Teaching Strategies Based on WhatsApp Instant Messaging Applications only for Phones (Mobile Learning) and its Use to Promote Collaborative Learning


  • Editor Departamento de Tecnología de Servicios Universidad Simón Bolívar, C.P. 1160, Camurí Grande, estado Vargas, Venezuela.


WhatsApp. Mobile Learning. Collaborative learning.


The present article examined teaching strategies based on WhatsApp and its use to promote collaborative learning in both formal and informal educational processes in “Urban Transport” master degree, at the Simon Bolivar University, from a conceptual and theoretical framework, as the trend that favors the new educational paradigm: Mobile learning. It was a descriptive, blended with a bibliographic research. The main conclusion is that the use of WhatsApp in education together with the training strategy allows the knowledge construction among groups, and it also improves communication.


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How to Cite

Padrón , C. J. . (2013). Teaching Strategies Based on WhatsApp Instant Messaging Applications only for Phones (Mobile Learning) and its Use to Promote Collaborative Learning. Eduweb, 7(2), 123–134. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/219


