Course for Students of Analytical Geometry at the Santiago Mariño University Polytechnic Institute, Extension Valencia


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


Web-based Course. Analytical Geometry. Moodle


The incorporation of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) has allowed higher education institutions to expand
their offers as well as to solve the problem of inadequacy of their facilities, to take care of people that claim for educational
services. The purpose of the present research is to create a web-based course for Analytic Geometry students, at the Polytechnic Institute Santiago Mariño, extension Valencia. The theoretical framework was set up by: Vygotsky’s sociocultural approach, Bruner’s discovery learning theory and the Operational Methodology to develop online courses and subjects of Advanced Technology Division (ATD), at the University of Carabobo. The proposal responds to a feasible project, which provides a diagnostic phase that was tested by the application of a questionnaire, performing the appropriate analysis and interpretation. Later in a second phase, a feasibility study was conducted, and in the third phase of the project, the development of the course itself took place. To conclude, the design of this type of courses allowed a viable solution for the
issue raised.


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How to Cite

Furioni M. , G. . (2013). Course for Students of Analytical Geometry at the Santiago Mariño University Polytechnic Institute, Extension Valencia. Eduweb, 7(2), 93–105. Retrieved from


