Distance education in the conditions of martial law in institutions of higher education: development and practice
https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.03.6Palabras clave:
online education, learning process during military conflicts, obstacles to online education, perspectives on online education, education during wartime, learning process in higher education institutions.Resumen
The aim of the article is to establish the peculiarities of existing obstacles and promising directions of online education system d evelopment in the context of military conflicts of the present. The research is based on the results of the study of scientific literature in the field of online education during war and the study of practical aspects of this issue. The analytical and bibliographic method was used to conduct the study by studying the scientific literature on the issues of online education in higher education during martial law. An online questionnaire survey of the heads of departments of higher education institutions working with students during military conflicts in the territory of the HEIs was also used. As the heads of departments of higher education noted in their responses, the main obstacles to the development of online education are the lack of development and implementation of educational online platforms, the low rate and quality of creation or adaptation of information technology and e-learning tools.
The participants of the survey identified promising areas of development of online learning in higher education during military operations: updating of software and hardware, providing higher education institutions with quality Internet access and distance learning, taking into account current trends in information and educational technologies.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Hanna Marynchenko, Nataliia Nosovets, Yurii Bezruchenkov, Yuliia Oliinyk, Svitlana Bykova
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