The rational unified process (RUP) as a methodology in the mobile-learning as an educational tool


  • Editor Universidad Nueva Esparta Caracas-Venezuela


Mobile-Learning, Teaching and learning, RUP, Educational Model, Knowledge Management.


The present research aimed to propose the methodology “Rational Unified Process” (RUP) to implement the Mobile learning,
as a tool and modality for the teaching and learning process at the institution. So it was necessary to perform a documentary
analysis and generate critical discussions between teachers and students about positive and negative features of such a
tool. The follow-up of the RUP implementation has been successful; however, it is still required not only to conciliate basics
of the University educational model with information and communication systems, but also to achieve technological culture
in the use of Mobile learning.


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How to Cite

Flores , W. . (2015). The rational unified process (RUP) as a methodology in the mobile-learning as an educational tool. Eduweb, 9(1), 97–108. Retrieved from


