Digital tv and mobile devices. Distance education alternative


  • Editor Universidad de Los Andes Edo. Mérida – Venezuela


Digital TV, Interactivity, Mobile Devices, Education.


The purpose of the present research is to discuss the need and importance of including Information and Communication Technologies, e.g. the Interactive Digital TV and mobile devices, in education processes. According to statistics gathered by this
documentary research, computers and internet are technologies with great Latin America presence, and they are also
preferred when highlighting educational uses of technological advances, disregarding mobile devices and digital television
which have more insight into Latin American household than computers. It comes to Digital Television and mobile devices
as effective means to support distance learning processes, by virtue of their interactivity and mobility


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How to Cite

Ceballos , Ángel . (2014). Digital tv and mobile devices. Distance education alternative. Eduweb, 8(2), 13–24. Retrieved from


