Use of ICTS for intellectual production of knowledge from the doctorate program in education


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
  • Esther Saavedra Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


TIC in education, intellectual knowledge production, Doctorate in Education Program.


This essay makes visible the intention to reflect and interpret the positions and applicability involving the use of information and communication technologies TIC for intellectual production of knowledge from the program doctorate in education. These reflections attempt to specify, visualize and integrate the process of individualization of interwoven elements that offer doctoral student and incorporate new technologies aimed at solving problems. These elements are unique to implement individualized learning linked to the production of knowledge considering technological and scientific demands of the social environment, coupled with the positions of Holmberg, Wedemeyer, Castells and Habermas in order to strengthen information exchange and generation knowledge efficiently during learning. In this sense, the TIC will intertwine as preference reflections and interpretations to facilitate their applicability in the socio-educational context.


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How to Cite

Mogollón , A. ., & Saavedra , E. (2016). Use of ICTS for intellectual production of knowledge from the doctorate program in education. Eduweb, 10(1), 93‐105. Retrieved from


