Procrastination in Colombian university students - a study using the Irrational Procrastination Scale (IPS)




Descriptive, psychometric instrument, procrastination, university students.


Procrastination is understood as the set of behaviors that involve the deliberate postponement of the execution of a planned action. This behavior can generate difficulties both in the present and in the future, impacting multiple facets of an individual's life. The first phase of this study was focused on the validation of the 'Irrational Procrastination Scale' (IPS) in the Colombian population. This was followed by a descriptive phase and the generation of a scale score to facilitate data interpretation for future research. The IPS instrument exhibited satisfactory psychometric properties, with the values: AFC: CMIN/gl2=2.1; IFC=0.94; TLI=0.92; RMR=0.05; RSMEA= 0.08; GFI = 0.82 and a Cronbach's alpha (α)=0.86, making it a valid tool for use among Colombian university students. It was also observed that 31.3% of the participants showed moderate levels of procrastination, while 38% exhibited high levels of procrastination. Furthermore, activities related to the use of electronic devices and internet services, as well as leisure and rest, were found to be associated with the presence of procrastination. Finally, the scales for the scores obtained are described.

Author Biographies

Aldayr David Rosero Bolaños, Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Universidad de Nariño, Psicólogo, Pasto, Colombia.

Quely Sildany Chapid Muñoz, Universidad de Nariño, Colombia.

Universidad de Nariño, Psicóloga, Pasto, Colombia.

Anggie Estefany Acosta Pasaje , Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Universidad de Nariño, Psicóloga, Pasto, Colombia.

Daniela Portilla Ortiz, Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Universidad de Nariño, Psicóloga, Pasto, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Rosero Bolaños, A. D. ., Chapid Muñoz, Q. S. ., Acosta Pasaje , A. E. ., & Portilla Ortiz, D. (2024). Procrastination in Colombian university students - a study using the Irrational Procrastination Scale (IPS). Eduweb, 18(1), 24–35.


