Technological innovations in teaching-learning process. Case: Instituto Educacional Juan XXIII


  • Editor Instituto Educacional Juan XXIII. Valencia, Venezuela
  • Carlos Luis Colina Instituto Pedagógico J. M. Siso Martínez Caracas, Venezuela
  • Niurka Oduber Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria Caracas, Venezuela
  • Aracelys Piñate Instituto Universitario de Administración y Gerencia Caracas, Venezuela


Technological innovations in the classroom. ICT. Teaching and learning process. Continuous Comparative Method.


The aim of the present research is to validate the use of technological innovations in teaching and learning process, considering the case of John XXIII Educational Institute. The purpose is to describe the Continuous Comparative Method (CCM) as a qualitative analysis technique to understand the object studied. A semi-structured interview was applied to three teachers with different interests and skills. Once analysis reached the level of saturation, a theoretical foundation emerged from categories studied: Teaching update in the management of technologies and technological tools in the classroom


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How to Cite

Bolívar , J. L. ., Colina , C. L., Oduber , N. ., & Piñate , A. . (2015). Technological innovations in teaching-learning process. Case: Instituto Educacional Juan XXIII. Eduweb, 9(2), 37–50. Retrieved from


