Pedagogical implications of digital techs for knowledge manage in the universitary context


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


pedagogical implications, digital technologies, knowledge management


This hermeneutic phenomenological research with the purpose of interpreting the pedagogical implications of digital technologies for the management of knowledge in the Venezuelan University. The knowledge management in the context of the technology virtualization represents a new education model. Therefore, teacher and student´s traditional roles tend to increase because of the new educational requirements. However, this phenomenon apparently does not have permeated far enough into the Venezuelan University, where there are still old models of teaching and learning. The findings revealed that the pedagogical implications of the digital techs depend on the specific purpose to fulfill their potential in education.


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How to Cite

Lasaballett , M. G. . (2018). Pedagogical implications of digital techs for knowledge manage in the universitary context. Eduweb, 12(1), 68‐79. Retrieved from


