well as for the developers of pedagogical software and online platforms.
It is
recommended that when developing educational programs, consider the possibility of implementing such
gamification elements as quizzes, success ratings, and virtualization of educational material as a variation
component of the curriculum.
Further studies perspectives.
Further studies can be dedicated to the search
and testing of the new gamification strategies and elements, specially adapted to the needs of specific
discipline areas or groups of students. It is important to conduct research on the effectiveness of
gamification in different contexts, such as subject areas or age groups of respondents. It should be
investigated whether these factors influence the effectiveness of introducing gamification elements. This
will allow a better understanding of which methods are most effective in specific situations and how they
can be optimized to improve the learning process.
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