Gloss discourse as a gender tool of consumer motivation in the era of digital communications



Palabras clave:

Linguistic and Rhetorical (L&R) Paradigm, Sochi L&R School, glossy magazine discourse (GMD), consumer motivation.


The purpose of the article is to characterize the glossy magazine discourse (GMD) of the early 21st century as a powerful tool for influencing the recipient in a situation with prevailing digital communication and electronic advertising, as a special discursive process that acts as an explicit tool of globalization.
The phenomenon of creating consumer motivation for predictable purchasing behavior, which is influenced by print and electronic glossy magazine discourse, is analyzed from the standpoint of the Linguistic and Rhetorical (L&R) Paradigm of the Sochi scientific school. The authors suggest an original synergetic methodology combining the methods of linguistics, new rhetoric, pedagogy, psychology and economic management emphasizing the novelty of this discourse in the context of its influence on the formation and transformation of the modern linguistic personality.
It is concluded that this type of discourse, the latest in terms of chronology of the historical process, actualizes the polyethnic sociocultural & educational space of the early 21st century at a new level (on the example of Russia).
It is proved that GMD stimulates transformations in line with the leading trend of the formation of a "planetary linguistic personality" with the value orientations of the "philosophy of glamour".

Biografía del autor/a

Aleksandra A. Vorozhbitova, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia.

Doctor of Philology, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Romano-Germanic and Russian Philology, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia.

Zulima Z. Bzegezheva, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia.

Ph. D. of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Romano-Germanic and Russian Philology, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia.

Anastasia A. Buryanova, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia.

Senior lecturer of the Department of Romano-Germanic and Russian Philology, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia.

Lyudmila V. Prus, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia.

Ph. D. of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Romano-Germanic and Russian Philology, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia.


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Cómo citar

Vorozhbitova, A. A. ., Bzegezheva, Z. Z. ., Buryanova, A. A. ., & Prus, L. V. . (2021). Gloss discourse as a gender tool of consumer motivation in the era of digital communications. Revista Eduweb, 15(2), 245–260.


