Influence of the technical equipment on the educational process




harmonization of the teacher's personality, distance learning, pandemic, psychological state, technical equipment.


Currently, the relevance of the study is due to external global challenges, which include COVID-19 pandemic, which provoked an emergency in a number of countries. Assessment of the psychological state of participants in the educational process and its normalization can help to minimize the decline in the quality of education. The purpose of this study is to identify the possibility of organizing a high-quality distance learning process by identifying negative factors and leveling their impact during emergency situations and situations close to them. The study identified internal and external factors affecting the psychological state of teachers. The correlation between the harmony of the teacher's personality and successful labor activity has been substantiated. In the course of the work, the problem of changing the technical equipment of participants in the educational process during an emergency and close to it was revealed. As a result of the research, the author came to a well-grounded conclusion that the psychological state of the participants in the learning process has a significant impact on the educational process when organizing distance learning. The most significant in this regard is the psychoemotional state of the teacher as the organizer of the process and mentor. The article provides a number of recommendations for leveling the destabilizing factors that have a negative impact on the psychological state of the participants in the learning process and affect its quality.

Author Biography

Elena A. Ostanina, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Moscow, Russia.

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Moscow, Russia.


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How to Cite

Ostanina, E. A. . (2021). Influence of the technical equipment on the educational process. Eduweb, 15(1), 145–155.


