Virtual learning objects and their impact on the quality of teaching in virtual education


  • Editor Institución Educativa: Ingenium Desarrollo Virtual Maracay. Venezuela


Virtual Learning Objects. Quality and Virtual Environments. Meaningful learning.


The objective was to demonstrate the importance of virtual learning objects for quality assurance in the learning process in a virtual environment. It was an evaluative field research with documentary support, conformed by a population of 70 teachers. It was concluded that scales analyzed in virtual learning objects were important and essential to guarantee the quality of data, because they contained all the information developed with various resources, able to capture the participant´s attention, involving them in the learning process, motivating researching and delving into a subject.


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How to Cite

Tovar G. , I. C. . (2014). Virtual learning objects and their impact on the quality of teaching in virtual education. Eduweb, 8(1), 113–126. Retrieved from


