Promotion of the literary text in the university: between screens and books


  • Editor Departamento de Español y Literatura, Universidad de Los Andes, Núcleo Táchira. San Cristóbal, Venezuela
  • Marisol García Romero Departamento de Español y Literatura, Universidad de Los Andes, Núcleo Táchira. San Cristóbal, Venezuela


promotion of the literary text, social net Facebook, university education.


The emergence of the social nets show spaces where the literary reading could take place and connect with the reading practices of the digital natives. In this sense, the action research promoted the literary text in the students of the subject Venezuelan Literature of the XX century (U-2014), through the creation of a page in the social net Facebook. In conclusion, the use of the social nets is a task that cannot be isolated from the teachers’ formation, considering that the future teacher must be a reading promoter in the classrooms with the support of technology.


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How to Cite

Castro Rondón , V. ., & García Romero , M. . . (2018). Promotion of the literary text in the university: between screens and books. Eduweb, 12(1), 48‐67. Retrieved from


