Una experiencia educativa utilizando Listas de Discusión


  • Enrique Silva Escuela de Educación UCV.


Supervised University Studies. Discussion Lists. Action-Research


Discussions lists, as a complement of face-to-face tutorials, have been previously used by the Supervised University Studies at the School of Education, Central University of Venezuela. Our goals are to improve the students’ learning process, and to create virtual spaces that encourage collaborative work among peers. The investigation follows the Action-Research principles within a cyclical process, made up by three mayor phases: planning, action, reflection. The starting point is the professor’s work analysis, which takes into account: the educational objectives, the researchers’ own methodology and their interaction with colleagues and students that generates ideas during the process. In conclusion, the educational program needs more effort by professors and students, which eventually result in a higher grade of participation and quality. SUS costs decrease as the number of tutorial travels reduces. It is recommended to improve computer lab equipment, the number of qualified technologically-savvy professionals and to promote technological culture from the very first semesters.


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Cornieles, Idalia. (2002). El correo electrónico. En Contexto Educativo. Revista digital de Educación y nuevas tecnologías. [On-line] Disponible en: http://contexto-educativo.com.ar/2002/2/nota-09.htm [Consulta: 2004 diciembre]

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Carr, W. y Kemmis, S. (1988). Teoría crítica de la enseñanza: La investigación – acción en la formación del profesorado. España: Ediciones Martínez Roca, S.A.

Kemmis, S. y Mc Taggart, R. (1988). Como planificar la investigación-acción. Barcelona: Alertes, S. A.

Martínez, M. (2000). La investigación-acción en el aula. Agenda Académica, / (1), 27 – 39.

Silva, Enrique (2005): Reflexiones acerca de la facilitación y moderación de espacios virtuales. Mímeo. UNESR

Silva, Enrique (2007). Una Experiencia para mejorar los aprendizajes, con el uso de las TIC, en los EUS, Núcleo Barquisimeto de la UCV. Trabajo de Ascenso.



How to Cite

Silva, E. (2008). Una experiencia educativa utilizando Listas de Discusión. Eduweb, 2(1), 69–87. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/142


