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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Preparation of future preschool teachers for interaction with children in a natural environment. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 183-196
Cómo citar:
Popovych, O., Yakovenko, V., Mylian, Z., Hrab, O., & Yushchik, L. (2024). Preparation of future preschool teachers for interaction with children in a natural
environment. Revista Eduweb, 18(2), 183-196.
Preparation of future preschool teachers for interaction
with children in a natural environment
Preparación de futuros profesores de preescolar para la interacción con los
niños en un entorno natural
Oksana Popovych
Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.
Vita Yakovenko
Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council
Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Zhanna Mylian
State Institution of higher education «Uzhhorod National University», Uzhhorod, Ukraine.
Olha Hrab
Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.
Lydmila Yushchik
Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.
Recibido: 21/03/24
Aceptado: 21/06/24
The purpose of the study was to determine the level of formation of professional competencies and components
of the readiness of future preschool teachers for interaction with children of early and preschool age in a natural
environment. The methods used in the research are: Identifying the teacher's abilities for self-development
(I. Nikishyna), the technique for diagnosing reflexivity (A. Karpov, V. Ponomareva), Research of the level of
empathic tendencies (I. Yusupov), Methods of assessing cognitive potential in education (М. Shevardin). For
statistical processing of the results, descriptive analysis, dispersion analysis, and correlation analysis were used.
It was found that future preschool teachers have a high level of readiness for interaction with children of early
and preschool age in a natural environment. They have developed empathy, self-development abilities, cognitive
potentials, and reflexivity. Professional competencies are also developed at a high level. A positive correlation
was established between the components of readiness for interaction with children in a natural environment and
professional competencies. The obtained research results support the expansion of educational programs for
future preschool teachers by including the development of such qualities as empathy, reflexivity, a desire for
self-development, and cognitive potential in the list of necessary competencies.
Keywords: Competence, professional training, empathy, reflexivity, cognitive potential, education standard.
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
El propósito del estudio fue determinar el nivel de formación de competencias profesionales y componentes de
la preparación de los futuros docentes de preescolar para la interacción con niños de edad temprana y preescolar
en un entorno natural. Los métodos utilizados en la investigación son: identificación de las habilidades del
docente para el autodesarrollo (I. Nikishyna), la técnica para diagnosticar la reflexividad (A. Karpov,
V. Ponomareva), investigación del nivel de tendencias empáticas (I. Yusupov), Métodos de evaluación del
potencial cognitivo en educación (М. Shevardin). Para el procesamiento estadístico de los resultados se utilizó
análisis descriptivo, análisis de dispersión y análisis de correlación. Se encontró que los futuros maestros de
preescolar tienen un alto nivel de preparación para interactuar con niños de edad temprana y preescolar en un
entorno natural. Han desarrollado empatía, habilidades de autodesarrollo, potenciales cognitivos y reflexividad.
Las competencias profesionales también se desarrollan a un alto nivel. Se estableció una correlación positiva
entre los componentes de la preparación para la interacción con los niños en un entorno natural y las
competencias profesionales. Los resultados de la investigación obtenidos apoyan la ampliación de los programas
educativos para futuros maestros de preescolar al incluir el desarrollo de cualidades como la empatía, la
reflexividad, el deseo de autodesarrollo y el potencial cognitivo en la lista de competencias necesarias.
Palabras clave: Competencia, formación profesional, empatía, reflexividad, potencial cognitivo, nivel educativo.
Transformation processes in the modern higher education system involve a radical restructuring of the
system for specialist training. The focus is on active adaptation to the European standards system,
expanding students' independence in studying professional disciplines and implementing new methods of
control and assessment (Kompirović et al., 2023). These changes also apply to preschool education, as
future preschool teachers are the primary link in a child's education and development. The professional
competence of future preschool teachers is an important priority of higher education in the field of
pedagogy (Czepil, 2021). Pedagogical training, being an important part of the professional training of early
childhood education specialists, is a significant means of enhancing the qualifications of future teachers
(Liu & Zhang, 2023). The quality of preschool education directly affects the professional competence and
professional development of future teachers (Zhanga & Wub, 2022).
Within the framework of the updated Higher Education Standard for the specialization 012 "Preschool
Education" (second (master's) level of higher education) in Ukraine, the directions for the training of future
teachers are expanding to carry out professional activities in various areas (Zdanevych et al., 2020). The
Standard defines the main competencies that specialists in preschool education should possess. Among
these competencies, the ecological and natural development of children and interaction in the natural
environment are particularly important. These competencies correspond to the main results of educational
work with preschoolers, as indicated in the Basic Component of Preschool Education in Ukraine (LIGA 360,
The interaction with the natural environment gives a child the opportunity to understand the essence of
the surrounding environment, acquire skills for appropriate behavior, and form their values towards the
natural world and animals (Masnan et al., 2021). The development of key competencies in children plays
a crucial role in preparing them for life in the surrounding environment and fostering their ability to interact
with it (Gyoreva, 2022).
Preschool education today highlights the value of outdoor play as a priority for children (Smedsrud et al.,
2024). Future preschool teachers must be equipped to integrate nature-oriented learning components,
skills, and values into their teaching practices (Masnan et al., 2021). The professionalism of preschool
teachers plays a crucial role in the development of young children (Tatalović-Vorkapić & Vesna, 2015).
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Preparation of future preschool teachers for interaction with children in a natural environment. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 183-196
Preschool teachers' support for outdoor play is influenced by their understanding of what the natural
environment offers (Mortensen & Barnett, 2015). Different types of environments afford different learning
opportunities. However, preschool teachers, especially those working in early childhood education, often
have a limited understanding of the educational potential of natural environments (Levine Brown et al.,
2022). Therefore, a full awareness of the benefits of children's interaction with nature is a prerequisite for
implementing supportive learning in playful settings. This demonstrates that the quality preparation of
future preschool teachers ensures the holistic development of preschool children through their interactions
with the natural environment.
The main structural unit of the training of preschool teachers is the formation of competencies laid down
in the Standard of Higher Preschool Education (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2010). Professional
competence implies that future preschool teachers possess professional skills at a high level, which ensures
their competitiveness as specialists (Salaam, 2023). The full formation of general and special professional
competencies will contribute to the effective preparation of future preschool teachers for interaction with
children of early and preschool age in the natural environment.
The purpose of the study is to determine the level of readiness of future preschool teachers for interaction
with children of early and preschool age in the natural environment and the formation of their basic
competencies. Based on the goal, the hypothesis was put forward: there is a direct relationship between
the components of readiness for professional activity and professional competencies for working in the
natural environment among future preschool teachers.
Based on the purpose and hypothesis, the following research tasks were set:
To diagnose the components of future preschool teachers' readiness for professional activity;
To identify the formation of general and special competencies of future preschool teachers;
To compare gender characteristics of future preschool teachers' readiness for professional activity;
To identify the relationship between the components of readiness for professional activity and
professional competencies for working in the natural environment.
Literature Review
Competence is a professional readiness to solve professional tasks, and the professional competence of a
preschool teacher is a set of theoretical and practical aspects of preparation for professional activity (Czepil,
2021). In the National Qualification Framework, competence is defined as a training outcome. The essence
lies in the extent to which a graduate of a higher educational institution is able to demonstrate the acquired
knowledge and skills after completing the training. According to the National Classifier of Ukraine DK
003:2010 "Classifier of Occupations" (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2010), the profession of a preschool
teacher has the code 2332 and the full name "Preschool teacher". The professional competence of future
preschool teachers of early and preschool children is a characteristic of the ability to perform professional
activities based on acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities. Among them, the main ones are respect and
love for children, empathy, reflection, and positive communication (Tokatligil et al., 2022). The professional
competence of preschool teachers is an important and effective component of the educational process
(Kaļķe et al., 2022).
The Preschool Education Standard (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2010) outlines 11 professional
competencies that describe the abilities, knowledge, and skills that a preschool teacher must possess. The
Standard distinguishes between general and special competencies. General competencies are those
abilities and knowledge that enable preschool teachers to fully develop children of early and preschool age.
Special competencies of a future preschool teacher specify his or her knowledge, skills, and abilities to
work with children in a specific area. In our case, the special abilities of future preschool teachers pertain
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
to their readiness to interact with the natural environment. They include the ability to form initial ideas
about the natural environment in children of early and preschool age, the ability to develop skills of
environmentally safe behavior, aesthetic attitude to the environment, and the ability to create and
implement new ideas in classes with children.
Using different forms, methods, and tools for working with children, preschool teachers form in them a
conscious attitude towards the natural environment and a sense of aesthetic delight (Mortensen & Barnett,
2015). It has been proven that children who spend time in the natural environment are well aware of the
environment, and have a positive environmental attitude and connection with nature (Smedsrud et al.,
2024). At the same time, this knowledge relies on the quality of training provided to preschool teachers,
and with a sufficient level of knowledge and skills, these teachers can effectively apply suitable methods
and forms of work in their professional activities (Narea et al., 2022).
It is especially important to highlight the influence of the personal qualities of preschool teachers on the
development of children in the natural environment. Preschool teachers who demonstrate empathy and
reflection, which allow them to emotionally and sensually reflect reality, promote the development of a
positive attitude towards the natural environment and aesthetic feelings in children (Levine Brown et al.,
The ability of preschool teachers to organize active recreation in the natural environment deserves special
attention. The combination of professional knowledge and personal cognitive potential ensures an increase
in physical activity and improves motor skills in children (Humphries et al., 2018). This provides advantages
in the development of self-esteem, self-efficacy, resilience, and cognitive productivity (Gyoreva, 2022).
Scientists have proven that the natural environment contributes to the improvement of cognitive outcomes,
such as play, learning, and creativity (Kompirović et al. 2023). This is especially important in early
childhood, as it promotes the development of attention, punctuality, concentration, and various types of
play activities (Seaman & Giles, 2021). Overall, it has been shown that children's exposure to the natural
environment is beneficial for their well-being and development (Nilfyr et al., 2021). These advantages of
the natural environment in the development of children of early and preschool age prove their relevance
and the need for training qualified preschool teachers who would contribute to expanding opportunities in
this field of educational and developmental work.
Research procedure
The research was conducted from October 2023 to March 2024 and consisted of 4 stages. The first stage
of the research involved a theoretical and methodological analysis of the scientific literature on the research
topic. The second stage included the selection and structuring of the competencies of future preschool
teachers, as well as the selection of diagnostic methods. The third stage involved testing students to
identify the corresponding competencies. The fourth stage included the analysis and interpretation of the
obtained results, substantiation of conclusions, and prospects for further research.
Sample Formation
The study involved 280 students who are pursuing a second (master's) level of education in the specialty
of 012 "Preschool education" on a full-time basis aged 21 to 25 years. Among them, 186 are female and
94 are male students.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Preparation of future preschool teachers for interaction with children in a natural environment. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 183-196
The sample was formed based on the Department of Preschool and Special Education of the Pedagogical
Faculty of Mukachevo State University (43 students), the Communal Institution "Kharkiv Humanitarian-
Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv Regional Council (65 students), the Faculty of Preschool and Special
Education and History, the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education (Kharkiv city) (72
students), the Department of General Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Higher Education of the Faculty of Social
Sciences of the State Higher Educational Institution "Uzhhorod National University" (55 students), and the
Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Primary Education, and Educational Management of Mukachevo State
University (45 students).
According to the Higher Education Standard for the 012 "Preschool Education" specialization, we have
identified general and specific competencies of future preschool teachers that reflect their readiness to
interact with children of early and preschool age in a natural environment as follows:
1) General: the ability to provide psychological and pedagogical guidance in the personal development of
a child; possess skills and abilities in analysis, forecasting, planning, and organizing the educational
process; analyze and compare the results of pedagogical influence on the individual development of a
preschool child in different types of activities; apply modern didactic technologies and methodologies
in professional activities.
2) Special: the ability to develop in children of early and preschool age initial concepts about the natural
environment; the ability to develop in children of early and preschool age skills of environmentally safe
behavior; the ability to develop in children of early and preschool age an aesthetic and respectful
attitude towards the environment; the ability to generate new ideas for implementing them in activities
with children in the conditions of the natural environment.
Competencies were assessed based on the learning outcomes according to the following criteria: 1 point -
competency not developed, 2 points - low level of development, 3 - partial development, and 4 - full
Structural analysis of various types of readiness of future preschool teachers for professional activities
allowed us to distinguish three levels of readiness for interaction with children of early and preschool age
in the natural environment.
1) The first and personal level reflects the ability for self-development. The "Identifying the teacher's
abilities for self-development" method (I.V. Nikishina) is used to study this level. The method aims to
study the abilities of future preschool teachers for continuous self-development during their
professional training.
2) The second emotional level includes the study of the reflexivity of future preschool teachers and their
empathy. The technique for diagnosing reflexivity (A. V. Karpov, V. V. Ponomareva) is chosen to study
reflexivity. Preschool teacher’s reflexivity is the ability to go beyond one's "self," to contemplate, study,
and analyze something by comparing the image of one's "self" with events. Empathy reflects the ability
to emotionally respond to the emotional state of others, fostering compassion. Preschool teachers with
high empathy can instill respect for nature, and animals, compassion, and kindness in children.
Empathy was studied using the method of researching the level of empathic tendencies (Research of
the level of empathic tendencies (I. Yusupov)). The test identified three levels of empathy: low,
medium, and high.
3) The cognitive level of readiness to interact with children of early and preschool age in a natural
environment is presented by the Method of assessing cognitive potential in education (Shevardin M.K).
The goal of the test is to determine the ability to acquire new knowledge and actively apply it in
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Statistical Methods
Frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, and one-way analysis of variance
(Anova) were used.
Research Ethics Criteria
The ethics of the research were ensured by the voluntary consent of the respondents to participate in the
diagnosis. Before testing, students were informed about the purpose and objectives of the study and the
confidentiality of the results was guaranteed.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that future preschool teachers have a high level of self-development ability (Figure 1),
which expresses students' desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, expand their practical experience,
and improve personal qualities.
Figure 1.
Frequency distribution of indicators of future preschool teachers' self-development ability.
It was found that future preschool teachers have a quite high level of cognitive potential (Figure 2). This
indicates that students have developed thinking processes that contribute to better knowledge acquisition.
Such potential is the basis for self-development, acquiring new knowledge, and using the experience
already gained.
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Preparation of future preschool teachers for interaction with children in a natural environment. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 183-196
Figure 2.
Frequency distribution of indicators of future preschool teachers' cognitive potential.
It has been found that students have a high level of empathy (Figure 3). Empathy is one of the key traits
of future preschool teachers because it is required for building trusting relationships with children while
emotional attunement provides feedback and encourages children to actively cooperate.
Figure 3.
Frequency analysis of indicators of empathy in future preschool teachers.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The study of reflexivity in future preschool teachers showed a high level of expression of all three
parameters (Figure 4). The reflexivity of future preschool teachers fosters self-assessment, and adjustment
of activities, and at the same time, it also allows them to be highly attuned to even the subtlest shifts in
children's behavior. Accordingly, reflexivity allows for regulating the educational process taking into account
all the personal characteristics of early and preschool-age children.
Figure 4.
Average values of parameters of reflexivity in future preschool teachers.
Our analysis of the gender aspect of the identified components of readiness of future preschool teachers
to interact with children of early and preschool age in a natural environment has revealed no statistically
significant differences. This indicates the equal formation of readiness among male and female students
(Table 1).
Table 1.
Indicators of components of readiness of future preschool teachers for professional activity (N=280)
Aptitude for
According to the table data, the average values for all investigated parameters correspond to a high level
of formation both separately in the group of female and male students, and in the sample as a whole. This
indicates that future preschool teachers have a high ability for self-development, the ability to acquire and
use knowledge, developed empathic abilities, and formed reflexivity. These parameters do not depend on
gender. Thus, these components of readiness for interaction with children of early and preschool age in a
natural environment are a condition for effective professional activity.
situational retrospective prospective
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Preparation of future preschool teachers for interaction with children in a natural environment. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 183-196
It has been established that future preschool teachers have a high level of developed professional
competencies that contribute to the interaction with children of early and preschool age in a natural
environment (Table 2).
Table 2.
Indicators of professional competencies of future preschool teachers (N=280)
Professional competencies
ability to provide psychological and pedagogical guidance for
the personal development of a child
ability to possess skills and competencies in analyzing,
forecasting, planning, and organizing the educational process
ability to analyze and compare the results of pedagogical
influence on the individual development of preschool children
in various types of activities
ability to apply modern didactic technologies and
methodologies in professional activities
ability to form in children of early and preschool age basic
concepts of the natural environment
ability to cultivate in children of early and preschool age skills
of environmentally safe behavior
ability to foster in children of early and preschool age an
aesthetic attitude toward the environment
ability to generate new ideas for implementing them in
activities with children in natural environment conditions
According to the data obtained, the largest share of variance is represented by competencies such as the
ability to provide psychological and pedagogical guidance in the individual development of a child; analyze
and compare the results of pedagogical influence on the individual development of a child in various
activities; the ability to form in children primary ideas about the natural environment, and to cultivate in
them an aesthetic attitude towards the environment and environmentally friendly behavior.
These results indicate that these competencies are the most pronounced in students and that they
collectively form the level of professional training.
Correlation analysis revealed direct relationships between the components of readiness for interaction with
children of early and preschool age in a natural environment and the necessary professional competencies
(Table 3).
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 3.
Correlation analysis of the relationship between components of professional preparation of future preschool
teachers for the interaction with children in the natural environment and necessary professional
competencies (N=280)
Professional competencies
Aptitude for
ability to provide
psychological and
pedagogical guidance for the
personal development of a
ability to possess skills and
competencies in analysis,
forecasting, planning, and
organizing the educational
ability to analyze and
compare the results of
pedagogical influence on the
personal development of
preschool children in various
types of activities
ability to apply modern
didactic technologies and
methodologies in professional
ability to form in children of
early and preschool age basic
concepts of the natural
ability to cultivate in children
of early and preschool age
skills of environmentally safe
ability to foster in children of
early and preschool age an
aesthetic attitude towards the
ability to generate new ideas
for implementing them in
activities with children in
natural environment
Note: * - р≤0,05, ** - р≤0,01
According to the table data, positive correlation links have been found between all components of readiness
of future preschool teachers for interaction with children of early and preschool age in a natural
environment and necessary professional competencies. The highest coefficients are observed between the
ability to provide psychological and pedagogical guidance in the individual development of a child and
cognitive potential and retrospective reflexivity. Between the ability to possess skills and abilities of analysis,
forecasting, planning, and organizing the educational process, and the ability for self-development, and
prospective reflexivity. Between the ability to analyze and compare the results of pedagogical influence on
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Preparation of future preschool teachers for interaction with children in a natural environment. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 183-196
the individual development of a preschool-age child in various activities and cognitive development and
situational reflexivity. Between the ability to apply modern didactic technologies and methods in
professional activities and cognitive potential. Between the ability to form in children of early and preschool
age primary ideas about the natural environment and prospective reflexivity. Between the ability to
cultivate in children of early and preschool age an aesthetic attitude towards the environment and empathy.
Between the ability to generate new ideas for implementing them in activities with children in natural
environment conditions and self-development, cognitive potential, and prospective reflexivity. The obtained
relationships indicate that the identified competencies are inseparable from such components of readiness
for professional activity as self-development, cognitive potential, empathy, and reflexivity. The higher the
readiness indicators, the higher the indicators of professional competencies.
Our findings indicate that students, future preschool teachers, have high indicators of self-development,
cognitive potential, empathy, and reflexivity. This demonstrates their high level of professional training.
They have developed both general and specific competencies that allow them to effectively interact with
children of early and preschool age in natural environment conditions. Additionally, a direct relationship
was found between components of professional preparation and professional competencies, proving their
Similar results have been found in other studies. It has been established, for example, that the professional
competence of a preschool teacher is a prerequisite for the quality of their pedagogical work (Duraku et
al., 2022). Furthermore, professional competence affects the learning and learning outcomes of children
(Kaļķe et al., 2022). The high level of natural science knowledge of future preschool teachers ensures
children's excellent knowledge of the natural environment (Masnan et al., 2021). It has been found that
the completion of training for future preschool teachers positively correlates with a significant increase in
their level of knowledge and skills, as well as an increase in the level of self-development (Duraku et al.,
2022). These results demonstrate the benefits of professional training and development of future preschool
teachers, which in turn improves the effectiveness of early education and the natural development of
children (Abril-López et al., 2021).
For instilling humane attitudes toward nature in children of early and preschool age, it is important to
cultivate humane feelings and positive experiences of interacting with nature. Only preschool teachers with
high levels of empathy and reflexivity are capable of developing such qualities in children (Fushtei &
Sarancha, 2023). One of the key competencies of future preschool teachers is their professionalism
combined with knowledge and skills (Blewitt et al., 2020). In Ukraine, unlike in European countries, the
preparation of future preschool teachers is based on the formation of key professional competencies
combined with basic knowledge, values orientations, and motives of pedagogical activity (Zdanevych et
al., 2020).
However, some scholars emphasize the gap between theory and practice in the preparation of future
preschool teachers, which complicates the process of forming the relevant competencies for interacting
with children in the natural environment (Zhanga & Wub, 2022). It is noted that the use of special methods
in the training of future preschool teachers contributes to the improvement of their professional skills and
competencies (Krasovska et al., 2020).
The professional competence of future preschool teachers determines the level of educational and research
preparation of preschool children in interacting with the natural environment (Tokatligil et al., 2022).
Therefore, effective teaching methods should be implemented from the first year of study to promote the
development of professional competencies of early childhood education students (Weatherby-Fell et al.,
2019). To improve the quality of future preschool teachers' training, it is necessary to create more
opportunities for their learning using effective resources (Khandaker, 2021).
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Thus, the updated higher education standard for the specialty 012 Preschool Education is oriented towards
the formation of general and specific competencies of future preschool teachers, including readiness for
interaction with children of early and preschool age in the natural environment.
The study revealed that future preschool teachers demonstrate a high level of readiness for professional
activity with children of early and preschool age in the natural environment. Developed aspirations for self-
improvement, cognitive potential, empathy, and reflexivity in the interaction with general and special
professional competencies contribute to the full development of children of early and preschool age, their
acquisition of relevant knowledge about the natural environment, aesthetic attitude towards it, and
environmentally safe behavior. Such results are useful from several perspectives. Firstly, the identified
components of professional training for future preschool teachers make it possible to include their
development in educational programs, which will contribute to the development of their key competencies.
Secondly, the identified connection between cognitive, emotional, and personal components of readiness
for professional activity and competencies proves their imminent development. This is useful for the
students themselves, who must direct their efforts towards self-improvement, constant development of
skills, and expanding experience to achieve efficiency in their work. Thirdly, the identified high level of
training of future preschool teachers increases their chances of employment, makes them competitive
professionals, and expands professional opportunities in interacting with children of early and preschool
age in the natural environment.
Limitations of the study include the influence of individual characteristics of future preschool teachers on
the level of their readiness. Motivation for professional choice, academic achievements, and personality
traits may limit the adequacy of the results obtained. Therefore, studying these aspects may be a prospect
for further research.
Additionally, it is advisable to conduct a study in the future to examine the correspondence of general and
special competencies of students with the aspects of development of preschool children prescribed in the
Basic Component of preschool education.
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