A training experience for the use of the Interactive eboard at Litoral Campus of Simon Bolivar University


  • Editor Universidad de Salamanca, España
  • Macringer Omaña Universidad Simón Bolívar, Departamento de Tecnología de Servicios C.P. 1160, Camurí Grande, estado Vargas, Venezuela


Interactive whiteboard. Collaborative learning. ICT.


Technological advances in the use of resources in the classroom have led universities to the keep on adopting these type of resources and, therefore, to train its faculty and staff to get better benefits, from the perspective of improving processes using novel devices, such as the case of Simón Bolívar University (Litoral campus), where its classrooms are now empowered by the use of modern computers and multimedia equipments that will facilitate the access to the web to teachers and community,
in general; and the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in its administrative and academic work. This article present a training experience developed in the workshop "Interactive Whiteboard, a step in the Digitalization of Educational Environments", whose purpose was to develop and implement new educational methods to renew the educative process. It was a descriptive field research design. The population was constituted by 29 participants (22 professors and 7 administrators) distributed in two courses. The objective of participants' training was to strengthen necessary skills to make use of Interactive Whiteboard (IW) in the classroom, throughout the knowledge of technical specifications, the performance of educational practices and the development of teaching materials. Participants showed high interest in the use of IW and agreed that it is useful not only in teaching but in supporting many administrative processes, as well as in promoting ecological culture.


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How to Cite

Campos Ortuño , R. ., & Omaña , M. . (2012). A training experience for the use of the Interactive eboard at Litoral Campus of Simon Bolivar University. Eduweb, 6(1), 25–37. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/225


