Twitter as a learning tool on european and latin-american higher education: advances, challenges. what’s about to come?


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo, Naguanagua, Venezuela.


Learning, Twitter, Implications, Higher Education.


The purpose of this work is to establish the implications on the usage of Twitter as a learning tool on European and Latin-American Higher Education. In this sense, it was done a documental and bibliographical review about the advances and challenges found by researchers in different countries and regions. After all the collection and analysis of the works and stances from many academics, it could be showed an increasing approximation by university professors and students towards the usage of this Web 2.0 tool in diverse activities of their everyday.


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How to Cite

Freytes Alvarado , M. R. (2017). Twitter as a learning tool on european and latin-american higher education: advances, challenges. what’s about to come?. Eduweb, 11(1), 67‐75 . Retrieved from


