
  • Erwin Robert Aguirre Villalobos Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín


Visual Communicative Strategies. Layout. Web Instructional Applications


The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the com- municative visual strategies employed in the Web instructio- nal applications, following the Costa’s (2003) and Bonsiepe’s (1999) theoretical postulates. This descriptive research analyzed the actual characteristics of visual communicative strategies employed in the Web instructional applications, as well as their functions, uses and applications. The population was conformed by 61 Web instructional applications of free admission, that were found by the browser in Spanish. The sample was constituted by 40 Web instructional applications, which were analyzed through an 80 item observation guideline. Content analysis was used as a methodological technique. It is concluded that the Web instructional applications need to make a better use of visual communicative strategies for their pedagogical and logical applications. Thus, visual communicative rules were established to improve Web instructional applications that would be on-line produced.


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How to Cite

Aguirre Villalobos, E. R. . (2007). INTERFAZ DE LOS CURSOS A DISTANCIA UTILIZANDO APLICACIONES INSTRUCCIONALES WEB. Eduweb, 1(2), 77–89. Retrieved from


