Graphic Tablets as a TechnologIcal Resource in the Development of Videotutorials to Online Courses


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


Graphic tablets. Digitizing tablets. Video tutorials. Technological resources. Online course.


This article aims to address the issue of Graphic Tablets as a technological resource in the creation of video tutorials to be used in the educational field. Graphics Tablets are hardware devices to write and draw by hand. Using Graphics Tablets, teachers can incorporate video tutorials to their online courses, developing them with their own voice and lyrics, and they can address both theoretical and practical aspects related to any subject content. Video tutorials are also technological resources to suit any learning mode supported by any of learning theories, either for an individual or a group work. So that, it is recommended that developers of online courses and computerized educational materials consider the use of Graphics Tablets to create video tutorials that complement effectively the educational plan of its contents, regardless to the subject area, to strengthen the achievement of both: Learning objectives and the development of the students’ skills. Video tutorials can be played as many times as desired, which is an advantage compared to face-to-face classes. Moreover, they can be easily incorporated into the Moodle platform.


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How to Cite

Mendoza , J. . (2013). Graphic Tablets as a TechnologIcal Resource in the Development of Videotutorials to Online Courses. Eduweb, 7(2), 65–77. Retrieved from


