Design of a computerized educational material for teaching the topic: multimedia Scripts.


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
  • Elyana Coronel Juárez Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
  • María Angélica Rodríguez Torres Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


Computerized Educational Material - Multimedia Applications - Multimedia Scripts - Teaching.


The objective of the present study is to design a Computerized Educational Material (CEM) for teaching the topic Multimedia
Scripts which belongs to the course Introduction to Multimedia. Some learning theories were applied: Piaget’s cognitive theory, the Brunner’s discovery assumption, Vigotsky’s socio cultural principles, Gagné’s Information Processing theory and the Arias, Lopez and Rosario’s Instructional Model. It was a descriptive design, framed under the form of feasible project and applied on the Diploma course Multimedia Applications, with a no probabilistic sample of nine participants registered in the course Introduction to Multimedia. A 22 items dichotomous scale questionnaire was designed to gather data. The Kuder Richardson’ correlation coefficient (KR-20) was applied to test the reliability of the questionnaire, and whose 0,75 reliability was statistically considered as highly significant. Results showed that the CEM is suitable for participants to be able to learn different multimedia scripts, and the model also applies to foreseeing the content of the proposal, how teaching strategies can be applied through some computer programs: Photoshop, CorelDraw, Director, among others, because a multimedia application is required for participants to get their degree.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Zambrano , A. D. . ., Coronel Juárez , E. ., & Rodríguez Torres , M. A. . (2013). Design of a computerized educational material for teaching the topic: multimedia Scripts. Eduweb, 7(1), 115–129. Retrieved from


