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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Chagovets, A., Мyskova, N., Kovrei, D., Bobyrieva, O., & Yokob, A. (2024). Effectiveness of Training in Building the Professional Image of Future Preschool
Teachers. Revista Eduweb, 18(2), 222-237.
Effectiveness of Training in Building the Professional Image
of Future Preschool Teachers
Efectividad de la formación en la construcción de la imagen profesional de
los futuros docentes de preescolar
Alla Chagovets
Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv
Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Nataliia Мyskova
Department of Pre-school Pedagogy, Psychology and Professional Methods, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-
Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine.
Dora Kovrei
Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Primary and Preschool Education and Management of Educational
Institutions, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Berehovo,
Olena Bobyrieva
Department of Pedagogy of Preschool, Primary Education and Educational Management, Mukachevo
State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.
Andreia Yokob
Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Primary and Preschool Education and Management of Educational
Institutions, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Berehovo,
Recibido: 04/04/24
Aceptado: 12/06/24
The aim of the study is to empirically verify the effectiveness of training in building the professional image
of future preschool teachers. The research employs the following methods: diagnostics, qualitative and
quantitative analysis, comparative analysis, testing, fulfilling tasks and resolving situations, completing
creative professional assignments. A comparative analysis of the data on the level of the professional image
of future preschool teachers with bachelor and master qualification levels was carried out. A professional
image building programme was developed and tested within the scope of the study. It consists of ten
training classes. The study found an increase in the level of the professional image of future preschool
teachers by an average of 26.7%. The highest indicators of the professional image of future preschool
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Effectiveness of Training in Building the Professional Image of Future Preschool Teachers. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 222-237
teachers were recorded for the motivational and value component (75% of respondents), the medium
for the practical and activity component (65%), and the lowest for the prognostic and reflexive
component (60%). The use of training is effective for building the professional image of future preschool
teachers in the process of their professional training.
Keywords: educational institution, preschool teacher, professional training, student, training technologies.
El objetivo del estudio es comprobar empíricamente la eficacia de la formación en la construcción de la
imagen profesional de los futuros docentes de preescolar. La investigación utiliza los siguientes métodos:
diagnóstico, análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo, análisis comparativo, pruebas, cumplimiento de tareas y
resolución de situaciones, realización de tareas profesionales creativas. Se realizó un análisis comparativo
de los datos sobre el nivel de imagen profesional de los futuros docentes de preescolar con niveles de
titulación de licenciatura y maestría. Se desarrolló y probó un programa de creación de imágenes
profesional dentro del alcance del estudio. Consta de diez clases de formación. El estudio encontró un
aumento en el nivel de la imagen profesional de los futuros maestros de preescolar en una media del
26,7%. Los indicadores s altos de la imagen profesional de los futuros maestros de preescolar se
registraron en el componente motivacional y valorativo (75% de los encuestados), los medios en el
componente práctico y de actividad (65%) y los más bajos en el componente pronóstico y reflexivo. (60%).
El uso de la formación es eficaz para la construcción de la imagen profesional de los futuros docentes de
preescolar en el proceso de su formación profesional.
Palabras clave: estudiante, formación professional, institución educative, profesora de preescolar,
tecnologías de formación.
The role of the teacher’s image is increasing in view of current educational transformations and destructive
challenges. The teacher is the organizer of the optimal educational and cognitive environment for students,
for their harmonious development. Such an environment should be created and maintained at all
educational levels. Such an environment begins to be formed in preschool. A teacher’s ability to organize
an educational environment appropriate to the children’s age characteristics, interests, and requests is an
indicator of his/her professional image. Today, a teacher who knows how to make a child interested, find
an approach to him/her, develop and implement an optimal programme for his/her individual harmonious
development takes leading image positions. This especially applies to preschool education. In preschool,
there are many children with different indicators of development, different manifestations of behavioural
reactions, with different requests. The system of private preschool institutions is also actively developing
in Ukraine. So, the demand for teachers with a high level of professional image is growing. The image of
a preschool educational institution on the market of educational service providers (both private and public)
depends on the teacher’s professional image. It should, however, be stated that higher education
institutions (HEIs) engaged in the training of preschool teachers do not provide future teachers with a
sufficient amount of knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for occupying and maintaining high image
positions in the professional environment. Moreover, constant changes are taking place in the educational
sphere, which require preschool teachers to constantly study, update and improve their existing knowledge,
abilities, skills, and experience. Therefore, experimental implementation of training technologies is used
for building the professional image of future teachers in higher pedagogical education institutions. The
training contributes to building future preschool teacher’s ability to establish image positions in the
professional environment. However, there is a lack of thorough empirical research that would study the
impact of training technologies on the development of the professional image of teachers in general and
preschool teachers in particular. Therefore, we decided to conduct an experimental testing and evaluate
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
the effectiveness of the training in building the professional image of future preschool teachers.
The aim of the research is to empirically verify the effectiveness of the training in building the professional
image of future preschool teachers.
The research objectives include:
studying the level of the professional image of future preschool teachers;
development of a programme for building the professional image of future preschool teachers by
means of training;
experimental testing of the programme for building the professional image of future preschool teachers
by means of training;
drawing conclusions and outlining prospects for building the professional image of future preschool
teachers by means of training.
Research hypothesis: training methods contribute to improving the professional image of future preschool
Literature Review
The studies on the problem of building the teacher’s professional image emphasize the spontaneity of its
development during training in HEIs. The researchers interpret the professional image as a status and role
characteristic of an individual that unites a specialist’s external and internal personal and professional
qualities, as well as competencies, which is aimed at the formation of public perception of the social and
professional role that an individual constructs (Kurok & Tkachenko, 2020). The teacher’s professional image
is also defined as the perception of his/her personality by others, an image that embodies harmony and
balance between the teacher’s spiritual and moral image and his/her appearance (Karimova, 2022). The
motivational and value, gnostic, personal and reflective, as well as practical and operating components are
distinguished in the structure of the teachers’ professional image (Kurok & Tkachenko, 2020).
The researchers also single out destructive influences on the teachers’ professional image. This is the
excessive enthusiasm of the pedagogical community for the commercialization of its activities through the
provision of a system of paid services, in which material reward comes to the fore, not the quality of
education (Samoylenko et al., 2020). Other destructive influences on the teacher’s professional image
include the high regulation of his/her activity, the presence of the teacher’s figure on the professional
continuum between subordination and autonomy (La Velle, 2023). At the same time, the development of
the preschool teacher’s professional image is positively influenced by the provision of additional
opportunities for learning and improving one’s professional competencies (Barenthien et al., 2020).
Important correlates of a teacher’s professional image are the recognition of the student as the highest
value in the education system, the teachers’ ability to empathize with their students and motivate them to
acquire knowledge, the ability to competently teach this knowledge independently in the process of
communicating with students, and the teacher’s cultural level (Antoniuk et al., 2021).
In the context of building the image of a modern teacher, the opinion about the importance of teacher’s
professional self-development, the use of various traditional and innovative methodical forms of promoting
the professional development of a teacher and preschool teacher is of particular importance. They include
both formal and informal methods of professional development of the preschool teacher. At the same time,
the opinion about the lack of motivation of modern teachers for professional self-development caused by
insufficient financial support, an unstable working environment, and overwork (Maksimović et al., 2021),
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Effectiveness of Training in Building the Professional Image of Future Preschool Teachers. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 222-237
is being urged. Other equally important correlates of a teacher’s professional image are his/her cognitive,
social, and academic competence (Erkaboeva & Musaeva, 2022), a professional identity as a means of self-
understanding of a teacher as a professional (Meyer et al., 2023).
The teacher’s professional image is associated with such features as: professional flexibility, the ability to
generate original ideas, creativity Makhkamovna (2023), digital competence (Garzón Artacho et al., 2020),
improvement of the teacher’s professional profile within the framework of education throughout life
(Melnyk et al., 2021). The opinion about the importance of combining formal and informal learning
(Formosa, 2019) is essential, which has a positive effect on the preschool teacher’s professional image.
The teacher’s motivational component is no less important (Gogh & Kovari, 2018), which ensures his/her
desire for continuous learning. For example, continuous professional learning is an important condition for
the formation and maintenance of the educator's image positions. At the same time, the teacher must be
aware of the importance of learning throughout the entire professional career (Talmage et al., 2018), have
clear intentions to learn throughout life (Mbagwu et al., 2020).
Training of preschool teachers to build their professional image should involve the creation of such an
educational environment that will make it possible to overcome the gaps between learning at the workplace
and professional education, to reconcile the trajectories of the current acquisition of knowledge in the
educational institution and future learning at the workplace (Nottingham, 2019), a complex relationship
between adult learning and vocational education (Hodge et al., 2020). A preschool teacher who cares
about his/her professional image should be in a continuous and unlimited personal self-development based
on rapid digital progress (Poplavskyi & Bondar, 2021). The forms of continuous professional development
and obtaining new qualifications should be implemented for this purpose (Poplavskyi & Bondar, 2021).
Such forms can be represented by combining non-formal and informal learning in modern educational
systems (Kanwar et al., 2019). Moreover, the students’ need for additional education is actualized in all
spheres (Broiakovskyi et al., 2020). The importance of lifelong learning is cultivated on the basis of
rapprochement and understanding of representatives of different generations (Lyu et al., 2020).
Professional image can be clearly associated with the development of professional mobility, building an
individual educational and professional trajectory (Kravchenko et al., 2021), the continuous improvement
of the qualifications of specialists in the conditions of sustainable development of education and science
(Sydorenko et al., 2020). The preschool teacher’s professional image has a positive effect on the
achievement of creative self-realization (Mushynska, 2018), on the formation of spiritual and moral
behaviour, and the development of the emotional and motivational sphere (Yekimov et al., 2020). A
creative educational environment of professional self-development makes it is possible to build a
professional image of a modern preschool teacher (Bashkireva et al., 2021).
The researchers are unanimous about the fact that building of a professional image falls on the period of
training of future preschool teachers in HEIs. Therefore, after completing vocational education, preschool
teachers should have a professional image formed at least on a conditional level (Dudchak, 2020). Scientific
works specify the conditions and methods of building the teachers’ professional image (Kurok & Tkachenko,
2020). Training is one of the methods that contributes to building the professional image of preschool
teachers and combines the features of formal and informal education. It is considered as a means of
developing the professional and creative potential of preschool teachers, developing such concepts related
to professional image as: promoting professional development, forming positive self-awareness, increasing
the level of pedagogical culture (Hevko & Bytsiv, 2019). Domestic researchers positively evaluate the role
of training in promoting the pedagogical creativity of future preschool teachers and in preparing them for
professional activities in general (Havryliuk et al., 2023).
Today, training methods are actively introduced into the system of professional development of specialists
of different professions. But the issue of using training as a means of forming the professional image of a
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
preschool teacher is poorly studied. There are no empirically proven effective practices of using training as
a means of building the professional image of a preschool teacher in the course of his/her professional
training at a HEI. Therefore, in view of the episodic studies on building the professional image of a
preschool teacher, as well as the poorly studied issue of using training method in building image positions
of a modern preschool teacher, we decided to empirically test the impact of training on building the
professional image of a preschool teacher.
Research design
Empirical testing included the following stages: preparatory, summative, formative, and final. The
preparatory stage involved sampling, choosing research methods, as well as determining its aim and
objectives. At the summative stage of the research, the level of professional image of future preschool
teachers was studied. An experimental testing of the programme for building the professional image of
future preschool teachers by means of training was developed and carried out at the formative stage of
the research. The final stage provided for the interpretation of the research results and drawing
conclusions. The experimental study was initiated by the academic communities of Ukrainian HEIs. The
study was conducted during 2023-2024: preparatory stage August 2023, summative stage September
2023, formative stage October 2023 - January 2024, final stage February 2024.
The study involved a total of 150 future preschool teachers. They are holders of Bachelor’s and Master’s
qualification levels: 80 bachelors and 70 masters. Motives for the selection of students of different
qualification levels are dictated by the need to identify their levels of professional image upon completion
of professional training. The respondents are 21-23 years old.
The motives for forming the research sample were:
1) completion of professional training at the appropriate qualification level;
2) readiness of students to perform professional functions in a real educational environment;
3) students’ understanding of the essence and significance of professional image.
The research employed the following methods: diagnostics of the level of the professional image of future
preschool teacher, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the obtained data, comparative analysis.
Three components of the analysed phenomenon were distinguished in order to diagnose the level of the
professional image of future preschool teachers: motivational and value, practical and activity, prognostic
and reflexive (Table 1).
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Effectiveness of Training in Building the Professional Image of Future Preschool Teachers. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 222-237
Table 1.
The structure of the professional image of future preschool teachers
Component description
and value
the level of an understanding of the importance of the professional image in the preschool
teacher’s career, clearly defined preschool teacher’s aspirations to build and confirm the
professional image positions
Practical and
the high level of practical skills necessary to deepen and maintain one’s professional image, a clear
awareness of the dependence of the professional image on professional competence, professional
skills, and the ability to learn throughout the professional career of a preschool teacher
Prognostic and
the development of the ability to critically analyse and evaluate the current level of the professional
image and awareness of the need to improve the professional image of a preschool teacher
Source: developed by the author
The teaching staff used testing, solving situational tasks, professionally oriented creative tasks in order to
determine the level of a professional image for each of the components.
The test assignments covered the essence, structure and meaning of the professional image of the future
preschool teacher. The situational tasks offered to the students involved the application of practical skills
aimed at finding ways to improve one’s professional image. Professionally-oriented creative tasks involved
the students’ use of their existing professional image to achieve success in professional communications.
All of them were developed by the teaching staff. The following levels were used to determine the level of
the professional image of future preschool teachers: high, medium, low (Table 2).
Table 2.
Levels of the professional image of future preschool teachers
Level description
The future preschool teacher understands the importance of professional image in his/her professional
career, strives to achieve and confirm his/her professional image positions, has a high level of skills
necessary to improve and maintain his/her professional image, understands the dependence of
professional image on professional competence, professional skill, ability to study during the professional
career of a preschool teacher, and shows readiness to improve his/her professional image, has the skills
of critical analysis and assessment of the current level of professional image
The future preschool teacher understands the importance of professional image in his/her professional
career, strives to achieve and confirm his/her professional image positions, has certain skills necessary
to improve and maintain his/her professional image, understands the dependence of professional image
on professional competence, professional skill, ability to learn during the professional career of a
preschool teacher, occasionally demonstrates the ability to critically analyse and assess the current level
of professional image
The future preschool teacher partially understands the importance of professional image in his/her
professional career, but does not show a desire to achieve and confirm his/her professional image
positions, has certain skills necessary to improve and maintain his/her professional image, does not
understand the dependence of professional image on professional competence, professional skills, the
ability to learn during the professional career of a preschool teacher, does not have the ability to critically
analyse and assess the current level of professional image
The formative stage of the research involves developing and testing a programme for building the
professional image of future preschool teachers. Table 3 presents the content of the programme.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 3.
Programme for building the professional image of future preschool teachers
Topic of the
training session
The aim of the training session
Target audiences of the
training session
Why does the future
preschool teacher
need a professional
Formation of a conscious attitude to the
professional image of a preschool teacher
Future preschool teachers,
teaching staff of HEIs
What is included in
my professional
The formation of an understanding of the
components of the professional image of a
preschool teacher, the ability to self-assess the
professional image
Future preschool teachers,
teaching staff of HEIs
Building a
professional image:
criteria, advantages
Development of an individual programme for
building the professional image of a preschool
Future preschool teachers,
practicing preschool teachers
Changing the
professional image:
methods, ways,
Adjustment of the individual programme of
building the professional image of a preschool
Future preschool teachers,
teaching staff of HEIs,
researchers, methodologists
of preschool education
Start, restart and
transformation of
the preschool
professional image
Formation of image flexibility of a preschool
teacher, taking into account current educational
transformations and destructive challenges
Future preschool teachers,
researchers, methodologists
and heads of preschool
education institutions
Professional image
and target
audiences of a
preschool teacher
Awareness of the leading influence of the target
audiences with whom he works (children,
parents, colleagues, the administration of the
educational institution, specialists of other
profiles, representatives of education
management bodies) on the preschool teacher’s
professional image
Future preschool teachers,
practicing preschool
teachers, methodologists
and heads of preschool
education institutions,
representatives of parent
communities and public
The professional
image of a
preschool teacher:
how to respond to
the challenges of
modern education
The formation of a conscious understanding of
the positive and at the same time destructive
effect of various factors of the educational and
professional environment on the preschool
teacher’s professional image, the formation of
adaptation skills to the action of factors that have
a corrective effect on the preschool teacher’s
professional image
Future preschool teachers,
practicing preschool
teachers, methodologists
and heads of preschool
education institutions,
teaching staff of HEIs
How a modern
preschool teacher
can maintain image
Development of skills necessary for correcting
and improving the current level of the preschool
teacher’s professional image, awareness of the
difference between the current and optimal level
of the preschool teacher’s professional image
and determination of ways to achieve the
optimal level of the preschool teacher’s
professional image
Future preschool teachers,
practicing preschool
teachers, methodologists
and heads of preschool
education institutions
How to use your
professional image
in employment
Confirmation of understanding of the clear
relationship between the level of the preschool
teacher’s professional image (current, achieved,
Future preschool teachers,
practicing preschool
teachers, methodologists
and heads of preschool
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Effectiveness of Training in Building the Professional Image of Future Preschool Teachers. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 222-237
optimal) and its impact on the results of
employment and consolidation in the profession
education institutions,
teaching staff of HEIs
How a developed
professional image
Development of skills to optimally use the
advantages of professional image
Future preschool teachers,
practicing preschool
teachers, methodologists
and heads of preschool
education institutions,
teaching staff of HEIs
The primary data were processed using Excel spreadsheet. Statistical processing of the research results
was carried out using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Cronbach’s alpha was used to determine the
reliability of the author’s questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha 0.8).
Ethical criteria. The study involved obtaining consent from all its participants. All respondents of the study
gave consent to participate in it. The study involved direct intervention in the educational process through
the introduction of training sessions in the professional training of future preschool teachers. All
adjustments to the educational process have been agreed with the administration and teaching staff of the
Testing of future preschool teachers was conducted at the summative and formative stages of the research.
Tables 4, 5 summarized the results of testing all respondents at the summative stage of the research in
percentage for each component of the preschool teacher’s professional image.
Table 4.
The levels of the professional image of future preschool teachers (bachelor qualification level) at the
summative stage of the research (%)
Components of professional image
Development levels
Motivational and value
Practical and activity
Prognostic and reflexive
Source: developed by the author
Table 4 shows that at the formative stage of the research respondents with medium and low levels of
professional image for each of the components prevail. Among future bachelor preschool teachers, the
most developed professional image is based on the motivational and value component, and the least on
the practical and activity, as well as prognostic and reflexive one. Future bachelor preschool teachers
understand the importance of professional image in the professional career of a preschool teacher, strive
to achieve and establish professional image positions. But the obstacles in their aspirations are the absence
or insufficient level of the skills necessary for building a professional image, for carrying out a critical
analysis and assessment of the current level of the professional image and awareness of the need for the
growth of the preschool teacher’s professional image.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 5.
The levels of the preschool teachers’ professional image (master’s degree) at the summative stage of the
research (%)
Components of professional image
Development levels
Motivational and value
Practical and activity
Prognostic and reflexive
Source: developed by the author
Table 5 shows that persons with high and medium levels of professional image prevail among the future
master preschool teachers for each of its components. The most developed professional image is based
on the motivational and value component, and the least on the prognostic and reflexive one. Future
master preschool teachers understand the importance of professional image in their professional career,
strive to achieve and establish professional image positions, and have the necessary skills for this purpose.
At the same time, it is difficult for them to critically analyse and evaluate the current level of professional
The comparative data shown in Figure 1 give grounds to state that among the future master preschool
teachers, the indicators of professional image are higher compared to bachelor students.
Figure 1.
Comparative analysis of the level of the professional image of future preschool teachers (masters
and bachelors) at the summative stage of the research, %
Source: developed by the author
At the formative stage of the research, a programme for building the professional image of future preschool
teachers was developed and implemented by means of training. The aim of the programme is to adjust
the current level of the professional image of future preschool teachers. This programme consists of a
series of training sessions aimed at building/correcting the professional image of future preschool teachers.
The experimental testing of the programme was followed by a re-diagnosis of the levels of the professional
image of future preschool teachers. Tables 6, 7 provide the data on the level of the professional image of
future preschool teachers at the formative stage of the study.
High Medium Low
Masters Bachelors
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Effectiveness of Training in Building the Professional Image of Future Preschool Teachers. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 222-237
Table 6.
Levels of the professional image of future preschool teachers (bachelor qualification level) at the formative
stage of the research (%)
Components of professional image
Development levels
Motivational and value
Practical and activity
Prognostic and reflexive
Source: developed by the author
Table 6 shows that at the formative stage of the research, respondents with high and medium levels of
professional image prevail among future bachelor preschool teachers. Among future bachelor preschool
teachers, the most developed professional image is based on the motivational and value component, and
the least on the practical and activity, as well as prognostic and reflexive one.
This gives grounds for asserting that future bachelor preschool teachers understand the importance of
professional image in a professional career, strive to build and maintain professional image positions. At
the same time, they do not have a sufficient level of the necessary skills to build a professional image.
Future bachelor preschool teachers have difficulties in carrying out a critical analysis and assessment of
the current level of professional image and awareness of the need to improve the professional image of a
preschool teacher.
Table 7.
The levels of the professional image of future preschool teachers (master’s qualification level) at the
formative stage of the research (%)
Components of professional image
Development levels
Motivational and value
Practical and activity
Prognostic and reflexive
Source: developed by the author
The data in Table 7 demonstrate that the vast majority of future master’s preschool teachers at the
formative stage of the study have a high level of professional image. Among the future master’s preschool
teachers, the professional image is most shaped by the motivational and value component, and the least
by the prognostic and reflexive one. Such data give grounds for asserting that future master’s preschool
teachers understand the importance of professional image in their professional career, strive to form and
establish professional image positions, and have the necessary skills for this purpose. The main difficulty
for master’s preschool teachers is the ability to critically analyse and evaluate the current level of
professional image.
Figure 2 gives grounds to state that there are 26.7% more persons with a high level of professional image
among the future master’s preschool teachers at the formative stage of the study compared to students
with the bachelor qualification level. There were no respondents with a low level of manifestation of the
analysed indicator among master’s.
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Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 2.
Comparative analysis of the levels of the professional image of future preschool teachers
(master’s and bachelor degrees) at the formative stage of the study, %
Source: developed by the author
Figure 3.
Comparative analysis of the level of the professional image of future bachelor preschool teachers
at the summative and formative stages of the research, %
Source: developed by the author
Figure 3 shows that an increased number of future bachelor preschool teachers with a high level of
professional image (by 26.7%), a proportional decrease of students with a low level of the analysed
indicator (by 26.7%) was recorded at the formative stage of the study.
High Medium Low
Bachelors Masters
High Medium Low
Summative stage Formative stage
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Effectiveness of Training in Building the Professional Image of Future Preschool Teachers. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 222-237
Figure 4.
Comparative analysis of the level of the professional image of future master’s preschool teachers
at the summative and formative stages of the research, %
Source: developed by the author
Figure 4 gives grounds to summarize that there was an increase in the number of respondents with a high
level of professional image among future master’s preschool teachers (by 26.7%) at the formative stage
of the research, compared to the summative one. At the formative stage of the research, there were no
respondents with a low level of professional image. The number of master’s with a medium level of
professional image is insignificant (20% of the total number of respondents).
The studies related to our study emphasize the importance of building the professional image of teachers
of different majors (Karimova, 2022; Kurok & Tkachenko, 2020). The authors of empirical studies state the
positive impact of training methods on the quality of professional training of preschool teachers (Havryliuk
et al., 2023; Hevko & Bytsiv, 2019). In the context of our research, the approach to distinguishing the
components of the professional image, in particular, such as: motivational and value, gnostic, personal and
reflexive, as well as practical and operating (Kurok & Tkachenko, 2020) is also worth noting. The
components of the analysed phenomenon are also distinguished within the concept of our research, which
include motivational and value, practical and activity, prognostic and reflexive. In addition to the
components, we distinguished the levels of each of the above-mentioned components: high, medium, and
low levels.
Summarizing the results of our research, we can fully agree with the positive and negative effects on the
professional image of preschool teachers identified by other researchers. Among the positive effects, the
improvement in professional competence, professional self-development should be noted (Barenthien et
al., 2020). And the main negative influence on the professional image of a preschool teacher is the
excessive enthusiasm of the pedagogical community for the commercialization of its activities (Samoylenko
et al., 2020).
The studies which are different from the our research consider the pedagogical conditions for building the
teacher’s professional image, which include ensuring the readiness of the teaching staff of HEIs to
implement the ideas of image science, creating an algorithm for building the professional image of future
teachers, introducing the category of professional image into individual educational trajectory of a future
teacher, the integration of formal education or activities with informal ones on an innovative basis, the use
of quasi-professional activities as a means of achieving success (Kurok & Tkachenko, 2020). We do not
High Medium Low
Summative stage Formative stage
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la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
single out such pedagogical conditions, but we offer an effective methodical form aimed at building the
professional image of future preschool teachers. These are training sessions as part of the professional
training of bachelors and masters.
Our research is characterized by a systematic approach to diagnosing the current level of the professional
image of future preschool teachers and creating conditions for achieving an optimal level of professional
Our study is important due to the possibility of solving different points of view existing in the scientific and
pedagogical communities of higher education institutions regarding the expediency of using training classes
to form the professional image of future preschool teachers during their professional training in a HEI.
Training sessions are more often used in the system of postgraduate education of teachers in the course
of short-term and long-term improvement of their qualifications. We propose the integration of the system
of training sessions for building the professional image of future preschool teachers into the professional
education of students of pedagogical majors in HEIs.
The main limitations of the study are its focus on students studying to become future preschool teachers.
But the problem of building a professional image is relevant for all teachers without exception.
The main recommendations are to expand the research sample by covering teachers of different profiles.
Further testing of the proposed programme of professional image building by means of training in the
professional education of teachers of other profiles will also be of significant importance.
The research raises an urgent problem of building the professional image of future preschool teachers in
the course of their professional education. The main attention is focused on diagnosing the current and
achieved levels of the professional image of future preschool teachers according to motivational and value,
practical and activity, prognostic and reflexive components. The research established that the professional
image of future preschool teachers is most formed in the motivational and value component, and the least
in the prognostic and reflexive component. This indicates that future preschool teachers understand the
importance of professional image in their professional career, strive to build and maintain professional
image positions, have the necessary skills for this, while being characterized by difficulties in carrying out
a critical analysis and assessment of the current level of professional image and awareness the need to
improve the professional image of a preschool teacher.
The study offers a system of training sessions for building the professional image of future preschool
teachers. The topics of the training sessions include the formation of a conscious attitude to the
professional image of a preschool teacher, understanding and adjusting its components, drawing up an
individual programme for its development, awareness of the leading influence of target audiences on the
professional image of a preschool teacher, the development of skills necessary for correcting and improving
the current level of the professional image of a preschool teacher, understanding the impact of professional
image on the results of employment and consolidation in the profession, development of skills for optimal
use of the advantages of the professional image of preschool teachers.
Este artículo está bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Se permite la reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de
la obra, así como la creación de obras derivadas, siempre que se cite la fuente original.
Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Effectiveness of Training in Building the Professional Image of Future Preschool Teachers. - Eduweb, 2024, abril-junio, v.18, n.2. / 222-237
The results of the study show that the use of training sessions has a positive effect on the professional
image of future preschool teachers. This is evidenced by the increased number of bachelors and masters
with a high level of professional image at the formative stage of research compared to the summative
The obtained results of the research can be used in the educational process of professional training of
future preschool teachers, in the system of postgraduate education of preschool teachers.
The experimental testing of the proposed programme of training sessions on the professional image for
professional and postgraduate education of teachers of other majors is promising.
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