Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment socialization practices in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational institutions




The aim of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the socialization practices of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational institutions. The research methodology involved the gradual application of a set of interrelated methods, such as theoretical analysis, systematization, and generalization of data from general and specialized psychological-pedagogical and methodological literature on the researched problem. The findings suggest that there are differences in socialization practices between the two countries: Ukrainian preschool educational institutions focus more on discipline and obedience, while Swedish institutions prioritize play and collaboration. The study concludes that socialization practices in preschool educational institutions play a significant role in supporting the development of social skills among preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.

Author Biographies

Inna Rogalska–Yablonska , Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

DSc. Ped, Professor Prof., Affiliated researcher of the Social pedagogy and social work laboratory, Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Nataliia Melnyk, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

D.Sc., Associate Professor, Professor of Foreign languages and translation Department, The Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Hanna Tsvietkova, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

DSc. Ped, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Pre-school Education, Faculty of Pedagogy, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Sofia Dovbnia, M. P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate professor, Associate professor of The Department of Education and Psychology of Pre-school Education, Faculty of Pedagogy, M. P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Daryna Malysheva, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.

Ph. D., student, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Rogalska–Yablonska , I. ., Melnyk, N. ., Tsvietkova, H. ., Dovbnia, S. ., & Malysheva, D. . (2023). Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment socialization practices in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational institutions. Eduweb, 17(2), 161–176.




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