The use of technologies for the evaluation and monitoring of learning: CIDEU platform (know to include the diversity of students)


  • Editor Universidad Autónoma de Chile. Santiago, Chile
  • Ernesto Figueredo Escobar Founder y CEO de Pronos World. Miami, Florida
  • José Enrique Álvarez Solano Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
  • José Concepción Piña Álvarez Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela


Diversity, Evaluation, Management, Platform, Technologies.


The management of student learning upon entering the university demands their characterization and the planning of the training process in collaborative contexts. The objective is to exchange experiences in the use of technological tools to achieve the automation of training processes. The purpose is to present the background of the CIDEU platform (Know to Include the Diversity of University Students) conceived by the Pronos Consultant and implemented at the Autonomous University of Chile from 2013 to date. It’s about the operational description of the CIDEU platform, as a resource for managing and monitoring student learning.


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Industrial. Santiago, Chile: Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Ingeniería

Figueredo E. E. (2020). Progresión de Aprendizajes Básicos: Una Perspectiva Ontogénica. Miami, Florida. E.U.A. Ediciones Pronos


Modelo Educativo de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile. Recuperado de:

Monereo C. (2014). Enseñando a Enseñar en la Universidad. Barcelona España. Ediciones Octaedro, S. L.



How to Cite

Torrealba Cubillos , J. ., Figueredo Escobar , E. ., Álvarez Solano , J. E. ., & Piña Álvarez , J. C. . (2020). The use of technologies for the evaluation and monitoring of learning: CIDEU platform (know to include the diversity of students). Eduweb, 14(2), 251–264. Retrieved from


