
  • Julio Cabero Universidad de Sevilla
  • María del Carmen Llorente Universidad de Sevilla
  • Juan Antonio Morales Universidad de Sevilla


Distance education. Blended learning. Best prac- tices. Higher Education. Teaching Methods.


The main objectives of the research were to identify Andalusian professors’ e-Learning uses; to know the most relevant technical didactic and organizational problems in order to incorporate eLearning at universities; and also to know the main characteristics of didactic materials used in eLearning. The method took into account different strategies to gather data, such as: faculty’s curriculum, faculty’s singular interviews, analysis of materials, as well as student´s interviews. The most outstanding conclusions were the professors’ and students’ positive attitudes toward eLearning, the faculties and learners’ didactic formation and training need and, finally, the increment of academic performance.


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How to Cite

Cabero , J. ., Llorente , M. del C. ., & Morales , J. A. . (2010). ANÁLISIS DE “BUENAS PRÁCTICAS”: APORTACIONES PARA EL E-LEARNING EN LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR (I). Eduweb, 4(1), 9–36. Retrieved from




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