Design an online course to support the formation of the professor in the area of physics of the engineering carrer


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
  • María T. Cruz L. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
  • Alicia J. González R. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


Teacher formation, physics, Moodle platform, ecosystemic formative approach


The design of an online course to support the formation of the physics professor of the engineering career at the University of Carabobo (Venezuela) is presented. Its purpose is to promote the revision of concepts and fundamental laws of classical mechanics and encourage the development of the teacher with needs for improvement in the area. The instructional model CDAVA de Medina (2011) and the competency-based curriculum from the Ecosystem Formative Approach of Durant and
Naveda (2013) were used. The course will be taught using the MOODLE platform of the Distance Education System of the University of Carabobo (SEDUC).


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Recuperado de:

Medina, E. (2011). Material instruccional CDAVA: Componente didáctico para ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje. Valencia: Universidad de Carabobo.

Resnick, R., Halliday, D. y Krane, K. S. (2007). Física: Volumen 1. México: Grupo Editorial Patria.

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How to Cite

Martínez M. , A. E. ., Cruz L. , M. T. ., & González R. , A. J. . (2019). Design an online course to support the formation of the professor in the area of physics of the engineering carrer. Eduweb, 13(1), 89‐107. Retrieved from


