The features of the formation of ethno-value consciousness in the modern Kazakh Pedagogical University




consciousness, competence, modeling, interiorization, ritual.


The specifics of the conditions for the formation of the ethno-value consciousness of future teachers based on a comprehensive approach to mastering their ethnic knowledge and skills in the process of competence and activity approaches is the goal of study. The authors used a synergistic approach based on competence-based and activity-based approaches. These approaches include the following methods: interiorization of internal cognitive activity with cross-cultural, cross-competent, cross-linguistic analyses, the method of emotional experience; frame modeling method, competence approach, psycholinguistic and pedagogical experiments. The results the essence of the ethno-value consciousness of the individual is determined; the types of values reflected in the ethno-value consciousness of the individual in the mental form are described, its specificity is revealed; the definition of the ethno-value competence is given and its components are clarified; it is proved that the main methods of forming the ethno-value consciousness of the individual is the event-activity method of reproducing the cultural scenario in order to actualize the cultural space. The results of the study can make a certain contribution to the theory and practice of ethnopedagogical education of students.

Author Biographies

Ainash Aipova, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Kazakhstan.

Doctoral Candidate in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology», Senior lecturer, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Kazakhstan.

Sofiya Apaeva, Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn. Kyrgyz-Chinese faculty.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Decan of Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn. Kyrgyz-Chinese faculty.

Assel Temirgalinova , S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.

Doctoral Student in the specialty 6D010300 «Pedagogy and Psychology», S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.

Anara Shabambaeva , L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

PhD student in 6D020300-History, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Irina Karabulatova , Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN-university), Moscow, Russian Federation.

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN-university), Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Aipova, A. . ., Apaeva, . S., Temirgalinova , A., Shabambaeva , A., & Karabulatova , I. (2021). The features of the formation of ethno-value consciousness in the modern Kazakh Pedagogical University. Eduweb, 15(2), 229–244.


