The impact of studying the life safety with the basics of labor protection course on the hardiness of future teachers




hardiness, hardiness concept, Life Safety with Basics of Labor Protection course, students of pedagogical majors, threats.


The aim of the research is to determine the impact of studying Life Safety with Basics of Labor Protection course on the hardiness of future еteachers (preschool teachers, primary school teachers, middle and high school teachers). The Maddi’s Hardiness Survey (adapted by D. Leontyeva and O. Rasskazova) was used as a diagnostic tool, and Pearson’s chi-squared test and Student’s t-test were used for statistical analysis. It was found that the average hardiness indicators of future teachers – students majoring in Preschool Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education (by specializations) do not statistically differ from each other both before and after studying Life Safety with Basics of Labor Protection. However, studying Life Safety with Basics of Labor Protection has a statistically significant positive impact on the development of hardiness in students of these majors. Therefore, the results of the research can be the ground for improving the professional training of future teachers, who are responsible not only for personal but also for collective safety during the educational process. Prospects for further research are associated with checking the impact of studying safety subjects on the hardiness of students of other educational institutions and students of other majors in peacetime rather than wartime.

Author Biographies

Yuliia Hlinchuk, Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.

Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.

Halyna Piatakova, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine.

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Hlinchuk, Y. ., & Piatakova, H. . (2023). The impact of studying the life safety with the basics of labor protection course on the hardiness of future teachers. Eduweb, 17(4), 183–196.


