Aplicaciones De La Integral Definida, Aprendizaje Interactivo


  • Laura Guerra T Universidad de Carabobo


Educational Software, Meaningful Learning, Computerized Educational Material, Integral Calculus


This research consisted on developing and validating  a  computerized  educational  material  (CEM)  based  on  multimedia  technology to answer the research problem presented as “Lack of Teaching and Learning Strategies that rely on Updated and Alternative Didactic Materials in the subject Math Analysis II”, of the second semester of the Engineering School of Carabobo University. The methodology applied was created by the author of this investigation and originated by the contribution of several authors. The programs: Authorware Professional, Maple V and Photoshop were used to carry out the Project. Along the development of the research, a group of collaborators conformed by Math Analysis professors, usability experts, content experts, and some students have confirmed the usefulness of this product.


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How to Cite

Guerra T, L. . (2007). Aplicaciones De La Integral Definida, Aprendizaje Interactivo. Eduweb, 1(1), 39–46. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/291


