The eternal mathitis and the purge to build a life with meaning




apprentice, purge of the intellect, life, meaning, consciousness.


The current human being is an entity in process, an eternal apprentice (Mathitís), in that passing of life, he may not be able to see the reason for his existence. Therefore, the general objective was to carry out an exegetical exercise of the existentialist methodological proposal of the meaning of life and comment on the strategies for pedagogical applicability. The methodology, documentary, with exegetical study of: Frankl (2010) analysis before the existential emptiness, and Evelyn Underhill (2006) the purging of the intellect to find the way. From this, three interlinear glosses are built that invite the practice of a fundamental education, aimed at conscience, love of others, oneself and the responsibility of being.

Author Biography

Mónica Elizabeth Valencia Bolaños, Universidad Nacional de Educación UNAE- Ecuador.

Universidad Nacional de Educación UNAE- Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Valencia Bolaños, M. E. . (2022). The eternal mathitis and the purge to build a life with meaning. Eduweb, 16(1), 99–110.


