La Plataforma Virtual Nicenet, una herramienta Sincrónica y asincrónica para apoyar el proceso de aprendizaje de los Alumnos


  • Madelen Piña R. Universidad de Carabobo


Virtual Board, Distribution Forum, Non synchronized, Synchronized, Information, Communication, Collaborative and Cooperative. Learning


The integration of information and  communication technology  (ICT) to the teaching process is a practice through which time and place barriers are surpassed to allow students to learn, in a wide variety of contexts, by using multiple resources. The creation and hostage of a virtual platform in the world net is a valuable strategy that must be totally profited because it permits the emergence of academic and technological surroundings that make easier the adaptation of professors to the technological educational models that any university should use. The Nicenet free `Platform, a useful tool to stimulate collaborative and cooperative learning, works as a virtual board in the cyberspace. It offers professors and students web pages they can use to widen their knowledge, to discuss issues related to their courses or subjects through a forum, to access on line documents and to communicate with participants in a permanent way through messages. For all these reasons, it enriches education and turns it into a more dynamic, complete, interactive and stimulating process for professors as much as for participants,  without the necessity of knowing about HTML Since some years ago, I have been relying on the ICT  for the different courses I have taught. This time, I am going to present the effective experience in the use of the Nicenet Platform, in the School of Education, at the Computer Science Department, for the subject Computer Sciences, of the second semester of the pensum, during three periods (2004, 2005,2006).


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How to Cite

Piña R., M. . (2007). La Plataforma Virtual Nicenet, una herramienta Sincrónica y asincrónica para apoyar el proceso de aprendizaje de los Alumnos. Eduweb, 1(1), 77–88. Retrieved from


