Academic coaching for the strengthening of management skills in institutions of District 09D02 Guayaquil-Ecuador, 2021




Academic coaching, management skills, Educational Institutions.


Academic coaching for the strengthening of management skills in District 09D02 of the city of Guayaquil in Ecuador is presented. The objective was to propose a program for the managers of the Educational Institutions of the mentioned District, in the year 2021. The research is projective with a quantitative approach, a transversal-transactional design. The results suggest implementing a program in the dimensions of leadership, communication, and emotional management, for the maintenance of their managerial skills. Among the conclusions, the managers express a high degree of agreement with the content of a learning and community participation and insertion program of the educational entity.

Author Biography

Martha Gina del Rocío Inca Álvarez, Ministerio de Educación Ecuador.

Ministerio de Educación Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Inca Álvarez, M. G. del R. . (2022). Academic coaching for the strengthening of management skills in institutions of District 09D02 Guayaquil-Ecuador, 2021. Eduweb, 16(1), 42–53.


