TIC Y Educación Intercultural Bilingüe. Caso Pueblo Wayuu


  • Sandra Ysabel Quero Ramones


Bilingual Intercultural Education. TIC at indigenous wayuu schools. Action Research. Educational Strategies.


The purpose of this document is to show the way how technologies of information and communication (TICs) can be used at indigenous schools. Current ideas emerge from the investigation “Use and application of the educational software Suchiki Walekerü“ which is, at the present time, being applied. To be able to get benefits from the application of TICs, it is necessary to follow a methodology that goes far beyond the simple application of an educational software: it is necessary to establish several questions whose answers constitute themselves a methodological process that allows such technologies to be used as a support for the educational projects proposed by the Bilingual Intercultural Educational System, and also, generates teachers’ educational strategies. Following the principles of Action-Research, ruled by an Ethnographic Introspective Existential approach, the development of such a methodology has been limited, so far, to four schools at the Páez District (Zulia State), where teachers and pupils mostly belong to the Wayuu Village, which is the most populated indigenous people, not only at Zulia State but also at national level.



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How to Cite

Quero Ramones , S. Y. . (2007). TIC Y Educación Intercultural Bilingüe. Caso Pueblo Wayuu. Eduweb, 1(1), 97–106. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/299


