Creative self-presentation skills among students in the educational process of a higher education institution
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self-presentation, creative self-presentation, specialist in mass information activities, professional communication, formation of skills, creative self-presentation.Resumen
The purpose of the study is theoretical and methodological justification and modeling of the process of formation of creative self-presentation skills among future specialists in the field of mass media at the university. A list of skills that determine the effectiveness of creative self-presentation is based on the analysis of works on self-presentation and professional standards of specialists in the field of mass media. The study revealed the specifics of the process of forming these skills at the university. The paper describes a developed by the authors model for the formation of creative self-presentation skills, the effectiveness of which was tested experimentally, a system of technologies and pedagogical conditions for its implementation is proposed. The results obtained in the course of the study are of practical importance, both for educational institutions of higher education, which train specialists in the field of mass information activity, and directly for specialists, whose integral part of work is the creative component.
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Derechos de autor 2021 Olga A. Poselennova, Margarita A. Kovardakova , Irina V. Aryabkina, Yulia A. Chernova , Kirill O. Ravodin
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