Experience in the construction of an open educational resource simulations "Physics: vectors and motion in 2d"


  • Editor Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas
  • Bieliukas Solmar Varela Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas
  • Alejandro Gil Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas
  • José Jorge Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas


open Educational Resources, Html5, Simulations, Vectors, Motion in Plano


In the course General Physics I for the Degree in Physics and Mathematics of the UCV, the school system employee exposes students to large amounts of information and content in the classroom, where the student-teacher interaction occurs. This is promoting the incorporation of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) permitting the practice of theory by computer simulations, promoting an interactive and dynamic learning. Content, Practice and Evaluation: This article describes the development of an Open Educational Resource-free, reusable and extensible technologies to support the educational process.


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How to Cite

Hernández , Y. ., Solmar Varela , B., Gil , A. ., & Jorge , J. . (2016). Experience in the construction of an open educational resource simulations "Physics: vectors and motion in 2d". Eduweb, 10(2), 41–56. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/91


