Diseño De Tareas Para Promover El Aprendizaje Colaborativo Asistido Por Computadora (ACAC)


  • H. Villegas Universidad de Carabobo
  • C Sandoval Universidad de Carabobo
  • E Capote Universidad de Carabobo
  • E Perez Universidad de Carabobo
  • L Colmenares Universidad de Carabobo
  • A Bosnjak Universidad de Carabobo
  • G Montilla Universidad de Carabobo


CSCL (Computer Support Collaborative Learning). Collaborative Learning. Behaviourism. Chat.


The experience at the faculty of Electric Engineer, where it has been produced an educational software as an academic supporting material for different subjetcs from 2001, is that the software itself has not been used by students. So, it emerges the necessity of focusing on the development of a software not only towards the subject content of any course, but also to inclu- de psychological learning theories for its design, such as: Behaviourism, Cognitive Flexibility, Collaborative Learning and Autonomous Learning, to be able to achieve a multimedia educational software model that promotes the active participation of students in such a way that it could facilitate learning among classmates and their own learning.


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How to Cite

Villegas , H., Sandoval , C., Capote, . E., Perez, . E., Colmenares, . L., Bosnjak, . A., & Montilla, . G. (2007). Diseño De Tareas Para Promover El Aprendizaje Colaborativo Asistido Por Computadora (ACAC). Eduweb, 1(1), 89–96. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/298


