Teaching english language skills through technological tools:Wwiki, interactive presentation and Webquest


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


Webquest, Wiki, interactive presentation, rubric, autonomous learning.


This study aims to determine the influence of the implementation of technological tools (Wiki, interactive presentation, Webquest) in the subject "Teaching English as a Foreign Language" of a Graduate Program at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Carabobo. In this action-research, 10 Spanish-speaking students participated, ranging in age from 30 to 45 years. Data collection, which were triangulated, included observation, a semi-structured and ethnographic interview, a
questionnaire and an analysis of the student products. The findings indicate that the technological tools are motivating and favor autonomous learning and different learning styles; however, they are demanding and time consuming.


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How to Cite

Allegra , M. . (2017). Teaching english language skills through technological tools:Wwiki, interactive presentation and Webquest. Eduweb, 11(2), 83‐97. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/77


