The innovative way of development of pedagogical sciences: a modern look at the study of current problems



Palabras clave:

Ciencias pedagógicas, innovaciones, métodos de enseñanza y educación, orientación humanista, tecnologías pedagógicas.


The article aims to identify the main innovative changes taking place in modern pedagogical sciences. The methods used to obtain the expected results: analysis of scientific sources, comparative analysis of the processed literature and its generalization, description of factual information, the method of synergy, and identification of the highest priority further innovative ways of transformation of the complex pedagogical sciences in modern conditions. As a result, the vectors of development of individual pedagogical sciences are outlined and the pedagogical conditions necessary for innovative approaches are indicated.

Biografía del autor/a

Zhanna Dedusenko, Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, Ukraine.

Associate Professor Head of the Chamber Ensemble Department. Ph.D. in History of Arts Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, Performance and Musicology Faculty, Ukraine.

Oleh Kopeliuk, Kharkiv I.P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, Ukraine.

PhD in Art Studies, Accociate Professor Kharkiv I.P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, Special Piano Department Ukraine, Ukraine.

Emma Kupriianenko, I.P. Kotlyarevsky Kharkov National University of Arts, Ukraine.

PhD in Art Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of of Chamber Ensemble I.P. Kotlyarevsky Kharkov National University of Arts, Department of Chamber Ensemble, Constitution Square, Ukraine.

Olha Sydorenko, Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, Ukraine.

PhD in Art Studies Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, Performance and Musicology Faculty, Chamber Ensemble Department Maidan Konstytutsii 11/13, Ukraine

Daria Kutluieva, Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, Ukraine.

Postgraduate student of the music theory, lecturer of the General and Specialized Piano Department Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, Orchestra Faculty, General and Specialized Piano Department Maidan Konstytutsii 11/13, Ukraine.


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Cómo citar

Dedusenko, Z. ., Kopeliuk, O. ., Kupriianenko, E. ., Sydorenko, O. ., & Kutluieva, D. . (2022). The innovative way of development of pedagogical sciences: a modern look at the study of current problems. Revista Eduweb, 16(2), 155–165.


