Determination of teaching skills for the development of digital educational resources


  • Editor Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado Barquisimeto - Venezuela
  • Irisysleyer Barrios Rivero Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado Barquisimeto - Venezuela


open educational resources, OER, digital resources, teacher training


This research was conducted at the Lisandro Alvarado University, in order to demonstrate the skills possessed by teachers of the institution in reference to the production, search, dissemination and mobilization of digital educational resources and related knowledge copyright and licensing. It was developed as a descriptive field investigation, quantitative and transeccional with an intentional finite sample. The results obtained by applying a questionnaire to the teachers surveyed it was detected that
90.47% has produced resources, however not all of them are published for information sharing, being recurrent the use of proprietary software and files under production formats slideshow, demonstrating the need to create a corporate culture that promotes the use of free applications.


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How to Cite

Casadei Carniel, L. ., & Barrios Rivero, I. . (2016). Determination of teaching skills for the development of digital educational resources. Eduweb, 10(1), 25‐40. Retrieved from


