WIKI como herramienta WEB de aprendizaje y desarrollo colaborativo.


  • Angie Lissette Hernández Jiménez Calabozo - Edo. Guárico.


Wiki, Collaborative Development, Web Tool, Collaborative Learning


Education, in general, has always made use of different sort of tools to facilitate and to enrich the teaching-learning process and to support teachers in their educative work. At present, there is a variety of free tools to promote learning in the classroom. In this sense, the use of Wiki, as one of the informational and communicative technologies in educational environments, is changing the way to approach the teaching-learning process in the classroom for being a promoter of the collaborative model. The development of Wiki emphasizes the participants’ expectations to accomplish cooperative and collaborative works to be able to achieve academic goals. Students have also the opportunity to work with peers, as well as to get benefits from the feedback provided by other groups that work on the same topic. The use of Wiki in educational settings changes the paradigm of a teaching-learning process, in which the methodological strategy shifts from teacher-centered to student-centered process.
Students work to their own rhythm and are engaged in a team work, sharing information which influences, positively, on their own learning. The present research analyzes and structures Wiki as a Web tool of a learning process and collaborative development to be implemented by teachers and students in the classroom for the development of collaborative researches and works.


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How to Cite

Hernández Jiménez, A. L. (2008). WIKI como herramienta WEB de aprendizaje y desarrollo colaborativo. Eduweb, 2(1), 49–68. Retrieved from


