The Mixed Model of Teachers’ Evaluation in Secondary Schools




quality of education, teacher evaluation, professional qualities, results of activity, HRM system (HRMS).


Schools face the need to create a system for managing the performance of teaching employees whose activities are specific, difficult to formalize, and subjected to experiments with different degrees of success throughout the world. This paper deals with providing and management of teacher’s evaluation in Russian schools. The purpose of the study is to develop a teacher evaluation model based on professional qualities and performance indicators. The results of the study were tested on the basis of a survey of teachers after the implementation of the proposed system of assessment tools and evaluation methods. According to teachers, the new system contributes to their continuous professional development and, therefore, to the sustainable development of the educational organization in a competitive environment. The proposed methodology for teachers' evaluation clarifies the general data and meets their expectations, expectations of students and management in terms of correspondence with the development strategies of educational organizations.

Author Biography

Yury Frolov, Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.


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How to Cite

Frolov, Y. . (2021). The Mixed Model of Teachers’ Evaluation in Secondary Schools. Eduweb, 15(2), 110–127.


