Computerized educational material to support for learning of quantum physics and waves


  • Editor Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada Nacional, Tinaquillo, Cojedes, Venezuela


educational computerized material, Technologies Information and Communication, Learning, Quantum physics.


This research presents an educational computerized material intended to support the learning content of the quantum physics and waves courses. A non- experimental- field research and a feasible project modality were used. Through a questionnaire, the feasibility of using an educational computerized material as a learning tool was determined. More than 40 learning objects were designed trying to motivate learning in different ways. It is expected to develop other versions with the feedback obtained during the evaluation phase.


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How to Cite

Morales V. , A. A. . . (2016). Computerized educational material to support for learning of quantum physics and waves. Eduweb, 10(2), 25–40. Retrieved from


