The Knowledge economy as Don


  • Editor Universidad de los Andes. Facultad de Ingeniería
  • Bruno Jerardino Wiesenborn Universidad de los Andes. Facultad de Ingeniería


Knowledge, Economic activity, Society, Dynamics, Different rationality


Knowledge has be come a key factor in the processes of economic growth in current society. This growth has been acknowledged and current society is usually la beled as “knowl edge so ci ety” in rec og ni tion to its im pact in economic mi lieu. How ever, a closerre view of the grounds upon which this success lies on re veals that knowl edge due to its characteristics is valuable beyond its util ity. Indeed, the water mark of knowledge is its accessibility. It is argued in this paper that a different approach based on the rationality of “gift-econ omy” provides a more suit able frame - work to understand the appropriate role of knowledge in society.


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How to Cite

Ochoa Arias , A. ., & Wiesenborn , B. J. . (2013). The Knowledge economy as Don. Eduweb, 7(especial), 15–36. Retrieved from


